TBLR – Aesthetic Memory COURSE PARTICIPANTS as of 24th Jan. 2011
REMARKS Hotel = Hotel Motel One Berlin-Alexanderplatz, Dircksenstrae 36 |
Professor Dr., Dr. h. c. |
Zentrum fr Literatur- und Kulturforschung Berlin; Institut fr Literaturwissenschaft, Technische Universitt Berlin. |
Guest lecture Thursday 27th Jan.:
The Pictures as the lighting flash for the long echoing thunder of theory formation. On the relevance of art for Benjamins epistemology |
No hotel room. Takes part the whole of Thursday 27th Jan. |
Professor Dr., Dr. h. c. theater@zedat.fu-berlin.de |
Institut fr Theaterwissenschaft, Freie Universitt Berlin. |
Guest lecture Friday 28th Jan.:
Invocation of the Dead – The Potsdam Antigone from 1841 and the Reinvention of Theatre as Cultural Memory
No hotel room. Takes part all tre days?? |
Professor Dr. |
Sonderforschungsbereich Erinnerungskulturen, Justus-Liebig-Universtt Gieen |
Guest lecture Saturday 29th Jan.:
On the Problems of Representing Personal and Cultural Memory: Literature as a Medium for Exploring Fictions and Frames of Memory
No hotel room. Takes part one day. |
Privatdozentin Dr. charlotte.klonk@culture.hu-berlin.de |
Institut fr Kunst- und Bildgeschichte, Humboldt-Universitt zu Berlin. |
Guest lecture Saturday 29th Jan.:
Portraits without Qualities |
No hotel room. Takes
part 28th and 29th Jan. – Lunch both days; dinner only Saturday 29th
Jan. |
Professor Dr. erll@em.uni-frankfurt.de |
Anglophone Literatures and Cultures, Goethe-Universitt Frankfurt am Main. |
Guest lecture Thursday 27th Jan.:
Media and (Trans-) Cultural Memory |
Hotel room from 26th till 30th Jan. (4 nights). Takes part all three days.
Professor lars.saetre@lle.uib.no Director TBLR/National and TBLR/Bergen, Organizing Committee |
Comparative Literature, Dept. of Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies (LLE), University of Bergen. |
Hotel room from 25th till 30th Jan. (5 nights). |
Professor unni.langas@uia.no Board Member TBLR/National, Organizing Committee |
Scandinavian Literatures and Media Studies, University of Agder, Kristiansand. |
Hotel room from 26th till 30th Jan. (4 nights). |
Professor marie-theres.federhofer@uit.no Board Member TBLR/National, Organizing Committee |
German Literary and Cultural Studies, Dept. of Culture and Literature, University of Troms. |
Hotel room from 26th till 30th Jan. (4 nights). |
Professor knut.eliassen@ntnu.no Board Member TBLR/National, Organizing Committee |
Comparative Literature, Dept. of Scandinavian Studies and Comp. Lit., Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim. |
Hotel room from 26th till 28th Jan. (2 nights). |
Associate Professor cato.wittusen@uis.no Board Member TBLR/National, Organizing Committee
Dept. of Media, Culture and Social Studies, University of Stavanger. |
Hotel room from 27th till 30th (3 nights). |
Associate Professor margareth.hagen@if.uib.no Board Member TBLR/Bergen, Organizing Committee |
Italian Literary Studies, Dept. of Foreign Languages, University of Bergen. |
Hotel room from 26th till 30th Jan. (4 nights). |
Associate Professor keld.hyldig@lle.uib.no Board Member TBLR/Bergen, Organizing Committee
Theatre Studies, Dept. of Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies (LLE), University of Bergen. |
Hotel room from 26th till 30th Jan. (4 nights). |
Professor randi.koppen@if.uib.no Board Member TBLR/Bergen, Organizing Committee |
British Literary Studies, Dept. of Foreign Languages, University of Bergen. |
Hotel room from 26th till 30th Jan. (4 nights). |
Associate Professor christine.hamm@lle.uib.no Board Member TBLR/Bergen, Organizing Committee |
Scandinavian Literary Studies, Dept. of Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies (LLE), University of Bergen. |
Hotel room from 26th till 30th Jan. (4 nights). |
Associate Professor zeljka.svrljuga@if.uib.no Supervisor to Inger-Anne Sfting |
American Literary Studies, Dept. of Foreign Languages, University of Bergen. |
Hotel room from 26th till 30th Jan. (4 nights). |
Associate Professor ketil.knutsen@uis.no Supervisor to Lene Be |
Dept. of Cultural Studies and Linguistics, University of Stavanger – Programme for Memory Studies (MemS). |
Hotel room from 26th till 30th Jan. (4 nights). |
Professor svein.gladso@hf.ntnu.no Supervisor to Annabella Skagen |
Theatre Studies, Dept. of Arts and Media Studies, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim. |
Hotel room from 26th till 30th Jan. (4 nights). |
hanne.hammer.stien@uit.no |
Dept. of Arts Studies, Section for Cultural Studies, University of Troms; Troms Museum.
