Dec 23 2021 Fomin and Kratsch "Exact Algorithms" book List of typos, mistakes and comments. Many thanks to Matthias Mnich, Evgeny Demenkov, Don Knuth, Laszlo Kozma, Van Bang Le, Taichi Shiitada, Torstein Strømme, and Michal Tuczynski for reporting some of those! p. 15, paragraph 3: "able determine" --> "able to determine" p. 17, paragraph 7: "2 A table" --> "A table" p.21 3rd line, should be \[x^{q}=x^{q-1}+x^{q-2} +\cdots + x+1\] p.35 (3.2) : \sum_{i=1}^{n} \binom{n}{i} 2^n --> \sum_{i=0}^{n} \binom{n}{i} 2^n p.35 (3.3) : \sum_{i=1}^{n} \binom{n}{i} 3^{i/3} --> \sum_{i=0}^{n} \binom{n}{i} 3^{i/3} p.39, Lemma 3.12 \alpha should be at most 1/2 p. 39, the end-of-proof box should go to the preceding page using the Latex command \qedhere inside the formula p. 71, line 2, the comma should go to preceding line p.82 Lemma 5.8, should be $pw(T)\leq log_3{n}+1$ p. 96, Lemma 5.28: items (ii) and (iii) are not printed so cleanly p. 106, last paragraph: "If in this case we branch on two subproblems, and thus either add v to the forest,”, delete space before comma p. 110 Fig. 6.3 In the graph resulting after compression the new vertex is u, not v p. 138, last line "Knuths's" --> "Knuth's" p. 114, last paragraph: uncompiled reference "indexalgorithm!msc" p. 142, proof of Lemma 8.1: "distance from a* to the" --> "distance from a^* to the" p.154 Algorithm 2-table can be extended to produce all pairs in the same time bound only when there is strict inequality of the table entries. With equalities, we might have $k^2$ outputs, and the updating of $i$ and $j$ after each output is not so trivial. p.157 The description of the algorithm for Knapsack is ambiguous due to the following sentence: Thus after preprocessing done for X and Y, we have that (Ai, Wi) in X and (Aj, Wj) in Y have maximum sum subject to Wi + Wj <= W if and only if the sum Wi + Wj is maximum subject to Wi + Wj <= W. Better explanation is: Thus after preprocessing done for X and Y, we have that for every pair (A_i, W_i) in X, the pair (A_j, W_j) in Y obtains maximum sum A_i +A_j subject to W_i + W_j <= W if and only if W_j is the maximum subject to Wi + Wj <= W. p.164 line 8. we are quarantined -> we are guaranteed p.182 Lemma 11.9, \ell \in N should be \ell \in \mathbb{N} p.182 line 3 from the bottom. "... and at most n·g(\ell') clauses." should be "... and each F_i has at most n·g(\ell') clauses."