Nasjonal forskerskole

Tekst Bilde Lyd Rom (TBLR) – Fortolkning og teoriutveksling

TBLR Avd. Bergen – og TBLR Nasjonalt og Internasjonalt nivŒ

English version


TBLRÕs main webpage




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Siste: 23/1-2013



ÓOn RancireÓ: Programme, Abstracts, Curriculum, PhD-Papers, Participants – see left margin below <--

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FOR OVERSIKT OVER GJENNOMF¯RTE TBLR-KURSER fra 2007 og til dags dato 2012,

lokalt, nasjonalt og internasjonalt – se liste med linker nederst pŒ nettsiden <--

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Copenhagen Doctoral School in Cultural Studies, Literature and the Arts






Som nr 3 i rekken

Nomadikon Lecture Series, foreleser

prof. Joanna Zylinska


ÒTaking Responsibility for Life: Bioethics and BioartÓ

fredag 25. Januar 2013 kl 10.15

i seminarrom 548 i Lauritz Meltzers Hus, UiB

(Fosswinckelsgate 6).

Alle fra TBLR er hjertelig velkommen.


Abstract for forelesningen:

Bioart, a genre of art in which artists use biomaterial such as live tissue, blood, genes, bacteria or viruses as their Ôcanvas,Õ opens up an interesting set of possibilities. These possibilities are not just visual but also material, and hence ontological: they concern the very nature of existence in time, and of what we understand by seemingly self-evident concepts such as duration, emergence, reproduction and being alive. In works such as those by Tissue Culture & Art Project, Stelarc or Eduardo Kac life is being re-created, pushed to the limit, remoulded, remediated, cut and spliced back again. Bioartists can thus be said to take artÕs creative imperative to a different level, echoing what the philosopher Henri Bergson termed Ôcreative evolutionÕ—a form of lifeÕs unfolding which does not proceed in straight vertical lines according to a pre-designed formula. In this way, bioartistic experiments not only undermine the metaphysical understanding of life but also challenge the traditional humanist value-based ethics, whereby this nebulous entity called Ôhuman lifeÕ is posited in advance as a value, something to be protected at all cost. In posing this challenge, bioartists do not just perform life differently but also enact a different ethics of life, taking responsibility for various life forms: humans, animals, organs, cells, bacteria. The protection of lifeÕs unfolding constitutes the first condition of this ethics. Critical reflection on the emergence of these different life forms, and on the relations between them, forms its core injunction.


Joanna Zylinska er professor i New Media and Communications ved Goldsmiths, University of London. Hun er aktuell med boken Life After New Media: Mediation as a Vital Process (med Sarah Kember, MIT Press). ­ – Se Joanna Zylinskas hjemmeside. – Se ogsŒ omtale pŒ Nomadikons hjemmesider.





BERGEN, H-2012:

ÒOn Jacques RancireÓ,

emnefokus og paper-kurs,


29/11-30/11, 2012


Venue: Seminar room 217 at HF-bygget (Sydnesplass 7)









Gabriel Rockhill: Abstract


Oliver Davis: Abstract





Utlysning av lokalt TBLR/Bergen forskerutdanningskurs for PhD-studenter

i estetiske fag ved Universitetet i Bergen

og tilsluttede l¾resteder,


Torsd. 29.-Fred. 30. november 2012


PŒmelding snarest til og

(bruk begge adresser ved pŒmelding),

senest innen 25. okt. 2012.


Topic focus:

ÒOn Jacques RancireÓ

– his thoughtÕs aesthetic-political relevance to literary, art historical, theatre, visual culture and film studies, and his thoughtÕs current actuality

A two-daysÕ special-focus PhD-course combined with sessions with presentations and discussions of pre-submitted PhD-student papers/thesis chapters.


Course description:

Even though Jacques Rancire (b. 1940) has been active since he contributed to Reading Capital in 1965 as part of the group of philosophers working with Louis Althusser, it is only during the last decade that he has become a household name to the English-speaking academic world. The last few years, in particular, has seen a torrent of new translations of his works being published, coinciding with a large number of scholars from a variety of different fields – philosophy, art history, visual culture, theatre studies, comparative literature, queer theory, and political science, just to name a few – starting to incorporate his concepts into their own work. At the moment, RancireÕs ideas seem to be everywhere.


For this reason and due to suggestions from our TBLR/B PhD-students, the TBLR/B are happy to offer a seminar on RancireÕs work on aesthetics. To claim that this is one of the areas where his work has been most keenly received is somewhat of an understatement; what his attempt to show the fundamental connection between the aesthetic and the political has amounted to, in the words of philosopher Keith Ansell Pearson, is no less than Òa revitalization of the term ÔaestheticsÕÓ. But how are we to understand this revitalization, and what are its consequences? How should we go about gauging the strengths, but also possible limitations of RancireÕs aesthetic philosophy? What sort of questions can his work open up for? What can be gained by applying his concepts to our own research, and what are potential pitfalls of doing so? And does his present popularity mean that his ideas are somehow in danger of being co-opted or emptied of meaning, and, if so, how can we counteract this process?


