General info
Professor at the
Geophysical Institute at the
University of Bergen,
and researcher at the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research.
My research is primarily focussed on Earth System Modelling, development of ocean general circulation models, analysis of inter-annual to decadal variability in the Atlantic-Arctic sector, and sea level variability and change.
I teach/have taught the introductory course in meteorology and oceanography, the first course in the dynamics of the atmosphere and ocean and the dynamics of ocean tides, in addition to giving guest lectures at various courses at the University of Bergen, the Norwegian School of Economics, the Bergen School of Architecture, etc.
I have been co-leader of the nationally coordinated climate research projects NorClim (2007-2010) and EarthClim (2011-2014) and the CLIVAR Working Group for Ocean Model Development (2009-2014), and I have
been board member of the Official Norwegian Report the Norwegian climate adaptation committee (2009-2010), the Governmental appointed Klima21 (Climate21) committee in 2010, and the Hav21 (Ocean21) committee in 2011-12.
I give climate presentations for the general public, industry and governmental agencies on a (fairly) regular basis, and I spend some time on the public global warming debate.
These web-pages are primarily meant for use and information for students and research colleagues, in addition to support my own research and outreach activities. Those interested in climate and climate research may find some of the pages of interest as well, so feel free to have a look.
The web-pages are slowly updated, so this site adds to the already numerous "under construction" sites - sorry for that.
The figures presented under the Climate heading are regularly updated and can be freely used - with the stated caveats and with proper reference to the data originators.
Comments and suggestions are always appreciated.