PHYS261: Atomfysikk og fysikalsk optikk
PHYS261: Atomic Physics and Physical Optics

PHYS261 - høst 2007
Kocbach Ladislav Professor
Stamnes Jakob J. Professor
Askeland Sigurd Student
Degener Laura Student
Mjanger Øyvind Student
Nitter Hermod Student
Sørngård Stian Astad Student
Merlot Patrick Student  

Autumn 2006                            Jump to the last week
Physics Notebook of the lecturer:
Atomic Physics Part
Physical Optics Part

Constants - atomic units
Wavelengths - relations

Week 22.08.2006 - 27.08.2006
Edited blackboard snapshots from 23.08.2006 and 24.08.2006
(txt) Comments to the snapshots from 23.08.2006 and 24.08.2006
(html) Comments to the snapshots from 23.08.2006 and 24.08.2006

Schrödingers Toy
ONLY BOUND STATES: Schrödingers Toy
PHYS262: Lecture: 26.08.2003 Blackboard and "Q.M. in 1 hour 
Last years edited version of AtomLightBook files, the text on Atom-Light interaction
The AtomLight.pdf file - PDF document. THIS WILL BE EDITED. You can contribute (Project possibilities)

Mail from the lecturer: letter_1.html          Mail discussion - temporary link

Week 28.08.2006 - 03.09.2006
Plan: Hydrogen atom, atomic units, classical mechanics
Constants - atomic units
Blackboard from 29.08.2006 Atomic Units and Hydrogen Atoms
Latex note 29.08.2006(with all files) Atomic Units and Hydrogen Atoms ( PDF only)
Discussed also:
Hydrogen and helium spectra
For new lectures: 2 electron atoms energies
Hydrogen and helium spectra
Blackboard from 31.08.2006 Scaling H-like atoms, exotic atoms, STARTING Helium

Week 04.09.2006 - 10.09.2006
Blackboard from 05.09.2006 and 06.09.2006 Angular momentum - spin - 2 particles
Antisymmetric wavefunctions (matlab etc) The part on plots of 2 particles in 1 dimension;
Blackboard from 07.09.2006 Exchange interaction in helium; triplet/singlet;

           Evaluation of Coulomb repulsion: Multipole expansion (LaTeX, PDF)

Week 11.09.2006 - 17.09.2006
Blackboard from 12.09.20061. Variational method for helium. 2. Excited state description
Task for the student work: mainly 2 electron atom energies
2005 versions of the blackboard notes:
Variational method:
Excited states of helium:

Week 18.09.2006 - 24.09.2006
Starting many electron atoms.
2005 versions of the blackboard notes:
(Excited states of helium and) Many electron atoms
Ionization potentials of atoms
Self-consistent fieldPDF and Latex - first part of many-electron atoms
Hartree-Fock text added in the above directory 01.12.2006
Blackboard from 19.09.20061. Comments about helium Bind.Energ. 2. Slater determinants 3. Correlations
repulsion integral and variational method - from Alexander Sauter with additions by the lecturer

Week 25.09.2006 - 01.10.2006
Many electron atoms.
Blackboard from 26.09.2006 Qualitative explanation of periodic table; Hartree Fock
Blackboard in TeX and PDF 2006.09.26_tex
27.09.2006 -task formulated and pictures
Blackboard from 28.09.2006 Hartree Fock, Total energy and sum of orbital energy
          Spectroscopic TERMS; Correlations
Self-consistent field - PDF and Latex - Hartree-Fock text added 01.12.2006
Links to SCF-work - Hartree (1995 Stockholm Course)
It might be useful to go directly to to Hartree overview of topics
The Hartree-Fock equations By Eva Lindroth in this (3 pages)
The Density Functional Theory - DFT materials at Studentportalen (login required):
           DFT talk
           Nobel Prize Lecture

Week 02.10.2006 - 08.10.2006
Starting work with Optics Topics
Physical Optics Notes
PDF file: PART 1 Optics Notes (Stamnes)
PDF file: PART 2 Optics Notes (Stamnes), 29.09.2005
PDF file: SUMMARY OF FORMALISM - PHYS261-summary.pdf
PDF-file: Exercise collection (Stamnes)
History: origin of word diffraction in our Studentportal (password) and its Original address
See also the physics notebook of the lecturer: for some more Optics history links.
This week slides: optics - week1 PDF
Extra blackboard comments 03.10.2006 Gaussian units; E B asymmetry in roles
k_x_E = B Preparing the vector picture for the test
Extra blackboard comments 05.10.2006 Up to Group velocity
GroupVelocity files (LaTeX and PDF (Group velocity derivation)

