Atmospheric Sciences, University of Washington, 2007.
cv (last updated: January 2020)
My research focuses on the large-scale dynamics of the atmosphere and how
its interactions with other components of the climate system (ocean, sea
ice, land ice) drive climate variability over a wide range of time scales.
Current topics of interest include internal variability of atmospheric jets
and storm tracks, teleconnections to the midlatitudes from the Arctic and
the tropics, the atmospheric circulation under global warming, and abrupt
climate events during past glacial periods.
Josh Dorrington, MSCA postdoctoral fellow, UiB, 2024-2026
Pragallva Barpanda, MSCA postdoctoral fellow, UiB, 2023-2025
Birgit Rinde, PhD student, UiB, 2023-
Hari Ramesh, PhD student, UiB, 2021-
Dandan Tao, researcher, UiB
Andrea Rosendahl, MS 2024 (current position: research assistant, MET Norway)
Fabio Mangini, PhD 2022 (current position: researcher, NERSC)
Etienne Dunn-Sigouin, postdoc (current position: researcher, NORCE Climate)
Peter Y.F. Siew, PhD 2021 (current position: postdoc, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand)
Erica Madonna, postdoc (current position: researcher, Swiss Federal Office of Energy)
Fumiaki Ogawa, researcher (current position: assistant professor, Hokkaido University, Japan)
Clio Michel, postdoc (current position: researcher, MET Norway)
Sebastian Schemm, postdoc (current position: assistant professor, ETH Zurich)
Laura Ciasto, postdoc (current position: meteorologist, Climate Prediction Center/NOAA)
Aleksi Nummelin, PhD 2016 (current position: research professor, Finnish Meteorological Institute)
Zhongshi Zhang, postdoc (current position: senior researcher, NORCE Climate)
Helene Asbjørnsen, MS 2016 (current position: postdoc, UiB)
Raymond Sellevold, MS 2015 (current position: meteorologist, Agder Energi)
Svetlana Sorokina, PhD 2014 (current position: research adviser, UiB)
Ingo Bethke, PhD 2012 (current position: researcher, UiB)
Francesco Pausata, PhD 2010 (current position: professor, Université de Québec à Montréal)
selected projects
Synoptic Precursors for deveLoping Improved Constraints on Extreme Rainfall (SPLICER), Horizon MSCA, 2024-2026
Atmospheric blocking under global warming - sources of uncertainty in climate predictions and projections, Horizon MSCA, 2023-2025
Physiological basis of insect community responses to climate change, Research Council of Norway FRIMEDBIO, 2022-2027
Atmosphere-Ocean Interactions over Key Regions of the Arctic and Their Linkages to Midlatitudes, Research Council of Norway POLARPROG, 2022-2026
Nansen Legacy, Research Council of Norway, 2018-2023
Constraining the Large Uncertainties in Earth System Model Projections with a Big Data Approach (COLUMBIA), Research Council of Norway FRINATEK, 2018-2022
Dynamics of Arctic-Midlatitude Teleconnections: mechanisms, robustness and tropical modulation (DynAMiTe), Research Council of Norway KLIMAFORSK, 2016-2020
Changed weather-related risks by reducing global warming by half a degree (HappiEVA), Research Council of Norway, KLIMAFORSK, 2016-2018
Atmospheric jet variability: linking STRucture, Evolution And Mechanisms (jetSTREAM), Research Council of Norway FRIPRO, 2014-2018
- Osso, A., I. Blade, A. Karpechko, C. Li, D. Maraun, O. Romppainen-Martius, L. Shaffrey, A. Voigt, T. Woollings and G. Zappa, Advancing Our Understanding of Eddy-driven Jet Stream Responses to Climate Change - A Roadmap, CCCR, 11, 2025. link
- Boljka, L., I. Bethke, D. Tao and C. Li, Upstream influence of midlatitude jet stream biases in boreal summer, ASL, 25, e1272, 2024. link
- Siew, P.Y.F., C. Li, S.P. Sobolowski, E. Dunn-Sigouin and M. Ting, Circulation responses to surface heating and implications for polar amplification, WCD, 5, 985-996, 2024. link
- Dörr, J., M. Årthun, D. Docquier, C. Li and T. Eldevik, Causal links between sea ice variability in the Barents-Kara Seas and oceanic and atmospheric drivers, GRL, 51 (7), e2024GL108195, 2024. link
- Spensberger, C., C. Li and T. Spengler, Linking instantaneous and climatological perspectives on eddy-driven and subtropical jets
, J. Climate, 36, 8525-8537, 2023. link
- Vaittinada Ayar, P., D.S. Battisti, C. Li, M.P. King, M. Vrac and J.F. Tjiputra, A regime view of ENSO flavours through clustering in CMIP6 models, Earth's Future, 11, e2022EF003460, 2023. link
- Risebrobakken, B. et al., Buoyancy forcing: a key driver of northern North Atlantic sea surface temperature variability across multiple timescales, Clim. Past, 19 (5), 1101-1123, 2023. link
- King, M.P., N. Keenlyside and C. Li, ENSO teleconnections in terms of non-NAO and NAO atmospheric variability, Clim. Dyn.,, 2023. link
- Outten, S., C. Li, M.P. King, L. Suo, P.Y.F. Siew et al., Reconciling conflicting evidence for the cause of the observed early 21st century Eurasian cooling, WCD, 4, 95-114, 2023. link
- Woollings, T., C.Li, M. Drouard, E. Dunn-Sigouin et al., The role of Rossby waves in polar weather and climate, WCD, 4, 61-80, 2023. link
- Brown, N.J., C. Mauritzen, C. Li, E. Madonna, P.E. Isachsen and J.H. LaCasce, Rapid response of the Norwegian Atlantic Slope Current to wind forcing, JPO, 53(2), 389-408, 2023. link
- Simmonds, E.G. et al., Insights into the quantification and reporting of model-related uncertainty across different disciplines, iScience, 25, 2022. link
- Smedsrud, L.H., et al., Nordic Seas heat loss, Atlantic inflow, and Arctic sea ice cover over the last century, Rev. Geophys., 60, e2020RG000725, 2022. link
- Michel, C., E. Madonna, C. Spensberger, C. Li and S. Outten, Dynamical drivers of Greenland blocking in climate models, WCD, 2, 1131-1148, 2021. link
- Madonna, E., D.S. Battisti, C. Li and R. White, Reconstructing winter climate anomalies in the Euro-Atlantic sector using circulation regimes, WCD, 2, 777-794, 2021. link
- King, M.P., C. Li and S. Sobolowski, Resampling of ENSO to Northern Hemisphere teleconnections, WCD, 2, 759-776, 2021. link
- Siew, P.Y.F., C. Li, M. Ting, S.P. Sobolowski, Y. Wu and X. Chen, North Atlantic Oscillation in winter is largely insensitive to autumn Barents-Kara sea ice variability, Sci. Adv., 7, 2021. link
- Seidenglanz, A., P. Athanasiadis, P. Ruggieri, I. Cvijanovic, C. Li and S. Gualdi, Pacific circulation response to eastern Arctic sea ice reduction in seasonal forecast simulations, Clim. Dyn., 2021. link
- Dunn-Sigouin, E., C. Li and P.J. Kushner, Limited influence of localized tropical sea-surface temperatures on moisture transport into the Arctic, GRL, 48, e2020GL091549, 2021. link
- Mangini, F., L. Chafik, E. Madonna, C. Li, L. Bertino and J.E.Ø. Nilsen, The relationship between the eddy-driven jet stream and northern European sea level variability, Tellus A, 73, 1-15, 2021. link
- Madonna, E., G. Hes, C. Li, C. Michel and P.Y.F. Siew, Control of Barents Sea Wintertime Cyclone Variability by Large-Scale Atmospheric Flow, GRL, 47, e2020GL090322, 2020. link
- Siew, P.Y.F., C. Li, S. Sobolowski and M.P. King, Intermittency of Arctic-midlatitude teleconnections: stratospheric pathway between autumn sea ice and the winter NAO, WCD, 1, 261-275, 2020. link
- Michel, C., C. Li, I.R. Simpson, I. Bethke, M.P. King and S. Sobolowski, The change in the ENSO teleconnection under a low global warming scenario and the uncertainty due to internal variability, J. Climate, 33, 4871-4889, 2020. link
