training course ON
University of Bergen, 29th and
30th November 2012. COURSE
Nov. 2012 |
/ Discipline / Project |
With a
Paper |
Participants supervisors |
Assistant Professor,
Ph.D. |
Professor of Philosophy, Villanova
University, Philadelphia,
USA. Collge
International de Philosophie, Paris, France. Centre de Recherches sur les Arts et le Langage, CNRS/EHESS, Paris, France. Co-founder of the Machete Group, a
collective of artists and intellectuals, Philadelphia, USA. |
lecture Thursday
29th Nov.: Lart entre le
rel – Critique of the Contradiction in Terms of Political Art |
Keynote address |
Associate Professor and Department
Senior Tutor, Dr. |
Professor and Department Senior Tutor, Warwick
University, Coventry, UK. |
Guest lecture Thursday 29th Nov.: Jacques Rancire: Aesthetics,
Equality and the Feel of Contingency |
Keynote address |
Professor Director
TBLR/Bergen; Board member TBLR/National; Research leader TAS; Organizing
Committee |
Professor of Comparative Literature Department of Linguistic, Literary
and Aesthetic Studies (LLE), |
Moderator |
Professor Board Member TBLR/Bergen; Project leader; Organizing Committee |
Professor of British Literary
Studies, Department of
Foreign Languages (IF), |
Moderator |
Professor Director Nomadikon;
Board member TBLR/Bergen; Organizing Committee |
Director and Research leader Nomadikon, Department of Information
Science and Media Studies, |
Moderator |
Associate Professor Board Member
TBLR/Bergen; Project leader; Organizing Committee |
Associate Professor of Scandinavian
Literary Studies, Department of Linguistic, Literary
and Aesthetic Studies (LLE), |
(leave) |
Associate Professor Board Member TBLR/Bergen; Project leader; Organizing Committee |
Associate Professor of Theatre
Studies, Department of Linguistic, Literary
and Aesthetic Studies (LLE), |
Absent (assignment) |
Associate Professor Board Member TBLR/Bergen; Research leader ENID and DANOR; Organizing Committee |
Associate Professor of History of
Arts (Visual Culture and Visual Rhetorics, Interpretation Theory, and European Memory Culture) (see also Enid and DaNor), Department of Linguistic, Literary
and Aesthetic Studies (LLE), |
Absent (sabbatical) |
PhD-student Board Member TBLR/Bergen; Board Member TBLR/National; Organizing Committee |
PhD-student of Comparative Literature, Department of Linguistic, Literary
and Aesthetic Studies (LLE), |
Moderator |
Design, Form; Visual Culture. Urban Research Programme, Department of
Aesthetics, Faculty of Technology, Art and Design, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences
/ History
of Arts, Department of
Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies (LLE), Faculty of Humanities, University of Bergen. PhD-project: Abject, Revolt, Poetry – A study of the ambivalence of trash in contemporary art. – How is contemporary art involved in transforming notions of trash? [Abjekt, revolt, poesi – en underskelse av sppelets ambivalens i samtidskunsten.– Hvordan bidrar samtidskunsten til bevege begreper om sppel?] |
With a Paper. Title: Ryan Siegan Smith
og Shane Munroe, The Cloud (2010) (In Norwegian, with English abstract) |
Supervisors: Prof. Siri Meyer,
History of Arts, LLE, UiB; Prof. Oddrun Ster, Urban Research Programme, HiOA. |
Literature. Department of
Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies (LLE), Faculty of Humanities, University of Bergen. PhD-project: Herman Melville and the Fruits of Parasitism. |
With a Paper. Title: Bartleby,
the Anorexic Parasite (In English) |
Supervisors: Prof. Erik Bjerck Hagen, Comparative Literature, LLE, UiB; Prof. Samuel Otter,
English, UC Berkeley, USA. |
Literary Studies. Department of Foreign Languages (IF), Faculty of Humanities, University of Bergen. PhD-project: Gedchtnisinszenierung in der deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsprosa. (Erinnerungsreprsentation, Geschichtsbilder und Narration bei W. G. Sebald).
Supervisors: Prof. Beatrice Sandberg, Germanic Literary Studies, IF, UiB; Prof. Jakob Lothe, British Literary Studies, ILOS, UiO. |
Spanish-American Literary and Cultural Studies. Department of Foreign Languages (IF), Faculty of Humanities, University of Bergen. PhD-project: Latinamerican Self-Translation: An historical perspective, and readings of Mara Luisa Bombal and Rosario Ferr.