Week 09.10.2006 - 15.10.2006
Second week of Optics Topics

This week slides: optics - week2 PDF
Slides for optics: optics - PDF
How do the engineers learn it: Lectures at Intel
Our local copy (password required) Studentportalen - Intel files
The most relevant powerpoint of the above for this week: ELMAG-Lect11-IMPORTANT.ppt
Used in the lecture - modified Intel Lectures (password required)
PDF-file - our version - short Refraction-from-Intel.pdf
Powerpoint - our version - short Refraction-from-Intel.ppt
PDF-file: 12-pages-Stamnes-Refraction.pdf Prof. Stamnes Full text on this topics

Drawing to Huygens Principle Drawn in Xfig, exported to EPS and PDF

Installing latex on your computer - software and latex ideas
Week 16.10.2006 - 22.10.2006
Third week of Optics Topics

This week slides: Continues last week optics - week2 PDF      Slides for optics: optics - PDF
Physical Optics Notes

Installing latex on your computer - software and latex ideas

Week 23.10.2006 - 29.10.2006
Fourth week of Optics Topics

Read and cut and paste on DIFFRACTION DiffractionNotes.html
DIFFRACTION note directory with a powerpoint file (for the exam work)
Diffraction (see the above) and Diffraction and Imaging in the notes

Slides for optics: optics - PDF

Week 30.10.2006 - 05.11.2006
Fifth week of Optics Topics

Last weak's Read and cut and paste on DIFFRACTION
Slides for optics: optics - PDF

Our attempts to view Circular Fresnel in matlab
Matlab exercise for Fresnel (will be gradually updated; now the original only)

Exercises with solutions:
Here are the exercises: PDF-file Exercises.pdf
and here are solutions included: PDF-file Examples_solutions_phys263.pdf (all by Prof. J.J. Stamnes)

Week 6.11.2006 - 12.11.2006
Sixth week of Optics Topics

Review of extra files - HTML

Atom-Light Interaction

Last years edited version of the text on Atom-Light interaction
AtomLight.pdf file - PDF document. THIS WILL BE EDITED.


AtomLightBook files, the text on Atom-Light interaction



DIFFRACTION note directory with a powerpoint file (for the exam work)
Physics Notebook of the lecturer: contains new links on Optics parts.

Atom-Light interaction
interaction.pdf is a new colored slide showing evaluation
of the matrix elements.
AtomLightBook directory contains a new version of the slides
in PDF with links (hypertext links in PDF).
PRELIMINARY FILES shown thursday 30.11.2006
shown-30.11.2006/ The files shown up to today.
It contains 6 files, one is my PDF-file with links. The text which is not black is a link ..... OTHERWISE 3 powerpoints and 2 PDFs.
Self-consistent field - PDF and Latex - Hartree-Fock text added 01.12.2006


This is a color marker

Autumn 2005

Earlier years are found below
Physical Optics Notes
PDF file: PART 1 Optics Notes (Stamnes)
PDF file: PART 2 Optics Notes (Stamnes), 29.09.2005
PDF file: SUMMARY OF FORMALISM - PHYS261-summary.pdf
PDF-file: Exercise collection (Stamnes)

Atomic Physics Notes

24.08.2005 Lecture given on paper: Qualitative introduction to Q.M.
           From Newton, Euler method to Quantum Mechanics to atomic units 2005.08.24.pdf
07.09.2005 Some snapshots of the blackboard - Atomic units
           From Atomic Units, the sizes, Energies, Times; To starting points on Helium. Para and Ortho
           Hydrogen atom wavefunctions(not yet covered here): (1) From the book; (2) MATLAB program
           Tasks: Learn the atomic units; Derivations; This is a most important tool
           The page with atomic units discussion (print): const98.pdf
           Its LaTeX source const98.tex.txt

08.09.2005 Some snapshots of the blackboard, spectra of H and He
           Two electrons; SPIN; Repulsion energy minimized for Triplets; Exchange Force;
           Tasks: Prepare your own story about the exchange force and the triplet lowering
14.09.2005: No lecture due to train problems; moved to 15.09
15.09.2005 Snapshots of the blackboard,
           Helium atom: Independent electrons approximation; energy expectation values; Repulsion evaluated
           Evaluation of Coulomb repulsion: Multipole expansion (added october 21st)
12.10.2005 Snapshots of the blackboard,
           Variational Method. Started by reminder of how do we study atoms.
           Calculus of variations. MathWorld reference. The variational result derived.
           Tables of electron energies in H- to He-like Carbon
           (Evaluated and experimental binding energies, methods compared)

13.10.2005 Snapshots of the blackboard,
           Excited states in helium
           General method for N-electron methods; Lithium N=3
           To be added: How is this done in the textbook
           Similar treatment from 2004

