gtool utility
When you plot the files, you must all the time type
plot "filename", "filename_2"
etc., etc....
This tool simplifies this work.
When you type
you get two windows: one with a gnuplot command, one, the larger,
with the gnuplot_tool, this utility.
gnuplot_tool writes all the commands into a file.
You can examine it, it is called ggt. This is automatically
created by gnuplot_tool and rewritten all the time.
Important: Initialize Gnuplot
This you do by typing into the gnuplot window
load "hh"
It then loads itself infinitely, every time you hit return
The first time, a wave picture comes in the gnuplot graphical window.
It often happens that there is a wrong datafile or other problem.
Gnuplot stops, gnuplot> appears. You restart by load "hh".
Remember: Nothing happens unless you hit return in the
gnuplot window.
Export graph as encapsulated postscript
as a command, enter:
p Drawing
where drawing is the name you give to the graph. It will be saved
as a file