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Helium Ground State: Variational Method  +
Closing Part:  Doubly- Excited States

Here we will perform the variational method for ground state of helium, based on an idea of
effective charge determining the "screened" nuclear charge. The idea is that we make
a model, where we assume that the electrons still behave as independent particles, but each
electron weakens a bit the attraction between the other one and the nucleus, i.e. the "cloud" of
one electron partly "screens" the nucleus, as seen by the other electron.

To do this, we first evaluate the "perturbation theory as before. We use the expressions for
hydrogen-like situation, but build in
(using the virial theorem see this:, also
and use "scaling relations" - the terms depend on Z squared, but the operations do not.
Thus something must come from the wavefunction-dependence on the Z - or the effective one, which we call z


Thus the E(z) has been evaluated. But how to find the "correct" screening?

We can prove simply a theorem: when using any wavefunction, the expectation value in this arbitrary
state can never be lower than the expectation value evaluated for the true ground state.

The proof is very simple.

Thus the task is to find a function giving the MINIMUM.
Since we have established the E(z), we simply find the "correct" z by setting the derivative to zero
(no, it will not give us the maximum, there is no maximum value ....)


The result is:   z = Z - 5/16, or roughly  z=Z-0.4

This is not the best possible value, but best for the model.
Better approximations.
One thing most important: remove the "independent particlesW

One method is configuration mixing - we shall discuss it again later

Other methods - variational with lifting the product wafenction approximation
Hylleraas method, Pekeris method


Technical points on evaluating the repulsion.
The 6-dim integral must be evaluated.

General method - use the so-called multipole expansion - very general



Spherical harmonics - as a special case of orthogonal polynomials

Here we use a schematic from 2011 - all the steps are illustrated

      4a_2011_-evaluate-repulsion.png 2011 copy

       4a_2011_-evaluate-repulsion.png 2011 copy

      4b_2011_-evaluate-repulsion-1-term.png 2011 copy

       4b_2011_-evaluate-repulsion-1-term.png 2011 copy

Here is an illustration we did this time: first that for ground state (and other s-states) there is
only the "monopole" contribution.

Then the double integral over the two radial coordinates is shown



the double integral over the two radial coordinates is shown



      6b_2011_-evaluate-repulsion-result.png 2011 copy

       6b_2011_-evaluate-repulsion-result.png 2011 copy

Doubly excited states of helium.
These are very interesting states: they look like bound states, but the repulsion is so large
that the energy is sufficient to free one of the electrons.

This is illustrated by the energy diagram.

Such states are then unstable. Similar states appear also in ions.
An atomic system (or in other cases, an ion) brought into such state
will then decay after some time. One electron can leave, there is enough energy for that.

This type of states is called autoionizing states.

If this state is a result of a scattering process - such states are called resonances.

Decay of some ions via this mechanism is also called Auger effect - or non-radiative de-excitation
(we shall mention this in connection with the radiation by excited atoms towards the end of this course)

      a1-He-spectra.png 2011 copy

       a1-He-spectra.png 2011 copy

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