Textual Topographies: (Inter-Disciplinary?/Inter-Generic?/Inter-Aesthteic?) Readings in the Auto-Poiesis of Aesthetic Discourse — Introduction. The Topographical Perspectivisms of Georg Lukács, Peter Szondi and Th. W. Adorno as a Backdrop to the Visualisation of the Central Tenets of The Theory of the Novel, Theory of the Modern Drama, and “On Lyric Poetry and Society” as Integral Parts of the Project of Modernity, and as Crucial Manifestations of Modern Prose Fiction, Modern Drama, and Modern Poetry’s Structural/Integral/Deeprooted Irony and Their by Repetition Critically Re-medying and Socially Re-constructive Totalising Tasks as Foundational Conditions of Possibility for Aesthetic Discourse’s Autonomous and Liberating Auto-Poiesis — A Reading Of Maurice Blanchot’s Negations of Phenomenalisms: “From Dread to Language” as the Incessant Candlefire of Angst — Marguerite Duras’s Agatha: From Spatially Eruptive Imaging to An Autpoietic Combinatorics of Space — The Three Generative F/Phases of Textual Landscaping As Creative Conditions of Possibility in Tarjei Vesaas’s Prose Fiction: “Fall”, “Beautiful”, and “It Keeps Snowing/It Snows and Snows” — The Spaces of Art in a Childhood Memory: Siegfried Lenz’s Deutschstunde — Jacques Rancière’s Re-distribution of Apperception in Autonomous Aesthticism: A Reading of Pure Imaging as Deep-rooted, Silenced and Unseen Topographies of Subjectivity, De-contextualised and Freely Reaching across Phenomenalisms in Repetitional Textual Performativity and Truly Creative Textual Action — In Topographical Retrospect: Jacques Derrida’s “Signature Event Context” as Local Rooms of One’s Own Turned Globally Self-Insistent into Truly Creative Placeholders Extending Across a Combinatorics of Endless Varieties — Topographies of Bourgeois Tragic Drama in Lene Therese Teigen’s Late Modern, Theatre Text Liberations — Snart Kommer Tiden: A Reading of Temporal Spaces in Line Knutzon’s Surrealist and Burlesque Theater Textuality — Sarah Kane’s Truly Creative Mental Topographies: 4.48 Psychosis — “The Imaging Power of Rupture and the Phrasal Power of Language”: Reading The Linguistic and Structuralist Vein in Jacques Rancière’s Truly Creative Spatio-Temporal and Aesthetic Regime — The Aesthetics of the Topographies of Mental Trauma, Oblivion and Memory/Remembrance: Reading Renate Dorrestein’s Novel A Heart of Stone. – The Seminal Problem of Productive Functions and Effects in the Research on Prose Fiction and Narrativity’s Spatial and Syntactic/Combinatoric Vicissitudes in the Auto-Poiesis of Medically Healing and Health-Care Focusing/Promoting Discourse in the Treatment of Mental Trauma and its Relation to Oblivion and Memory — Jon Fosse’s Reiterated, Spatially Narrow Landscapes and Generationally Repeated Genealogical Topographies Turned into Textually Acting Slides of Atonement: The Reduplication of the Theatre Text A Summer’s Day and the Novel It Is Ales.