# command file for gnuplot to show
# diagonal matrix elements
# and eigenvalues
# for the case of n=3 matrices
plot "eigenvals" using 1:2 with lines \
,"eigenvals" using 1:3 wi li\
,"eigenvals" using 1:4 wi li \
,"diagonals" using 1:2 with linespoints \
,"diagonals" using 1:3 with linespoints \
,"diagonals" using 1:4 with linespoints
# command file for gnuplot to show
# diagonal matrix elements
# and eigenvalues
# for the case of n=3 matrices
plot "eigenvals" using 1:2 \
,"eigenvals" using 1:3 \
,"eigenvals" using 1:4 \
,"diagonals" using 1:2 with lines \
,"diagonals" using 1:3 with lines \
,"diagonals" using 1:4 with lines
To copy the existing picture to a PostScript file:
(To produce an encapsulated postscript file)
set terminal postscript eps monochrome "Courier" 18
set output "fiename.eps" # otherwise writes the postscript into the screen
set size 1.8,1 # for plots which have a long x-axis
set terminal x11 # closes fiename.eps and comes back to X11
General Gnuplot
Gnuplot Task 1
Gnuplot Task 3
Gnuplot Task 4
Functions in Gnuplot (and Fit)