Begin with an intro paragraph in bold text for consistency across pages. The picture to the right is the file 'themepicture.jpg' in your theme folder - it can have any size but a width of 450 pixels works well and it needs to be there for common appearance. Make sure you are allowed to use it.
A regular paragraph. Begin each paragraph with the <p> tag. Read the comments in the theme_long.php file to get additional hints about layout and what you can do. Remember also that layout is responsive so check how what you have coded look in differently sized windows by reisizing your browser window. More help is also provided in our TEG channel in Teams under the Housekeeping tab.
This is how to specify a link:
Click here.
This link is in orange and stands out more from the text:
Click here.
Ready-made classes are combinations of (h)ighlight, (b)old, and (l)arge typeset, in these combinations:
l h b lh lb hb lhb.
No class or omitted: Regular link
l is a link in large typeset
h is a highlighted link
b appears in bold
lh is large and highlighted
lb is large and bold
hb is highlighted and bold
lhb is all of it
Some funtions help you make consistent layout, for example picture() for adding images. You can also add elements from news or people, ask Christian for help.
This is how references appear with the listreference() function:
You can list news items by adding these code, each item is identified by date as $newsyymmdd.
You can alse list the full news item, not just the short version:
You can also list people and collaborators using their initials.