Text, Action and Space

Performative language and topographical patterns

as converging areas in modern drama, prose fiction and film

First conference: Paris, 20-22 Nov. 2006



Dear colleagues,                                                                                                                                                                                            26.10.2006




The conference will be held

Monday 20 Nov.       room 214                        10.00-18.00

Tuesday 21 Nov.       room 215                        12.00-20.00, and

Wednesday 22 Nov room 214                        09.00-17.00


Centre de cooperation franco-norvˇgienne en sciences sociales et humaines,

situated at

Maison des sciences de lÕhomme (MSH), 54, Boulevard Raspail.




Focus this time:

* Further elaboration of basic questions by examples

* Performative language - Performativity - Performative Aesthetics

* The relationship between performativity and topography.

- Working language: English.

A few photo-copied articles/chapters with relevance for the basic problems have been sent to you by snail-mail.

The third conference day, Wednesday, is thought for planning ahead, but also for  items that we might have to displace from Tuesday.




MONDAY 10.00-18.00 (Moderators: Lars Saetre and Atle Kittang)

(25-30 min. papers, followed by 30-45 min. comments and discussion – lunch will be organized in the middle each day)


-- Lars Saetre: Words of welcome; presentations; project updates

-- Svend Erik Larsen: Places, Spaces and Scapes

-- Erika Fischer-Lichte: The key notions of enunciative performativity, topography, and

                                         transformation. - Can we tighten up the project? Make its basic foci more precise?




-- Patrizia Lombardo: The converging of genres. Language, action and space in film,

                  prose and drama

-- Frederik Tygstrup: Topographical Modelling: Between Representation and Construction



TUESDAY 12.00-20.00 (Moderators: Lars Saetre and Atle Kittang)

(25-30 min. papers, followed by 30-45 min. comments and discussion – lunch will be organized in the middle each day)


-- Ragnhild Reinton: Representation and construction (I): Topographies of experience in

                                            the enunciative acts of prose, drama and film

-- Tone Selboe: Representation and construction (II): Phenomenological significances of

                           house and home in drama and prose fiction



-- Lars Saetre: Concentration and expansion. The performative shaping of topographical

   space, with a view to ideology

-- Atle Kittang: Observation, imagination, reflection. Topography and textual action

-- Ensemble: Reformulation of executive project plan. Strategies ahead.




Prospective displacements from Tuesday; further future planning.

Tutorial for the project PhD-students.

(There may be adjustments to the program.)



We will arrange joint dinner sessions Monday and Tuesday nights.




We have booked rooms for us all (except Patrizia) at this hotel, just east of Jardin du Luxembourg (15-20 minutesÕ walk away from the French-Norwegian Centre at Raspail):


L'H™tel de Senlis

7-9, rue Malebranche

75005 Paris


fax  0033(0)143290024

e-mail: hoteldesenlis@wanadoo.fr



Transfer from Charles de Gaulle Airport:

From Terminal 1: Free Shuttle Bus (ÓNanetteÓ) to railway station - RER train (make sure it is a RER train!) to Jardin du Luxembourg - from there five minutesÕ walk to the hotel in Rue Malebranche.

From Terminal 2: Enter railway station - take RER train as described above.



In case of questions, please contact:




Lars mobile/cell phone: + 47 95823232

Atle mobile/cell phone: + 47 90873185

Signe mobile/cell phone: + 47 91560933




Please book and pay your travels yourselves according to your wishes as soon as you can (preferably as inexpensively as possible). Collect all paid bills, public ground transportation and flight tickets - they are to be handed over to Signe Solberg in Paris and/or after you have returned home. Signe will provide you with the necessary forms to fill in while we are in Paris.





Best greetings from

- Lars, Atle and Signe






Text, action, space, seminar in Paris

November 20 – 22, 2006









Signe Solberg (signe.solberg@lili.uib.no)



Lars S¾tre (lars.saetre@lili.uib.no )



Atle Kittang (atle.kittang@lili.uib.no)



Tone Selboe (tone.selboe@ilos.uio.no )



Ragnhild Evang Reinton (r.e.reinton@ilos.uio.no )



Erika Fischer-Lichte (theater@zedat.fu-berlin.de )



Patrizia Lombardo(patrizia.lombardo@lettres.unige.ch


Own apartment

Anemari Neple (anemari.neple@student.uib.no)



Merete S¾bæ Torvanger (ms-torva@online.no)



Svend Erik Larsen (litsel@hum.au.dk)



Frederik Tygstrup (frederik@hum.ku.dk)

Sun. ev.–

Tue. ev.


Lars Mossefinn (lars.mossefinn@gmail.com)



Randi Koppen (randi.koppen@eng.uib.no )






Contact in Paris: Kirstin Skjelstad (skjelsta@msh-paris.fr )






We have extended two more invitations for participation at the conference:

Associate Professor Randi Koppen, English Department, U of B, who has written on the dramatist Caryl Churchill, and is presently conducting a study on Virginia Woolf; and

Professor Peter Larsen, Department of Information Science and Media Studies, U of B, who possesses broad competencies in literary and media theory, and in literary studies, film and media studies, music, and studies of the arts.