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Live precipitation measurements at the Geophysical Institute
using a hotplate pluviometer, disdrometer and micro rain radar

Outline: TPS-3100 hotplate pluviometer, shading: Ott Parsivel2 droplet size disdrometer
Temperature, relative and specific humidity from TPS-3100 hotplate pluviometer

last 3h last 12h last 24h last week last month
rain rate for last 4 hours in mm per hour
Rainrate (mm per hour) and temperature (°C) during the past 3 hours

Rainfall rate Fall velocity Reflectivity Liquid water content 1000m 3000m
radar reflectivity for last  hours in dBZ
Radar reflectivity (dBZ) during the past 6 hours

relative humidity for last 24 hours in percent
Relative humidity (green), temperature (red) and specific humidity (blue) during the past 24 hours

pressure for last 24 hours in hectopascal
Surface pressure during the past 24 hours

weather code for last 24 hours in percent
Weather codes from Parsivel DSD for the last 24 hours

precipitation size and velocity distributions for last 24 hours in percent
Precipitation size and velocity distributions for the last 24 hours

Website updated every 5 minutes. All times in local time (CEST).

Contact: harald.sodemann@uib.no.

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