Message No. 2. sent in the
first week
The course started August 22. Five were present.
The total number seems to be 9.
We had also a 2-student lecture wednesday August 23
(see below)
Nyima still in Tibet ? Would she take part?
Anak will join during the term (followed the 2005 course)
Arne Skodvin Kristoffersen and
Nicolausi Ssebiyonga are taking part in PHYS205, which
collides on Tuesdays.
Ingjald Pilskog has a colliding course on Thursdays
Basically nobody wants to have lectures at Wednesdays 8.15
For the coming time we follow this schedule:
Tuesday 14.15 - 16.00 The main lecture each week
New topics introduced
Wednesday 9.00 - 10.00 Going through the photos of the
blacboard from Tuesday
(mainly for Arne and Nicolausi)
Repetition/discussion of tuesday stuff
Thursday 14.15 - 16.00 Work with tasks given on Tuesday
(following the reading stuff
assigned on tuesdays)
(Ingjald can do the work even
if often not present)
Thursdays might be moved to Fridays 10.15 - 12.00
But this will be adjusted during the coming weeks
In the next mail I will write a bit more about the
materials, plus about what we said on Tuesday and what on wednesday.
This time, the task for thursday is simple:
Have a look at the existing notes from earlier years at
our page
(look shortly at the blackboard captures ...)
Then take the text in our Topics files
Atomic Physics Part
Physical Optics Part
and put some comments for yourself and us,
as e.g. This golden rule stuff I have not
understood last time. Or I know everything
about atomic units .....
Have a look at the notebook links, especially about the history
of optics .....
Make these notes as text files or html-files if you prefere that
and send them to me before the lecture.
Preferably not as MS-word files!
You can also put comments on what you have done before the
course (Quantum Physics and/or Electromagn. Theory), plus
what you are planning to do AFTER the course (optional)
Best regards