PhD-project: Object as Image: Museum photography between people and object. |
W/o Paper. |
Hotel room from 26th till 30th Jan. (4 nights). |
Espen.Ingebrigtsen@if.uib.no |
Germanist Literary Studies, Dept. of Foreign Languages, University of Bergen.
PhD-project: Erinnnerungsreprsentation, Geschichtsbilder und Narration bei W. G. Sebald.
[Erindringsrepresentasjon, historiebilder og narrasjon hos W. G. Sebald] |
W/ Paper.
Title: Wie Meerespflanzen das Dunkel durchtasten. Erinnerung, Medien under Intertexte in W. G. Sebalds Austerlitz. (In German, w/ Norwegian abstract) |
Hotel room from 26th till 31st Jan. (5 nights). |
bo.byrkjeland@if.uib.no |
Spanish-American Literary and Cultural Studies, Dept. of Foreign Languages, University of Bergen.
PhD-project: Latinamerican Self-Translation: An historical perspective, and readings of Mara Luisa Bombal and Rosario Ferr".
[Latinamerikansk selvoversettelse: Et historisk perspektiv og lesninger av Mara Luisa Bombal og Rosario Ferr"] |
W/ Paper.
Title: Mara Luisa Bombal: Traduttora, traditora (In English)
Hotel room from 26th till 30th Jan. (4 nights). |
holger.potzsch@uit.no |
Dept. of Culture and Literature, Documentation Sciences, University of Troms.
PhD-project: Bordered Space and Liminal Beings – the discursive production of space and boundaries in artefacts of popular culture; how generic war movies negotiate boundaries between the self and the other.
[Bordered Space and Liminal Beings – den diskursive produksjonen av rom og grenser ved populrkulturelle uttrykk; hvordan generiske krigsfilmer forhandler grenser mellom selvet og den andre]
W/ Paper.
Title: Renegotiating Difficult Pasts: Two Documentary Dramas on Bloody Sunday, Derry 1972. (In English) |
Hotel room from 26th till 30th Jan. (4 nights). |
Martin.Sand@lle.uib.no |
Greek, Classical Studies, Dept. of Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies (LLE), University of Bergen.
PhD-project: The Rhetorics of Mockery: Greek Lampoons from Late Antiquity.
[Spottens retorikk: Greske smedeskrifter fra senantikken] |
W/ Paper.
Title: Attack
as Religious Self-Definition: John
Chrysostoms Adversus Judaeos I (In English) |
Hotel room from 26th till 30th Jan. (4 nights). |
Pauline.Hoath@lle.uib.no |
History of Arts, Visual Culture, Dept. of Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies (LLE), University of Bergen; and Project Nomadikon, Infomedia, Social Sciences, University of Bergen.
PhD-project: When Domestic Space Meets Imperial Space |
W/ Paper.
Title: The place where history can take hold of me. (In English) |
Hotel room from 25th till 31st Jan. (6 nights). |
tatjana.samoilow@ntnu.no |
Comparative Literature, Dept. of Scandinavian Studies and Comp. Lit., Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim.
PhD-project: Financial discourses in Thomas Manns Buddenbrooks and Alexander L. Kiellands novels.
[үkonomiske diskurser i Thomas Manns Buddenbrooks og romanene til Alexander L. Kielland] |
W/ Paper.
