A big part of my post-PhD career has been in research institutes without teaching responsibilities, which means that before starting in August 2018 as an associate professor in Fisheries Science at UiB, I had mostly just been a guest lecturer on diverse courses, though I did have responsibility for some teaching while I was working on my PhD. Nevertheless, now my position is 50% teaching, and I really enjoy interacting with the students and other teachers. Below I list my activities related to teaching.

SDG200 Ocean, climate, society – a semester course in sustainability

This is a completely new interdisciplinary course at the University of Bergen. I lead the project group responsible for designing and running the course. The course will be run for the first time in May to August 2022 on board the Statsraad Lehmkuhl, while the ship sails across the Pacific from Valparaíso to Palau as part of the One Ocean Expedition, and my plan is to be on board for the whole four months.

SDG214 UN Sustainable Development Goal 14: Life below water

When I started at UiB, I spent some time thinking about what I would like to teach, what was missing from the teaching portfolio, and whether there was overlap between those two. Yes there was, and I designed a course focusing on SDG14. The course was run first time on 2019 and it was a success! You can watch some videos made about the course, and you can check the student posters and papers here. In 2021-2023 Gabriella Ljungström has taken over because of my other teaching-related responsibilities.

BIO325 Ocean Science: North Sea cruise module

Ocean Science is a 20 ECTS course spanning the whole autumn semester, and I have gotten the responsibility for a week-long teaching cruise across the North Sea on a proper research vessel. When I took over, I redesigned the module quite heavily, adding student-lead research projects in collaborative teams where they present their research plans and after the survey their results, competence demonstrations, mini-oral exams and small presentations as a means of assessment as learning. The student feedback was positive. In 2020-2022 Tom Langbehn has taken over because of my other teaching-related responsibilities.

BSRS912 Sustainable development of life below water

This course is part of the Bergen Summer Research School 2021, and it is designed for PhD candidates with an interest in sustainable development and life below water. It is relevant for a broad range of disciplines, and the resultant diversity among the students will facilitate reaching the learning outcomes by everyone bringing their own specific expertise to the group. Gabriella Ljungström is leading the course together with me.

Bergen Summer Research School 2021 - Science and Society towards the Sustainable Development Goals

I am the scientific director of the Bergen Summer Research School organised in late spring 2021. Here you can see my video invitation for the summer school.

Bærekraftskollegiet - Sustainability Education Collective

Ever since I started at UiB, I have been pushing for a forum where all the teachers doing sustainability education could meet, interact, and learn from each other. This has now become reality, and I am currently chairing this group. You can read a news item here.

Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (TeLEd) research group

I am a primary member of the TeLEd research group, which has the main goal to contribute to the development of a quality culture by stimulating Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) activities, within and across departments and faculties, by engaging in collaborative research on existing and novel teaching, learning, and assessment practices.


Here are my publications on teaching in higher education: