LECTURE NOTE   2013.11.05          to index               2013.10.29 - previous lecture note               2013.11.07 - next lecture note

Interaction of Atoms with Light - Part 4

Quantization of the fields - from the strings of the last lecture
to the electromagnetic field (in Volume V - discretization)

For the particle in electromagnetic field we have used some scans
We are working on a new text  (which will be replaced later) is as a pdf here: preliminary_charge_in_elmag.pdf

Quantization of the Electromagnetic Field

We base our discussion on the picture of discretized field - that means that there would be a "countable" system of
eigenmodes for any field system (for N coupled oscillators there are N eigenmodes). For electromagnetic field
there is a total field energy expression (as there would be a total energy expression in terms of displacements
for mechanical oscillators). We see that as it is the E and B are sort of mixed both displacement and momenta
(this gets sort of more understandable if we use the vector potential "in the radiation gauge", then E looks more like

The expression for A taken from the litterature contains a mystery constant.

This constant comes from the requirement that the "classical expression" when inserted the expression for A
gives the same result as the algebraic (creation-annihilation) expression with the number of excitation quanta
times hbar omega (in the slide we have a problem with factor 2 - it might originate from a different expression
in SI and Gaussian systems - but the rest of the constant is clearly shown



Thus we have an algebraic description - number of photons - based for the electromagnetic fields,
as we need in our "unperturbed" energy operator

Density of Modes

Next topic is "density of modes" or in the Golden rule expression - the density of states
This is always based on discretization - quantization in a large box with edges L x L x L







The atom - field interaction term

The interaction between the atom and the field is obtained from taking into account how a charged particle
gets energy from the field. In classical physics we would also need to consider how the field gets energy
from a moving charge (and there it would be the acceleration which is usually used...)

In the Hamilton-like formulation it will be enough just to take the "action" - the "reaction" should be automatically
included - we do not investigate this in detail - there is enough to do here for the Lagrangian



Particle in electric and magnetic field - Lagrangian and Hamiltonian - previously shown in
We are working on a new text - which has been used in the slides below
a preliminary part (which will be replaced later) is as a pdf here: preliminary_charge_in_elmag.pdf






Here is the charged particle in electromagnetic field Lagrangian transformed to a Hamiltonian as is usual
in the literature (Bransden and Joachain book)







This completes all the components for application of the Golden rule -
to evaluate the transition rate

from excited atom to atom in lower energy state and one emitted photon.

LECTURE NOTE   2013.11.05          to index               2013.10.29 - previous lecture note               2013.11.07 - next lecture note