Final all-staff meeting, Bergen 7-8 May 2014

The fourth EarthClim plenary meeting will take place at Clarion Admiral Bergen on 7-8 May 2014. This meeting will be held jointly with the kick-off meeting for the EVA-project.

>>Registration<< (the registration serves as reservation of hotel room as well)

Tentative agenda follows below. Module leaders/co-leaders are responsibile to put together presentations covering the differet modules/WPs.

The EarthClim-presentations should be tailored for the final report (due 30 June 2014). For this, check the original Description of Work as well as the revised project description!

Questions regarding EarthClim to Øystein/Helge, and to Christoph/Trond for EVA.

For practicalities, contact Kim (until 28 April) or Helge.

Agenda in >>pdf-format<< (to be updated in case of changes).

May 7 - EarthClim

1000-1020: Finger food at the hotel

1020-1030: Welcome and practicalities

1030-1140: Status Module 3, Radiative forcing (Jon Egill/Gunnar et al) 
   Presentations by
   - Maria Sand
   - Helene Muri
   - Risto Makkonen (by Jon Egill)
   - Bjørn Samset (skype)

1140-1230: Status Module 2, Climate variability (Asgeir/Ivar et al)
   R. Azad: Atmospheric rivers in NCEP 20C reanalysis and NorESM 
            historical simulations
   L. Ciasto: Understanding Model Spread in CMIP5: Sensitivity of 
            North Atlantic Storm Tracks to Surface Temperature Projections
   I. Seierstad: Experiments with effects of spatial resolution in CAM

1230-1330: Lunch

1330-1350: Status Module 2 (cont'd)

1350-1400: Status Module 1, NorESM (Trond/Mats)
  1400-1420: Massimo (Andreas and Øyind): FLEXPART-based analysis of 
      the transport to the Arctic and Antarctic in NORESM1 during the 
      period 1990-2070 (in progress)
  1420-1440: Alf G, Alf K, (and Øvind): CAM5-Oslo development status
  1440-1500: Mats and Jens: Status: Ocean-cryosphere interactions

1500-1530: Break

1530-1640: Status Module 4, Climate sensitivity (Christoph/Terje et al)
   15:30-15:44 	Feedback effects of BC aerosols - Trond (Maria, Ivar, Patrik)
   15:44-15.58	Oxidant Chemistry and aerosols in CAM-Oslo - Dirk	
   15:58-16:12	Long-term surface pCO2 trends from observations and models 
                as basis for feedback assessments - Jerry	
   16:12-16:26  Bayesian estimate of climate sebsitivity - an update - Terje
   16:26-16:40  Radiative feedbacks in NorESM - Patrik

1640-1700: Final reporting (Module 5; Øystein/Helge)

19:30: Dinner

May 8 - EVA

0840-0910: Christoph: Overview
0910-0930: Trond: Overview about CMIP6 and other MIPs

0930-0935: Alf K/Jon Egill: Objectives of WP1 
0935-0940: Massimo/Andreas: Improved emissions at high latitudes (Task 1.2)
0940-1000: Alf G/Dirk/Alf K: Aerosol and aerosol-cloud development in 
           CAM5-Oslo (Tasks 1.1, 1.6)

1000-1030: Break

1030-1035: Jon Egill: Improved treatment of 'cloud lifetime' effect 
           (Tasks 1.3, 1.4)
1035-1045: Hanna: Permafrost modelling (Task 1.5)

1045-1115: Mats et al: Overview of WP2
    Mats Bentsen: WP2 overview (5 min)
    Mehmet Ilicak: Quarter degree resolution ocean component of NorESM (10 min)
    Jörg Schwinger: Ocean biogeochemistry development and outlook (10 min)

1115-1145: Helge et al.: Overview of WP3
    Laura:  Storm tracks (5 min)
    Nadine: Climate driven reduction of the North Atlantic CO2 uptake (10 min)
    Terje:  Plans WP3.5 and 3.6 (5 min)
    Helge:  NorESM-analysis (5+ min)

1230-1330: Lunch

1330-1345: WP3 cont'd

1345-1430: Øyvind et al.: Overview of WP4
   Øvind Seland : Status and plans for CESM and CMIP (15 min)
   Thomas Toniazzo: State updates by the physics in CAM (10 min)
   Alok Gupta:  Status for computer resources and plans (10 min)
   Detelina Ivanova: Model diagnostics and evaluation metrics (10 min)

1430-1500: Christoph, Ingo et al.: Overview of WP5 
      Ingo: data portal

1500: Adjourn

EVA-deliverables due in first year and relevant for reporting:

D4.1: Set up and test a first version of NorESM2 based on CESM1.2 and 
   NorESM1 (m12)
D5.1: Data portal, project website, and flyer (m6)
D5.3: Dissemination in scientific literature, through conferences, and 
   fact sheets (throughout)
D5.4: Outreach talks with policy makers/decision makers and schools 
   using fact sheets and the mobile exhibition (throughout)

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All-staff meeting, Geilo 17-18 Sep 2013

The third EarthClim plenary meeting will take place at Dr Holmes Hotel on Geilo, on 17-18 September 2013.