- Eldevik, T., L.H. Smedsrud, C. Li, M. Årthun, E. Madonna, L. Svendsen, The Arctic Mediterranean. Interacting Climates of Ocean Basins: Observations, Mechanisms, Predictability, and Impacts, C.R. Mechoso, Ed., Cambridge University Press, 2020. link
- Hell, M., T. Schneider and C. Li, Atmospheric circulation response to
short-term Arctic warming in an idealized model, J. Atmos. Sci., 77, 531-549,
2020. link
- Madonna, E., C. Li and J.J. Wettstein, Suppressed eddy driving during
southward excursions of the North Atlantic jet on synoptic to seasonal time
scales, Atmos. Sci. Lett., 20:e937, 2019. link
- Roberts, W.H.G, C. Li and P.J. Valdes, The mechanisms that determine the
response of the Northern Hemisphere's stationary waves to North American Ice
Sheets, J. Climate., 32, 3917-3940, 2019. link
- Graff, L.S. et al., The "NorESM1-Happi" used for evaluating the
role of ocean and sea-ice feedbacks under global warming of 1.5°C and 2°C, Earth Syst. Dynam., 10, 569-598, 2019. link
- Li, C. and A. Born, Coupled atmosphere-ice-ocean dynamics in
Dansgaard-Oeschger events, QSR, 203, 1-20, 2019. link
- Schemm, S., G. Rivière, L. Ciasto and C. Li, Extratropical
cyclogenesis changes in connection with tropospheric ENSO teleconnections to
the North Atlantic: Role of stationary and transient waves, J. Atmos. Sci., 75,
3943-3964, 2018. link
- Tandon, N.F., P.J. Kushner, D. Docquier, J.J. Wettstein and C. Li,
Reassessing the role of sea ice drift in Arctic sea ice loss, JGR,
123, 4338-4359, 2018. link
- King, M.P., I. Herceg-Bulić, I. Bladé, J. García-Serrano, N. Keenlyside, F.
Kucharski, C. Li and S. Sobolowski, Importance of late fall ENSO teleconnection
in the Euro-Atlantic sector, BAMS, 99, 1337-1343, 2018. link
- Li, C., C. Michel, L.S. Graff, I. Bethke, G. Zappa, T.J. Bracegirdle, E.
Fischer, B. Harvey, T. Iversen, M.P. King, H. Krishnan, L. Lierhammer, D.
Mitchell, J. Scinocca, H. Shiogama, D.A. Stone and J.J. Wettstein, Midlatitude
atmospheric circulation responses under 1.5 °C and 2.0 °C warming and
implications for regional impacts, Earth Syst. Dynam., 9, 359-382, 2018. link
- Woollings, T., E.A. Barnes, B. Hoskins, Y.-O. Kwon, R. Lee, C. Li, E.
Madonna, M. McGraw, T. Parker, R. Rodrigues, C. Spensberger and K. Williams,
Daily to decadal modulation of jet variability, J. Climate, 31, 1297-1314, 2018. link
- Madonna, E., C. Li, C. Grams and T. Woollings, The link between eddy-driven
jet variability and weather regimes in the North Atlantic-European sector,
QJRMS, 143, 2960-2972, 2017. link
- Spensberger, C., T. Spengler and C. Li, Upper tropospheric jet axis detection
and application to the boreal winter 2013/14, Mon. Wea. Rev., 145, 2363-2374, 2017. link
- Nummelin, A., C. Li and P.J. Hezel, Connecting ocean heat transport changes
from the mid-latitudes to the Arctic Ocean, Geophys. Res. Lett., 44, 1899-1908,
- Sellevold, R., S. Sobolowski and C. Li, Investigating possible
Arctic-midlatitude teleconnections in a linear framework, J. Climate, 29,
7329-7343, 2016. link
- Ciasto, L.M., C. Li, J.J. Wettstein and N.G. Kvamstø, North Atlantic storm track
sensitivity to projected sea surface temperature: local versus remote
influences, J. Climate, 29, 6973-6991, 2016. link
- Schemm, S., L. Ciasto, C. Li and N.G. Kvamstø, Influence of tropical Pacific sea
surface temperature on the genesis of Gulf Stream cyclones, J. Atmos. Sci., 73,
4203-4214, 2016. link
- Shaw, T.A., M. Baldwin, E.A. Barnes, R. Caballero, C.I. Garfinkel, Y.-T. Hwang, C. Li,
P.A. O’Gorman, G. Rivière, I.R. Simpson and A. Voigt, Storm track processes and
the opposing influences of climate change, Nature Geosci., 9, 656-664, 2016. link or read-only version
- Nummelin, A., M. Ilicak, C. Li, L.H. Smedsrud, Consequences of future increased
Arctic runoff on Arctic Ocean stratification, circulation and sea ice cover, J.