Title: Jewish Market Capitalism in Kielland and Mann. (In English)
[Jdisk markedskapitalisme i Kielland og Mann] |
Hotel room from 26th till 30th Jan. (4 nights). German commentator. |
steffi.dejong@ntnu.no |
Dept. of Modern Foreign Languages, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim.
PhD-project: Exhibiting Europe – The development of European narratives in museums, collections and exhibitions: Foundation myths of the EU: the role of the witness (WW II) and of workers culture (in the ECSC) as seen in the European narratives in contemporary West European museums and exhibitions (Steffi de Jong), and in regional and national cooperation (Torgeir Bangstad).
[Ӂ utstille Europa – Utviklingen av europeiske fortellinger i museer, samlinger og utstillinger] |
W/ Paper.
Title: Exhibiting Memory – Video testimonies in Second World War and Holocaust Museums (In English)
[Nr minnet stilles ut – Video-vitnesbyrd i 2. verdenskrigs- og Holocaust-muser] |
Hotel room from 26th till 30th Jan. (4 nights). |
lene.boe@uis.no |
Dept. of Cultural and Linguistic Studies, University of Stavanger.
PhD-project: Be studies in the University of Stavangers Programme for Memory Studies (MemS). – Background in history, the didactics of history, and art and culture management. |
W/ Paper.
Title: Om historiebruk og natursyn i lokalhistorie (In Norwegian with English abstract)
[Use of history and views of nature in local history] |
Hotel room from 26th till 30th Jan. (4 nights). |
Tove.Haugsbo@kunstmuseene.no |
History of Arts, Dept. of Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies (LLE), University of Bergen; Bergen Art Museums; Research group Visual Culture.
PhD-project: New Perspectives for the Research on the Painter Nikolai Astrups Art. – New perspectives on Astrups works to further the current interest in his art and to discuss the state of this interest. A particular focus on the garden motif in his paintings, which opens up for an inter-aesthetic discussion of Astrups garden and for the study of further media that Astrup made use of.
[Nye perspektiv i forskinga av Nikolai Astrup sin kunst. – Nye, aktualiserande perspektiv p Astrup sine kunstverk, og ein diskusjon av Astrup sin aktualitet i dag. Eit srleg fokus p hagemotivet i mleria som inngang til ein tverrfagleg diskusjon av Astrup sin hage, og til studiet av fleire av dei media som Astrup nytta.] |
W/o Paper. |
Hotel room from 26th Jan. till 1st Feb. (6 nights). |
bernhard.ellefsen@uia.no |
Comparative Literature, Dept. of Scandinavian Literatures and Media Studies, University of Agder, Kristiansand.
PhD-project: Transgression and Transcendence in Bellow, Mailer and Roth. |
W/ Paper.
Title: Transgression and Identity (In English)
[Overskridelse og identitet] |
Hotel room from 26th till 30th Jan. (4 nights). |
annabella.skagen@ntnu.no |
Theatre Studies, Dept. of Arts and Media Studies, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim.
PhD-project: The Count's Palace to Prince's Street: Theatre in Trondhjem 1790-1814. – Investigates the theatrical activities, private, amateur and professional, native to Trondhjem around the turn of the 19th C, in regard to the relationship between scenic practices and cultural contexts. |
W/o Paper. |
Hotel room from 26th till 30th Jan. (4 nights). |
olaf.haagensen@uia.no |
Scandinavian Literary and Cultural Studies., Dept. of Scandinavian Literatures and Media Studies, University of Agder, Kristiansand.
PhD-project: Witnessing Strategies in Scandinavian Contemporary Literature.
[Vitnesbyrdstrategier i skandinavisk samtidslitteratur] |
W/ Paper.
Title: The Industrial Complex of Litzmannstadt. On the cover photograph of Steve Sem-Sandbergs novel The Destitutes of Lodz. (In Norwegan w/ English abstract)
[Industrikomplekset Litzmannstadt. Om omslagsfotografiet til Steve Sem-Sandbergs roman De fattiga i Lodz] |
Hotel room from 26th till 30th Jan. (4 nights). |
frode.boasson@ntnu.no |
Comparative Literature, Dept. of Scandinavian Studies and Comp. Lit., Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim.
PhD-project: Hamsun and Historical Vitalism. [Hamsun og den historiske vitalismen] |
W/ Paper.