Train on Sep 16
  Bergen-Geilo: 07:58-10:52 | 15:58-18:57
  Oslo-Geilo: 08:05-11:35 | 16:01-19:42

Train on Sep 18
  Geilo-Bergen: 15:53-19:05
  Geilo-Oslo: 15:12-19:05

After lunch on Sep 18 (at 13:15), the EarthClim-meeting will be followed by the annual meeting of Norsk geofysisk forening, also at Dr. Holmes Hotel.

Monday, Sep 16, 2013

20:30           Dinner

Tuesday, Sep 17, 2013

08:30-08:45 	Welcome (Helge)

08:45-10:00	Module 1 - NorESM [Trond / Mats] (total 2h30min)

                - Trond Iversen: Short overview of Module 1 with deliverables 
                   and selected NorESM results and prospects  (20 min)

                - Massimo Cassiani: Atmospheric transport diagnostics using 
                   FLEXPART (D1.9) (20 min)

                Preparations for NorESM_2 (to be continued in EVA):

                - Jerry Tjiputra: Biogeochemistry upgrades (D1.7) (15 min)

                - Mats Bentsen: Modeling interactions between ice-sheets 
                   and the ocean in NorESM (D1.6) (15 min)

                - Stephen Hudson (NP): Sea-ice melting processes (D1.6) (15 min)

                - Jens Debernard: The treatment of melt-ponds on multi-annual 
                   vs. new sea-ice (D1.6) (10 min)

                - Øyvind Seland (Alf Kirkevåg, Ivar Seierstad): Explicit aerosol 
                   concentrations in cloud water, and preliminary resolution 
                   experiments (D1.3, 1.4 and 1.8) (15 min)

                - Alf Kirkevåg (Øyvind Seland, Alf Grini): Development of 
                   CAM5-Oslo (preliminary) (D1.5)  (10 min)

                - Ingo Bethke (Alf Grini): Technical challenges: computer availability, 
                   porting, optimal parallelization, storage, SVN or git (15 min)

10:00-10:30     Leg stretch / Tea break

10:30-11:45     Module 1 (cont'd)

11:45-12:00     Module 2 - Climate variability [Asgeir / Ivar] (total 1h45min)
                 - Asgeir Sorteberg: Overview and status (15 min)

                 - Maria Sand: Uniqueness of the climate response to black 
                    carbon aerosols (20 min)

                 - Roohollah Azad: North Atlantic Atmospheric Rivers and 
                    Extreme Precipitation (20 min)

                 - Asgeir Sorteberg: Observed precipitation in Norway - 
                    why has it changed so much? (20 min)

                 - Laura Ciasto: Understanding Model Spread in CMIP5: 
                    Sensitivity of North Atlantic Storm Tracks to Surface 
                    Boundary Conditions (20 min)

12:00-13:00     Lunch

13:00-14:30     Module 2 (cont'd)

14:30-17:00     Module 3 - Radiative forcing [Jon Egill / Gunnar] (total 2h10min)

                - Jon Egill: Brief update on status in Module 3 

                - Maria Sand: Does it matter for the Arctic where 
                   the soot is emitted? 

                - Helene Muri: Competition between homogeneous and 
                   heterogeneous freezing in cirrus clouds

                - Risto Makkonen (presented by Jon Egill): Improved treatment 
                   of aerosol nucleation in NorESM

                - Gunnar Myhre and Bjørn Samset (presented by Jon Egill): 
                    Aerosol radiative forcing in the context of AeroCom

                - Alf Kirkevåg: Current AeroCom studies with CAM4-Oslo involvement

15:00-15:30     Leg stretch / Coffee break

15:30-17:00     Module 3 (cont'd)

19:00           Dinner

Wednesday, Sep 18, 2013

08:30-10:00 	Module 4 - Climate sensitivity [Christoph / Terje] (total 2h15min or somewhat more)

                - Christoph Heinze/Terje Berntsen: Overview Module 4 
                   (Status/open issues) (5 min)