Geophys. Res. Oceans, 120, 617-637, 2016. link
- Sorokina, S.A., C. Li, J.J. Wettstein, N.G. Kvamstø, Observed atmospheric coupling
bewteen Barents Sea ice and the Warm-Arctic Cold-Siberia anomaly pattern, J.
Climate, 29, 495-511, 2016. link
- Nummelin, A., C. Li and L.H. Smedsrud, Response of Arctic Ocean stratification
to changing river runoff in a column model, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 120, 2655-2675, 2015. link
- Zhang, Z., G. Ramstein, M. Schuster, C. Li, C. Contoux, Q. Yan, Aridification of
Sahara caused by Tethys Sea shrinkage during Late Miocene, Nature, 513,
401-404, 2014. link
- Eldevik, T. et al.,
A brief history of climate - the northern seas from the Last Glacial Maximum to
global warming, Quat. Sci. Rev., 10.1016/j.quascirev.2014.06.028, 2014. link
- Dokken, T.M., K.H. Nisancioglu, C. Li, D.S. Battisti, C. Kissel, Dansgaard-Oeschger
cycles: interactions between ocean and sea ice intrinsic to the Nordic Seas,
Paleocean., 28, 491-502, 2013. link
- Lam, P.J., L.F. Robinson, J. Blusztajn, C. Li, M.S. Cook, J.F. McManus and L.D.
Keigwin, Transient stratification as the cause of the North Pacific
productivity spike during deglaciation, Nature Geosci., 6, 622-626, 2013. link
- Smedsrud, L.H. et al., The role of the Barents Sea in the Arctic climate
system, Rev. Geophys., 51, 415-449, 2013. link
- Telford, R.J., C. Li and M. Kucera, Mismatch between the depth habitat of
planktonic foraminifera and the calibration depth of SST transfer functions may
bias reconstructions, Clim. Past, 9, 859-870, 2013. link
- Bethke, I, C Li and KH Nisancioglu, Can we use ice sheet
reconstructions to constrain meltwater for deglacial simulations?, Paleocean.,
27, doi:10.1029/2011PA002258, 2012. pdf+link
- Li, C and JJ Wettstein, Thermally driven and eddy-driven jet
variability in reanalysis, J. Climate, 25, 1587-1596, 2012. pdf
- Pausata, FSR, C Li, JJ Wettstein, KH Nisancioglu and M Kageyama, The
key role of topography in altering North Atlantic atmospheric circulation
during the last glacial period, Clim. Past, 7, 1089-1101, 2011. link
- Li, C, DS Battisti and CM Bitz, Can North Atlantic sea ice anomalies
account for Dansgaard-Oeschger climate signals?, J. Climate, 23, 5457-5475,
2010. pdf
- Pausata, FSR, C Li, JJ Wettstein, KH Nisancioglu and DS Battisti,
Changes in atmospheric variability in a glacial climate and the impacts on
proxy data: a model intercomparison, Clim. Past, 5, 489-502, 2009. pdf
- Li, C and DS Battisti, Reduced Atlantic storminess during Last Glacial
Maximum: Evidence from a coupled climate model, J. Climate, 21, 3561-3579, 2008. pdf and Figure 2 corrigendum
- Li, C, DS Battisti, DP Schrag and E Tziperman, Abrupt climate shifts
in Greenland due to displacements of the sea ice edge, Geophys. Res. Lett.,
32, doi:10.1029/2005GL023492, 2005. pdf
- Li, C, P Tercier and R Knight, Effect of sorbed oil on the dielectric
properties of sand and clay, Water Resourc. Res., 37(6), 1783-1794, 2001. pdf
- 2007 Li, C.
A general circulation modelling perspective on abrupt climate change,
Ph.D. thesis, University of Washington.