Title: Den historiske vitalismen – Men Livet Lever! (In Norwegian w/ English abstract)
[The Historical Vitalism – But Life Lives On! [The Road Leads On]] |
Hotel room from 26th till 30th Jan. (4 nights). |
ingvil.f.hellstrand@uis.no |
Network for Gender Studies, Social Sciences, University of Stavanger.
PhD-project: Visual Representations of Body and Identity in popular Culture. [Visuelle representasjoner av kropp og identitet i populrkultur] |
W/ Paper.
Title: Passing as human: Star Trek and Norwegian debate on contemporary biopolitics. (In English) |
Hotel room from 25th till 30th Jan. (5 nights). |
sissel.gunnerod@est.hio.no |
Art, Design, Form; Visual Culture; Urban Research Programme, Section for Aesthetics, Oslo University College / History of Arts, Dept. of Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies (LLE), University of Bergen.
PhD-project: Abject, Revolt, Poetry – A study of the ambivalence of trash in contemporary art. – How is contemporary art involved in transforming notions of trash?
[Abjekt, revolt, poesi – en underskelse av sppelets ambivalens i samtidskunsten– Hvordan bidrar samtidskunsten til bevege begreper om sppel?]
W/o Paper. |
Hotel room from 26th till 30th Jan. (4 nights). |
Inger-Anne.Softing@hit.no |
Dept. of Culture and Humanities, Telemark University College, Notodden / American Literary Studies, Dept. of Foreign Languages, University of Bergen.
PhD-project: African American Literature as Inter-Cultural Dialogue. |
W/ Paper.
Title: Everyday Blues: Alice Walkers The Color Purple as Epistolary Slave Narrative. (In English)
Hotel room from 26th till 30th Jan. (4 nights). |
anne.karine.kleveland@ntnu.no |
Dept. of Modern Foreign Languages, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim.
PhD-project: Cultural encounters between Norway and Latinamerica in Kjartan Flgstads uvre. Analyses to bring out how multi-layered cultural encounters are installed.
[Arbeidstittel: Kulturmter mellom Norge og Latin-Amerika i Kjartan Flgstads forfatterskap. Analyse av utvalgte tekster skal vise hvordan det oppstr kulturmter p flere niver.] |
W/o Paper. |
Hotel room from 26th till 30th Jan. (4 nights). |
anders.malvik@hf.ntnu.no |
Dept. of Scandinavian Studies and Comp. Lit., Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim.
PhD-project: Interface Aesthetics. A study of Matias Faldbakkens art and literature from a media perspective. Several of Faldbakkens works invite us to discuss the contemporary relationship between art, subjectivity and media technology, and this project investigates the use relevance of the term interface for the study of that relationship.
["Grensesnittets estetikk". En studie av Matias Faldbakkens kunst og litteratur i et medieperspektiv. Flere av Faldbakkens arbeider inviterer oss til drfte forholdet mellom kunst, subjekt og medieteknologi i samtiden, og prosjektet undersker anvendbarheten av begrepet grensesnitt for forske p dette forholdet] |
W/ Paper.
Title: Arts Problem at the Millennium. Dissertational introductory chapter; draft. (In Norwegian w/ English abstract)
[Kunstens problem ved rtusenskiftet. Utkast til innledningskapittel i avhandlingen.]
Hotel room from 26th till 30th Jan. (4 nights). |
eirik.loden@lle.uib.no |
Comparative Literature, Dept. of Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies (LLE), University of Bergen.
PhD-project: Opera as Interpretation: The Hermeneutics of Benjamin Britten's Adaptations of Herman Melville, Henry James, and Thomas Mann.
[Opera som interpretasjon: Hermeneutikken i Benjamin Brittens adaptasjoner av Herman Melville, Henry James og Thomas Mann. (Arb.tittel; avh. skrives p engelsk)] |
W/ Paper.
Title: Music and Meaning in Benjamin Britten's Opera Adaptation of Melvilles Billy Budd. (In English) |
Hotel room from 26th till 4th Feb. (9 nights). |
g.c.rustad@media.uio.no |
Dept. of Media and Communication, Faculty of Humanities, University of Oslo.