To help us discuss such questions, two distinguished scholars, both of which have published extensively on Rancire, have accepted our invitation to take part in the two-day seminar course, alongside TBLR/BÕs faculty staff and the PhD-students themselves:

Gabriel Rockhill and Oliver Davis will give keynote lectures:


Assist. Professor, PhD Gabriel Rockhill (Villanova University & Collge International de Philosophie, Paris) is the translator and editor of RancireÕs The Politics of Aesthetics (2004), and has also co-edited the anthology Jacques Rancire: History, Politics, Aesthetics (2009) with Philip Watts.

--> Gabriel RockhillÕs lecture abstract.


Dr Oliver Davis (The University of Warwick) is the author of Jacques Rancire (2010) and articles such as ÒRancire and Queer Theory: On irritable attachmentÓ (2009) and ÒThe Radical Pedagogies of Franois Bon and Jacques RancireÓ (2010).

--> Oliver DavisÕ lecture abstract.


Guest lectures, free and open discussion of the lectures, questions, comments, and references to the beforehand-read obligatory curriculum – in all of which everybody is invited to join in – will take place as plenary sessions during the topic-focus ÒRancire-dayÓ. Time permitting, group work on allotted curricular texts may also apply, before the groups return with their findings (orally) for a summing-up discusssion at the plenary session.


Comprehensive programme


List of course participants


Venue on both days:

University of BergenÕs HF-bygget (street address: Sydnesplass 7);

Seminar room 217 as plenary venue (one flight up),

seminar rooms 326 and 401 as group-work venues (two and three flights up).


Curriculum / Reading materials: Study materials are free of charge (except prospective books, that need to be purchased or lent individually). All curricular materials should be read beforehand, incl. the pre-submitted PhD-papers. For curricular materials, click ÒCurriculumÓ in left margin.


PhD-Papers: While you are welcome to take part both with and without a pre-submitted paper, yet the PhD-students are encouraged to submit papers (in English or Norwegian, max. length 15 pp, double spacing), to be discussed in groups (30 minutes+ each). NB: For the PhD-student papers the topics are free and need not necessarily be tied in with the courseÕs overall topic focus on Rancire. Papers at any level of completion are welcomed. If submitting your paper in Norwegian, then please include an abstract of max. a page in English. Links to enlisted and submitted papers will be organized on this webiste, check below. Papers will be removed from the webpage immediately after the course has been terminated. All materials should be read beforehand. – Since papers will have been read beforehand, each PhD-student participating with a paper first presents his/her work orally for 5-8 minutes (for example by contextualizing it); then the other PhD-students, the TBLR/BergenÕs staff faculty, other supervisors who wold like to take part, as well as the (circulating) keynote guests will join in, discussing each paper in a constructively critical manner. In the case of many papers, we will subdivide into groups; in the case of a number of papers that can be handled within one group, we will go for plenary paper sessions.


PhD-paper: Gunner¿d

PhD-paper: Vaage

PhD-paper: Heermann

PhD-paper: Jul-Larsen

PhD-paper: Gullestad

PhD-paper: Bale Amundsen


Working language: Whenever there are non-Scandinavian speakers present at the various sessions, working language at the PhD-course will be English. Whenever only Scandinavian speakers are assembled, Norwegian/Scandinavian may apply.


ECTS / ÒStudiepoeng innenfor oppl¾ringsdelenÓ: Participation without a paper: 2 ECTS (ÔstudiepoengÕ); participation with a paper: 5 ECTS. – Signed and authorized course diplomas will be bestowed upon each PhD-student participant on completion of the 2-daysÕ course. Immediately thereafter, a signed and authorized ECTS-report with all data relating to your completed participation will be shipped to the researcher-training administrative officer at the academic institution of your affiliation.


Venue, accommodation, meals, travel, etc.:

Venue: University of BergenÕs HF-bygget (on both days: 217 as plenary venue, sem.rooms 326 and 401 as group-work venues). Luncheon on both course days will be covered by the TBLR/Bergen. Since this is primarily a local TBLR/B course, the bulk of participating PhD-students are expected to reside in Bergen and will need no extra accommodation. PhD-students who hold positions at other academic institutions (such as the university colleges) yet are inscribed into the PhD-programme at the University of Bergen and also have their supervisors there, may apply to have accommodation costs 1 night covered. In the case of vacant course places after the UiB-affiliated PhD-studentsÕ enlistments, the TBLR/B will consider opening the course also to other interested PhD-students representing one of the other member institutions of TBLRÕs National level other than the UiB (i.e. NTNU, UiTroms¿, UiStavanger, and UiAgder). For those who need to travel, each participating PhD-student is him/herself responsible for the travel costs, and for booking and purchasing tickets ample time in advance (this goes for all travelling participants). With the exception of those mentioned above who are eligible to apply beforehand to have 1 night accommodation covered due to their affiliation with the UiB, room and board need also to be booked and covered by those travelling to Bergen (except for the two free luncheons).


