Text, Action and Space Performative
language and topographical patterns as
converging areas in modern drama, prose fiction and film |
3rd TAS Workshop, Bergen, 23-25 June 2008 --> Update
06.06.08 |
Space and Its Performative
Installations |
Venue: Bergen
Maritime Museum, (Bergens Sjøfartsmuseum), University of Bergen (Seminar room and Auditorium) Haakon Sheteligs plass 15 N-5007 Bergen (Right next to the Faculty of Humanities and to
the University Library) University
of Bergen: http://www.uib.no/info/english/ - http://www.uib.no/ Map of
Bergen: http://www.uib.no/it/pers/edpev/bykart.jpg Accommodation: Hotel Park
Pension Harald Hårfagresgate 35 N-5035 Bergen, Norway Phone + 47 55 54 44 00 - Fax + 47 55 54 44 44 |
Sunday, 22 June: Arrivals. No programme Monday, 23 June: First workshop day (9:00
- 15:30) Tuesday, 24 June: Second workshop day
(9:00 - 17:00) Wednesday, 25 June: Third workshop day (9:00- 15:30) - Departures |
Workshop moderators: Patrizia Lombardo, Svend Erik Larsen, Atle Kittang
and Lars Sætre |
Literature - Important notice: In case you have literary or theoretical text
materials to share on beforehand, please submit them per e-mail in PDF format
to Marianne, Anders and Lars as soon as possible, and they will be made available
for downloading from this net page. --> |
Technical equipment - Important
notice: At your earliest convenience, please notify Marianne, Anders and Lars per e-mail about special technical needs in connection with your paper presentations: Marianne.Eskeland@lle.uib.no, Anders.Gullestad@hffa.uib.no, Lars.Saetre@lle.uib.no |
23 June |
| Monday 23 June Workshop programme |
9:00 Words of welcome SPACE AND THE LANGUAGE OF ACTION 9:05 Atle Kittang (Bergen): "Labyrinths and
Open Spaces: Some Comments on Spatial Forms in Prose Fiction" 10:15 Lars Sætre (Bergen): “Duras’s Space and Textual Action” 11:30 Svend Erik Larsen (Aarhus): "Missing (In) Action. On The Merchant of Venice" 13:00 LUNCH SPACE AND TEXTUAL CREATIVITY (1) 14:30 Ingrid Nielsen (Bergen): "Melancholy, Vision and Creation in W.G. Sebald's The Rings of Saturn" |
| Monday 23 June Fringes |
13:00 LUNCH at "Bølgen & Moi" Bar & Brasserie Bergen Art Museum, Rasmus Meyers
Allé 9, N-5015 Bergen http://www.bolgenogmoi.no/frame.html?artid=81&botnav=1
17:00 Midsummer Eve / St. John’s Eve: Boat Excursion in the Bergen archipelago
(M/Y "Sporen"). Boarding at Bryggen (The Hanseatic Wharf) Light food and refreshments http://www.maritimetours.no/default.asp?kat=351&id=968&sp=1
20:00 DINNER at Restaurant "To
Kokker", Bryggen, N-5003 Bergen |
| Tuesday 24 June Workshop programme | MAKING SPACE HAPPEN: CONVERGING, IMPURITY,
TRANSFORMATIONS 9:00 Patrizia Lombardo (Geneva): "Action and Emotions and the Dynamics of
External and Inner Space (literature and film)" 10:30 Laurent Darbellay (Geneva): "The Power of the Body: Performance and
Painting in the Filmic Space of Jarmann’s Caravaggio and Pasolini’s Ricotta" 12:00 Asbjørn Grønstad (Bergen): "Performing Landscape in Recent Art Cinema – Short Clips, Long Takes" 13:30 LUNCH SPACE AND TEXTUAL CREATIVITY (2) 15:00 Ragnhild Evang Reinton (Oslo): " Georges Perec and the (...) of Memory
" 16:00 Anders Marcussen Gullestad (Bergen): “Making Raids on Human Consciousness – the Longing for Performative Action in DeLillo's Mao II” |
| Tuesday 24 June Fringes |
13:30 LUNCH at "Stragiotti", Vestre
Torggate 3, N-5015 Bergen http://www.bt.no/bergenpuls/restaurant/article239140.ece
19:00 Organ Recital in St. Mary’s Church Cantor Karstein Askeland 20:00 DINNER at Restaurant “Krystall”, Kong
Oscars gate 16, N-5017 Bergen http://www.krystall.no/ |
25 June |
| Wednesday 25 June Workshop programme | SPACE AND TEXTUAL CREATIVITY (3) 9:00 Tone Selboe (Oslo): "Some Notes on Domestic Modernism" 10:00 Anemari Neple (Bergen): "Disappearance, Moves, Escapes. Constructive
Strategies to Knowledge in Tor Ulven's Prose" 11:30 Anders Kristian Strand (Bergen): "The River and the Margins of Language. A Reading of Book 1 in W. C. Williams' Paterson" 12:00 LUNCH AESTHETIC EXPERIENCE: SPATIAL AND
PERFORMATIVE EFFECTS 13:30 Jorunn Svensen Gjerden (Bergen): "Reader Address in the Late Nathalie Sarraute" 14:30 Merete Sæbø Torvanger (Bergen): "Psychoanalysis in Interpretation"
| Wednesday 25 June Fringes |
12:00 LUNCH at
"Spisestedet På Høyden", Fosswinckels gate 18, N-5007 Bergen |
TAS Workshop Participants: Patrizia Lombardo (Geneva) - Park Pension (PP) Sat till Wed Svend Erik Larsen (Aarhus) - PP Sun till Wed Lars Sætre (Bergen) - Mon till Wed Atle Kittang (Bergen) - Mon till Wed Laurent Darbellay (Geneva) - PP Sat till Thurs Anemari Neple (Bergen) - Mon till Wed Ingrid Nielsen (Bergen) - Mon till Wed Anders Marcussen Gullestad (Bergen) - Mon till Wed Ragnhild Evang Reinton (Oslo) - PP Sun till Wed Tone Selboe (Oslo) - PP Sun till Wed Jorunn Svensen Gjerden (Bergen) - Mon till Wed Asbjørn Grønstad (Bergen) - Mon till Wed Anders Kristian Strand (Bergen) - Mon till Wed Merete Sæbø Torvanger (Bergen) - Mon till Wed Network affiliates: Lars Mossefinn (Voss/Bergen) - PP Sun till Wed Knut Ove Arntzen (Bergen) - Mon till Wed Per Buvik (Bergen) - Mon till Wed Morten Auklend (Bergen) - Mon till Wed Jena Habegger (Bergen) - Mon and Wed Adm. officer: |