Comments to the snapshots from 23.08.2006 and 24.08.2006 History of Atom-concept (Thomas model - Christmas pudding) H and He - the first part of our study Planetary models of atom (history ?? ) What is so different in optics: SHARP BOUNDARIES (sharp interfaces) Planetary models of atom - Rutherford experiments Vacuum - in our rooms CRT (TV, computer screen) Now beeing replaced by flat devices (Physics there??) What is physical optics: see the notebook Lasers: Laser light is like a classical EM-wave Example of waves: AM-radio; modulation Hydrogen Atom Schrödinger equation - postulated Operators Total energy - Hamilton operator (Classical Mechanics) Bound state solutions illustrated: in QM-courses: Bound states obtained via Special Functions Can be obtained by numerical solutions BOUNDARY CONDITIONS (what are the boundary conditions??) solutions with "piecewise constant" potential Illustrate how to obtain a solution