Supervisors: Prof. Gisle Selnes, Comparative Literature, LLE, UiB; Assist. Prof. Jon Askeland, Spanish-American Literary and Cultural Studies, IF, UiB. |
Architecture, art and cultural studies. – Does research within the inter-disciplinary Urban Research Programme (Storbyprogrammet) at Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences (HiOA). Is enrolled into the PhD-programme at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Stavanger (UiS). PhD-project: From Nature to Culture: Ekeberg landscape park of sculptures and cultural memories. On the formation of public urban spaces through capital investment. A study of the parks art works in relation to the transformation of Oslos Ekeberg area. Addresses urban politics, the cognition of landscape (including history) and aesthetics. [Fra natur til
kultur: Ekeberg skulptur- og kulturminnepark. Om kapitalens forming av
offentlige urbane rom. En studie av verkene i parken med henblikk p
transformasjonen av Ekebergomrdet. Knytter an til bypolitikk,
landskapsforstelse (inkl. historikk) og estetikk.] |
Supervisor: Associate Prof. Lise Nordenborg Myhre, Dept. of Media, Cultural
and Social Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, UiS. |
Comparative Literature. Department of Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies (LLE), Faculty of Humanities, University of Bergen. PhD-project: Self-Representation and Strategies for Truth in
Contemporary Norwegian Literature, with a special focus on Tove Nilsens and
Karl Ove Knausgaards uvres. [Selvfremstilling og sannhetsstrategier i norsk
samtidslitteratur, med srlig henblikk p Tove Nilsens og Karl Ove
Knausgaards forfatterskap. |
Supervisors: Prof. Gisle Selnes, Comparative Literature, LLE, UiB; Associate Prof. Christine Hamm, Scandinavian Literary Studies, LLE, UiB. |
didactics. Studying junior high school students efforts at sense making when
meeting contemporary art under relational art didactic principles. Department
of Visual and Dramatic Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Agder (UiA).
– Is enrolled into the PhD-programme at the Department of Educational
Research, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Oslo (UiO). PhD-project: Art Experiences and Nightmares: On potentials and challenges in including controversial contemporary art in schools. [Nr kunstopplevelser frer til mareritt: Om
potensialer og utfordringer med inkludere kontroversiell samtidskunst i
skolen.] |
Supervisors: Prof. Ola Stafseng, UiO; Associate Prof. Venke Aure, HiOA; Prof. Helene Illeris, UiA. |
Studies, Dramaturgy. Department
of Visual and Dramatic Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Agder (UiA). Associated
with the PhD-programme at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology
(NTNU), Trondheim. PhD-project: Reflections on the Images of Childhood and
the Notion of Understanding in the Theatre of Suzanne Osten and Unga Klara. |
Supervisors: Prof. Bjrn Rasmussen, NTNU; Associate Prof. Faith Gabrielle Guss, HiOA. |
History of Arts. Department of
Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies (LLE), Faculty of Humanities, University of Bergen. Master degree student. |
Supervisor: Prof. Siri Meyer, LLE, UiB. |
Literary Studies. Department of Foreign Languages (IF), Faculty of Humanities, University of Bergen. PhD-project: Negotiating Heimat in the Works of Herta Mller and Franz Innerhofer. [Neuverhandlung des Heimatbegriffes in den
Werken Herta Mllers und Franz Innerhofers.] |
With a Paper. Title: Negotiating Heimat in the
Works of Herta Mller and Franz Innerhofer (outline) (In English) |
Supervisor: Prof. Sissel Lgreid, IF, UiB. |
Scandinavian Literary Studies. Dept. of Scandinavian Studies and Comparative Literature, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim. PhD-project: Literary
Criticism on Norwegian Radio; an historical account of the meeting of
literature and literary criticism with broadcasting throughout the 20th
century – a rhetorical,
sociological and institutional analysis of the historical development of
criticism through this encounter. Part of the national research project The History of
Literary Critical Reception in Norway, 1870-2000 – Value-Judgments
and Mediation. [Litteraturkritikk
i norsk radio; en historisk fremstilling av litteraturens og
litteraturkritikkens mte med radiomediet i Norge gjennom det 20. rhundre
– en retorisk, sosiologisk og institusjonsbevisst analyse av den
historiske utviklingen kritikken gr igjennom i mte med mediet. Del av det nasjonale
prosjektet Norsk litteraturkritikks historie 1870-2000 –
Verdiforvaltning og mediering.] |
With a Paper. Title: The
Distribution of the Audible –Authority and voice (In English)
Supervisor: Prof. Sissel Furuseth, NTNU. |
Theory of Science and Scholarship; History of Arts. Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities (SVT), University of Bergen. PhD-project: Collaborations
at the Outskirts of Art. |
With a Paper. Title: Wheres my Carrot?
The Emancipated Spectator in Interaction with the Hybrid (In
English) |
Supervisor: Associate Prof. Rasmus Slaattelid, SVT, UiB. |
Scandinavian Litarary Studies. Department of
Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies (LLE), Faculty of Humanities, University of Bergen. PhD-project: Between
Fiction and Fact in Ludvig Holbergs Prose. [Mellom fiksjon og
fakta i Ludvig Holbergs prosa.] |
Supervisor: Associate Prof. Jrgen Sejersted, LLE, UiB. |
Visual Culture; Infomedia; History of Arts; part of the Nomadikon project
(New Ecologies of the Image – The Bergen Center of Visual Culture),
UiB. Department of Information
Science and Media Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, UiB. PhD-project: Controversial
Landscaping: The Politics of Nature in Contemporary Visual Culture. |
Supervisors: Prof. Asbjrn Grnstad, Nomadikon / Infomedia, UiB; Prof. Ina Blom,
Dept. of Philosophy, Classics, History of Art and
Ideas (IFIKK), UiO. |
History of Arts.
Department of Philosophy, Classics,
History of Art and Ideas, Faculty of Humanities, University of Oslo. PhD-project: Between
Perception and Conception: Reading the photobook (to be finished autumn
2014). |
With a Paper. Title: The Politics of
Visuality and Signification (In English) |
Supervisors: Prof.
ivind Storm Bjerke, IFIKK, UiO; Associate
Prof. Linda Haverty Rugg, Scandinavian,
UC Berkeley, USA. |
E-mail addresses
– PhD-students:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
E-mail addresses
– Faculty:,,,,,,,,