PhD-project: How television series like Mad Men, Lost and The Wire constitute a special media culture. – Study areas: TV fiction, TV studies, film, spectator theory, media aesthetics, genre studies and narrative theory.
[Hvordan tv-serier som f.eks. Mad Men, Lost og The Wire kan konstituere en egen mediekultur. – Fagfelt og interesser: Fjernsynsfiksjon, TV-studier, film, tilskuerteori, medieestetikk, genrestudier og narrativ teori] |
W/ Paper.
Title: We'll have a civil rights march for women - The Bigger Picture of Television Drama. (In English) |
Hotel room from 26th till 30th Jan. (4 nights). |
fredrik.langeland@uis.no |
Network for Gender Studies, University of Stavanger.
PhD-project: Discourses of intimacy in television and the media. – How intimacy and sexuality are represented and staged in TV (TV fiction, reality-TV, docu-fiction/documentaries) since the 1990s. A study of discursive formations of intimacy and sexuality, how they are publicly mediated in Norway, and how their transformations influence the way gender, sexuality and intimacy are understood.
[Intimitetsdiskurser i TV og media. – Hvordan intimitet og seksualitet blir representert og iscenesatt i fjernsyn, knyttet til fiksjons-tv, reality-tv og docu-fiction/dokumentar-sjangere siden 1990-tallet. En underskelse av forskjellige former for diskursive uttrykk av intimitet og seksualitet, hvordan disse formidles i norsk offentlighet, og hvordan endringer i dem pvirker forstelsen av kjnn, seksualitet og intimitet] |
W/ Paper.
Title: Shut up, damned dirtbag woman. Fantasies about
free pleasure as a masculine protest in Manshow
on Channel TV2 Zebra. (In Norwegian w/ English abstract)
[Hold kjeften p deg, forbanna mkkakjerring. Fantasier om fri nytelse som en maskulin protest i TV2 Zebras Manshow.] |
Hotel room from 25th till 30th Jan. (5 nights). |
brynhild.granas@uit.no |
Dept. of Sociology, Political Science and Community Planning, Multi-disciplinary research school CEPIN (Citizenship, Encounters and Place Enactment in the North), University of Troms.
PhD-project: The industrialization of the interior areas of the Nordic periphery: An analysis of place conceptions and the displacement of Kiruna Town.
[Industrialisering av nordomrdenes innland: En analyse av stedsforstelser og flyttinga av Kiruna by] |
W/ Paper.
Title: A town, a mine, and the virtues of narrating place history. (In English) |
Hotel room from 26th till 30th Jan. (4 nights). |
E-mail addresses – PhD-students:
hanne.hammer.stien@uit.no, Espen.Ingebrigtsen@if.uib.no, bo.byrkjeland@if.uib.no, holger.potzsch@uit.no, Martin.Sand@lle.uib.no, Pauline.Hoath@lle.uib.no, tatjana.samoilow@ntnu.no, steffi.dejong@ntnu.no, lene.boe@uis.no, Tove.Haugsbo@kunstmuseene.no, bernhard.ellefsen@uia.no, annabella.skagen@ntnu.no, olaf.haagensen@uia.no, frode.boasson@ntnu.no, ingvil.f.hellstrand@uis.no, sissel.gunnerod@est.hio.no, Inger-Anne.Softing@hit.no, anne.karine.kleveland@ntnu.no, anders.malvik@hf.ntnu.no, eirik.loden@lle.uib.no, g.c.rustad@media.uio.no, fredrik.langeland@uis.no, brynhild.granas@uit.no
E-mail addresses – Faculty:
direktion@zfl-berlin.org, litera@zfl.gwz-berlin.de, theater@zedat.fu-berlin.de, charlotte.klonk@culture.hu-berlin.de, erll@em.uni-frankfurt.de, ansgar.nuenning@anglistik.uni-giessen.de, gcsc@uni-giessen.de, lars.saetre@lle.uib.no, unni.langas@uia.no, marie-theres.federhofer@uit.no, knut.eliassen@ntnu.no, cato.wittusen@uis.no, margareth.hagen@if.uib.no, keld.hyldig@lle.uib.no, randi.koppen@if.uib.no, christine.hamm@lle.uib.no, zeljka.svrljuga@if.uib.no, ketil.knutsen@uis.no, svein.gladso@hf.ntnu.no