19.10.2005 Self-consistent Field Method - Hartree; Hartree and Hartree
           Evaluation of Coulomb repulsion: Multipole expansion
           Selfconsistent field notes
           Selfconsistent field - blackboard
20.10.2005 Self consistent with exchange: Hartree-Fock Method; Non-local potential
           Variational derivation; Lagrange Multipliers (see the illustration, blackboard)
  Selfconsistent field Course; Based on the Herman-Skillman program. FORTRAN, GNUPLOT etc.
  Hartree-Fock Introduction
           VariationalHartreeFock Variational derivation of Hartree-Fock equations - blackboard (Lagrange Multipliers)
26.10.2005 Snapshots of the blackboard,
           Energies / Single and Total (1/2); Configuration Mixing.
           1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 4s 3d 4p 5s ....;
           Starting Quantization of ElMag field, Atom and Light Interaction
           From older notes on this subject:
           Time dependent Quantum Mechanics - oscillations and decays
           Light Atom booklet and 2 well material - documents here

16.11.2005 Snapshots of the blackboard,
           The outline of Light-Atom Interaction Theory
           including the spontaneous/stimulated emission; Photons
23.11.2005 Snapshots of the blackboard,
           Light-Atom Interaction Theory
           Laser Principle
24.11.2005 Snapshots of the blackboard,
           Molecules, Atomic Effects, Dirac (Last year Notes)

Autumn 2004

PDF-file: Review and Exam Questions (Stamnes, 5 pages)
PDF-file: Exam Topics (06.12.2004) ATOMIC PART (Kocbach, 2 pages, phys261-exam-2004.pdf)
Plain text-file: Exam Topics (06.12.2004) ATOMIC PART (Kocbach, phys261-exam-2004.txt)

Optics topics

PDF files of part 1 and Summary (1. version) (Stamnes)

PDF-file: optics examples with solutions, friday 3.12.2004

Atomic and Molecular Physics Topics
2004.09.02 - Atomic units - atomic world
2004.09.08 Scanned notes - Tables from Jackson (Stamnes)
2004.09.15 Blackboard shots; Helium atom 2004
2004.09.22 Blackboard shots; Helium atom part 2
2004.09.23 Blackboard shots; Helium atom part 3 and Electron energies in H- to He-like Carbon
2004.09.29 Blackboard shots; N-electron atoms part 1
2004.09.30 Blackboard shots; N-electron atoms part 2
2004.10.06 Blackboard shots; up to DFT...
           Work with selfconsistent field
           This is a whole course on the use of an older self-consistent field program
2004.10.07 Blackboard shots; Molecular Physics
           Pictures of molecular states
2004.10.27 Blackboard shots; Last part Molecular Physics
           Starting Transitions - Light-Atom Interactions
2004.10.28 Blackboard shots; Light-Atom Interactions
           Time dependent Quantum Mechanics - oscillations and decays
           Light Atom booklet and 2 well material - documents here
           Fermi Golden Rule Simulator The story and explanations
           Fermi Golden Rule Simulator golden5.m (save as golden5.m and run in Matlab)
2004.11.04 Short blackboard shots; Light-Atom Interactions
           More detailed Normal Modes, Time QM, Microwave oven model-picture, particle in elmag field;
           Eigenmodes of balls on strings (from PHYS208) normodes.m (save as normodes.m and run in Matlab)
           An article in Physics World about the mentioned Casimir effect
           Another short explanation of the mentioned Casimir effect
2004.11.10 Short blackboard shots; Light-Atom Interactions - nearly last part
2004.11.11 Short blackboard shots; Light-Atom Interactions - End
           Here a review of all the parts was given; Last page of the booklet booklet
           we have also been through the unlinked pages. To prevent search robots to get there
           the address is given as a story.
           The www is replaced by atom, ladi is without any tilda, and then there is nazila, the author.
           There are some usefule pages, but not *final*.
2004.11.17 Short blackboard shots; Effects, Structures Spectra. Dirac equation

2004.11.18 Blackboard shots; Effects, Structures Spectra. Exotic and Hollow Atoms

Spherical Bessel Functions in Maple, L=0,1,2,..5...9

First version of printout of all blackboards: phys261_ver_17.11.04.pdf (5.5 MBytes)

Autumn 2003

  1. Lecture: Atomic Units Discussion
  2. Lecture: Hellium atoms, spin
  3. Lecture: Hellium atom, continue
  4. Lecture: Hellium atom, variational
  5. Lecture: Many electrons, Selfconsistent field
  6. Lecture: Hartree-Fock method
  7. Lecture: Configurations, mixing, spectroscopy
  8. Lecture: Background: about groups; Spectroscopy: equivalent electrons
  9. Lecture: Physics of Molecules
  10. Lecture: Light and Matter-part 1.
  11. Lecture: Light and Matter-part 2.
  12. Lecture: Light and Matter-part 3.
  13. Lecture: Light and Matter-part 4.
  14. Lecture: Photoelectrons; Fine and hyperfine; Lasers
  15. Lecture: Stark, Zeeman effects. Dirac Equation
Link to the to NOTES and CURRICULUM of FYS287 (fall 2002 and earlier)

Copied from the FAQ at the portal page:

Sp: Do we have a book for the course

Sv: The course covers two fields which are usualy treated in different textbooks. Instead of a single recommended book we shall distribute texts prepared by the lecturers and references to different texts.