                - Dirk Olivie: Aerosol-chemistry coupling in a 
                   pre-industrial and historical simulation (20 min)

                - Caroline Roelandt: On CLM - results, versions, N limitation 
                   and related feedback (exact title TBA) (20 min)

                - Jerry Tjiputra: Carbon cycle feedback in CMIP5 models 
                   (Arora et al paper) (5 min)

                - Jerry Tjiputra: Carbon cycle feedback with riverine input 
                   to oceans (work with Jorg Schwinger) (5 min)
                - Christoph Heinze: Non-linearity of climate carbon cycle 
                   climate feedback (Schwinger et al, submitted) (10 min)

                - Asgeir Sorteberg: NorESM-M radiative feedbacks - 
                   comparison with other AOGCMs (20 min)

                - Trond Iversen: On climate sensitivity - some shortcomings 
                   of the frequently used IPCC concept of ECS as a quasi-linear 
                   relation between surface temperature change and TOA 
                   radiation imbalance (10 min)
                - Terje Berntsen: Update on climate sensitivity estimates 
                   using bayesian methods (Skeie et al., submitted ESDD) (10 min)

                - ALL: Discussion with all (in particular module leaders) on 
                   synthesis paper concerning NorESM climate sensitivity (20 min)

10:00-10:30     Leg stretch / Tea break

10:30-11:15 	Module 4 (cont'd)

11:15-12:00     Module 5 - Coord and Mgmt [Helge / Øystein] (min 20min)

12:00           Adjourn and lunch

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All-staff meeting, Oslo 29-30 Aug 2012

The second EarthClim plenary meeting will take place at Hotell Olavsgaard near Lillestrøm, just outside Oslo, on 29-30 August 2012.

Registration is closed, but contact Andrea in case of questions.

Tentative agenda (the Module leaders will organise presentations addressing the four scientific modules):

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

09:30-10:00 	Wrap and sandwich

10:00-10:05 	Welcome

10:05-11:00	CMIP5-results

                - 10:05: Mats Bentsen and co-authors, 
                  The NorESM1-M control and historic experiments: 
                  basic evaluation of stability, mean state and variability. 

                - 10:25: Trond Iversen and co-authors,
                  The NorESM1-M historical single forcing experiments, and RCP scenarios. 

                - 10:40: Jerry Tjiputra and co-authors,
                  The NorESM1-ME spin-up and control simulations

11:00-11:20	Andreas Stohl (topic #1): 
                Remarks on the importance and limitations of climate modeling

11:20-11:40	Mats Bentsen and Øyvind Sæland (topic #2):
                Status and future for drifting, running and updating NorESM

11:40-11:55	Leg stretching/Coffee break

11:55-13:00	Group discussion based on topic #1 and #2

13:00-14:00	Lunch (bordsetting 2)

14:00-15:20	Module 4 [Climate Sensitivity, Christoph/Terje]
                - Asgeir Sorteberg / Christoph Heinze (15 min): 
                Physical and biogeochemical feedback analysis of 
                NorESM results [pdf]

                - Terje Berntsen (10 min): 
                Set-up of transient responses to Short-lived Climate 
                Forcers with NorESM [pdf]

                - Trond Iversen et al. (15 min)::
                Climate sensitivity estimates by NorESM1-M [pdf]

                - Terje Berntsen (15 min): 
                Climate sensitivity estimated using a Bayesian 
                Statistical approach - an update [pdf]

                - Questions

15:20-16:00	Coffee break and entertainment

16:00-17:30	Module 2 [Climate variability, Asgeir/Ivar]

                - Asgeir Sorteberg (20 min):
                  Forcing mechanisms for extreme North Atlantic cyclones [pdf]

                - Laura Ciasto (15 min): 
                  Response of the North Atlantic Storm Track to Climate 
                  Change: Understanding the Role of the AMOC [pdf]

                - Ivar Seierstad (25 min): 
                  Storm tracks, blocking and MJO in NorESM  [pdf]

                - Maria Sand (20 min): 
                  Climate response to Black Carbon forcing in NorESM 

                - Asgeir/Ivar: Status of M2

19:00 		Dinner

Thursday, August 30, 2012

08:30-09:40	Module 3 [Radiative forcing, Jon Egill/Gunnar]

                - Gunnar Myhre:
                Multi-model radiative forcing simulations in AeroCom and 
                ACCMIP and relation to CMIP5 modelling [pdf]

                - Risto Makkonen:
                Implementing aerosol nucleation in NorESM [pdf]

                - Helene Ø. Muri:
                Modifications of cirrus clouds in a geoengineering framework [pdf]

09:40-10:00	Jón Egill Kristjánsson (topic #3):
                Future perspectives in Earth System Modeling - 
                what should Norway's role be?

