Key/Primary contact persons, phone numbers, and e-mails:


Course, TBLR Director:

Prof. Lars S¾tre  (U of B)                                         Cell: +47 95823232                          


Course, TBLR Secretary:

PhD-cand. Anders M.Y. Gullestad (U of B)      Cell: +47 91594356                           


Venue Host (faculty):

Prof.Dr.Wolfgang Ernst (Medien-Humboldt)Private no.: +49 030 4476940           


Prof. ErnstÕs Secretary:

Jacqueline Franke (Medien-Humboldt)             Office no.:+49 030 2093-8210      


Organizational,techn., logist. Hand:

Master Stud. Yana Boeva (Medien-Humb.)      Cell: +49 170 3004335                     


TBLR-Board Member:

Prof. Marie-Theres Federhofer (U of T)              Cell: +47 92601456                           


TBLR-Board Member:

Prof. Knut Ove Eliassen (U of NTNU)                 Cell: +47 46818426                          


TBLR-Board Member:

Prof. Unni LangŒs (U of Agder)                            Cell: +47 99421825                          


TBLR-Board Member:

Assoc. Prof. Cato Wittusen (U of Stavanger)    Cell: +47 47854169                           


TBLR/Bergen Board Member:

Prof. Randi Koppen (U of B)                                  Cell: +47 97672468                          


TBLR/Bergen Board Member:

Assoc. Prof. Margareth Hagen                              Cell: +47 41619662                           


TBLR/Bergen Board Member:

Assoc. Prof. Henning Laugerud                           Cell: +47 90552057                           


TBLR/Bergen Board Member:

Assoc. Prof. Christine Hamm                                 Cell: +47 48245260                          


TBLR/Bergen Board Member:

Assoc. Prof. Keld Hyldig                                          Cell: +47 92266355                          






(YanaÕs suggestions)


In terms of transportation I wouldn't recommend you buying whole day or weekly passes; not that they are not cheaper, but they only make sense when you make more than 3 rides.


From/to the airports: This depends on the airport at which the people arrive.

FROM TEGEL you can take the bus TXL, which goes straight to Alexanderplatz and close to your hotel. For this ride you only need an AB zone ticket that costs EUR 2,30.

FROM SCH…NEFELD, please take the regional train, which also goes directly to Alexanderplatz. Or the S-Bahn, but at the moment, it's not very regular. For this ride you will need an ABC zone ticket, that costs EUR 3,00.


At both airports there are ticket counters at the exits, either marked with BVG or VBB, where you can buy your tickets. Or there are for example yellow or blue vending machines with an English menu. Very important is that you always VALIDATE your tickets before you enter the subway, S-Bahn or bus. Sometimes the buses have validators inside or the bus driver sells the tickets. The validators are mostly close to the vending machines.


I would recommend you always buy a ticket when you know you will go somewhere. As your hotel, the institute, the restaurants are very close to each other, there will be no need of using the public transport (very often).However, there is a short-trip-ticket (3 subway or S-Bahn stations, 6 bus or tram stations) and it costs EUR 1,40. It's good for the short distance between Alexanderplatz and Friedrichstrasse.

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