10:00-10:20	Intro, topic #4

10:20-10:40	Coffee break and checking out

10:40-11:30	Group discussion based on topic #3 and #4

11:30-12:30	Lunch (bordsetting 1)

12:30-13:30	Module 1 [NorESM, Trond/Mats]
                - 12:30: Mehmet Ilicak:
                  New parameterizations of gravitational currents and turbulence in MICOM [pdf]

                - 12:45: Alf Kirkevåg and co-authors:
                  Aerosols and aerosol forcing in the CMIP5 versions of NorESM [pdf]

                - 13:00: Dirk Olivie:
                  Atmospheric photo-chemistry coupled to the NorESM aerosols [pdf]

                - 13:15: Trond Iversen and Mats Bentsen:
                  Status of Module 1 and potential ways forward for NorESM [pdf]

13:30-13:45	Mgmt issues

13:45-14:00	Coffee break

14:00-15:30	Short summary presentations from the group discussions,
                followed by plenary discussion based on topic #1-#4

15:30 		End of meeting

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Deadline for IPCC AR5 submission

Please note that the latest journal submission date for inclusion of papers in IPCC AR5 is 31st July 2012.

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Expert review of RA5, Working Group I

Working Group I (WGI) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is pleased to announce that the First Order Draft of the WGI contribution to the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (AR5), Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis will be available for Expert Review from 16 December 2011 to 10 February 2012.

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All-staff meeting, Bergen, 28-29 Nov 2011


Module 1 (1h30min + discussion)

  Trond (15 min)       Short overview of NorESM-m and CMIP5 with focus on the atmosphere
  Alf (15 min)         Aerosol validation in NorESM-m and contributions to aerocom
  Mats (15 min)        On NorESM-m and CMIP5 with focus on the oceans + data availability
  Oyvind (15 min)      On prospects for further development of NorESM (re. NCAR plans, computers)
  Jens (15 min)        On NorESM-m and CMIP5 with focus on the sea-ice (possibly on Tuesday)
  Dimitry (15 min)     On melt ponds on sea ice

Module 2 (55 min + discussion)
  Asger/Ivar (10 min)  Intro
  Maria (15 min)       EOF-based analysis of atmospheric flow regimes in NorESM-M
  Asgeir (15 min)      Diagnosing North Atlantic low-pressure system development
  Nils Gunnar (15 min) Poleward heat transport, new findings from the literature

Module 3 (55min + discussion)
  Jon Egill (15 min)   Introduction and plans concerning the aerosol indirect effect
  Gunnar (20 min)      Aerosol direct effect in CAM-Oslo compared to other AeroCom models
  Gunnar (5 min)       Introduction concerning time evolution of the radiative forcing of SLCFs
  Dirk (15 min)        Radiative forcing in coupled aerosol-chemistry simulations with NorESM

Module 4 (1h10min + discussion)
  Christoph/Terje (10 min) Intro
  Asgeir (10 min)      Plans/results (addressing WP.4.1 Feedback quantification and separation)
  Jerry/Caroline (15 min)  Status of the carbon cycle component in NorESM (addressing WP 1.2.4: Biogeochemistry in NorESM, and WP 4.1: Carbon-cycle feedbacks)
  Terje (10 min)       Regional forcing and responses
  Trond (10 min)       Transient climate sensitivity in NorESM simulations  (addressing climate sensitivity)
  Magne (15 min)       First results using the Bayesian statistical method (addressing climate sensitivity)

Meeting agenda (with presentations as listed above):

	Monday 28 November		
0930-1000	Fruit
1000            Welcome
1000-1145       Module 1 (1h45min)
1145-1230	Lunch
1230-1340       Module 3 (1h10min)
1340-1355       Leg stretching
1355-1515       Module 4 (1h20min)
1515-1555	Fruit and entertainment
1555-1730 	Module discussions
1900		Dinner

	Tuesday 29 November
0830-0940	Module 2 (1h10min)
0940-1030       Summary of module discussions (ca. 10 min each)
1030-1100	Fruit
1100-1230       Plenary/module discussions
1230-1330	Lunch
1330-1500       Project issues, action lists, summary
1500		Adjourn

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Honolulu, 5-9 Mar 2012

WCRP Workshop on CMIP5 Model Analysis with abstract deadline 14 Dec 2011. Details and updated information here.

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