Application deadline:

Thursday 25th October 2012. Apply per e-mail, preferably at your earliest convenience, to and

(use both e-mail addresses when you enlist). At the same time, briefly state your ongoing projectÕs title, its status, the title of your TBLR-paper, your discipline, your department affiliation, and name/e-mail of your supervisor(s) – who are also welcome to take part. – For new PhD-students: Please fill in the TBLR registration form so that we can include you in our mailing-list and enter you on TBLRÕs list (see webpage section, below, right), and send it to Gullestad and S¾tre.


Deadline for submitting enlisted papers:

No later than Wednesday 14th November 2012, at 12:00,

both to and


Organizer: Norwegian National Researcher Training School ÒText Image Sound Space (ÔTBLRÕ)Ó, Bergen Branch. – In the case of any questions, do not hesitate to contact Gullestad and S¾tre.


Financial support: UiB/Faculty of Humanities, and UiB/Dept. of Information Science and Media Studies (SV).




Evaluations: tba, after event.



TBLR/National–Norwegian National Researcher Training School, and

TBLR/Bergen–local Bergen branch:

PhD Researcher training courses.



H¯ST 2012 / VR 2013.


See comprehensive list

(below left, with links)

of already held TBLR

PhD-researcher training

courses, both locally

at UiB, nationally, and


Click on each course link for

course layouts as well as for

curricular materials

(still available).


See list with links

(below right)

to member, membership,

projects and supervisor

info, to handbooks, and to

TBLR BergenÕs and TBLR NationalÕs



TBLR/ Nasjonalt:

Utlysning Nasjonalt TBLR-kurs i MŸnchen, jan. 2013

(See also direct link to the national courseÕs main wepage: here)



ÒAesthetic Concepts and Changing FormsÓ

National researcher-training PhD-course

Tutzing and Munich, Germany

January 9th–12th 2013


This interdisciplinary doctoral course addresses the concept of ÔformÕ and its relevance in todayÕs aesthetic criticism. Our point of departure is the innovative aspects of contemporary artistic expression, from literature and music to the fine arts. From this position the course aims to generate a critical discussion of the form-related models of our aesthetic thought and discourses. – The course is a combined scholarly topic-focused course (with invited keynote guest lecturers, curricular reading materials, discussions of lectures and curriculum), as well as a course leaving ample time for discussion-sessions of presubmitted PhD-candidatesÕ papers.


The course is open to PhD-candidates from the Norwegian researcher-training school Text, Image, Sound, Space – TBLR (University of Bergen, University of Stavanger, University of Agder, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, and University of Troms¿).


Course description and organizaton:

Click here.


Comprehensive programme:

Click here.


Invited keynote guest lecturers, alongside TBLR/NationalÕs staff.

Brief academic BioÕs of: Annegret Heitmann (LMU/BRD), Frederik Tygstrup (CU/DK), Robin van den Akker (Erasmus Rotterdam/NL), Timotheus Vermeulen (Radboud Nijmegen/NL/BRD), and Birgit Mersmann (Jacobs Bremen/BRD):

Click here.


Venues etc.:

Evangelische Akademie, Tutzing (am Starnberger See), and (for final course day) transfer to Ludwig-Maximilians-UniversitŠt, Munich. Travelling details are given in Course Description. Meals and accommodation will be covered by the TBLR. Each participating PhD-student is him/herself responsible for the travel costs, and for booking and purchasing tickets ample time advance.


Curriculum / Reading materials: All materials should be read beforehand. Materials will be announced and published here.


PhD-Papers: The PhD-students are encouraged to submit papers (in English or Norwegian, max. length 15 pp, double spacing), to be discussed in groups (30 minutes each). If submitting your paper in Norwegian, then please include an abstract of max. a page in English. Links to submitted papers will be organized, check here. Papers will be removed from the webpage immediately after the course has been terminated. All materials should be read beforehand.


PhD-paper: XXXXX

PhD-paper: XXXXX

PhD-paper: XXXXX

PhD-paper: XXXXX



List of participants (tba.)


ECTS: Participation without a paper: 2 ECTS (ÔstudiepoengÕ); participation with a paper: 5 ECTS.


Application deadline: 1st November 2012. Apply per e-mail, and use this application form: click here.

Deadline for submitting papers: 1st December 2012.

Please, submit applications as well as PhD-papers per e-mail to:


Organizer: Norwegian National Researcher Training School ÒText Image Sound Space (ÔTBLRÕ)Ó, main organizer Agder branch, Agder University.


Financial support: UiB, NTNU, UiT, UiA, UiS; NFU-H; in coop. with Ludwig-Maximilians-UniversitŠt, Munich.




Evaluations: tba, after event.





BERGEN, H-2012.


Utlysning Startdagen for nye PhD-kandidater,

i Bergen, 4. okt. 2012

PŒmelding senest 17. sept. 2012


Startdagen for nye PhD-kandidater i Bergen

Venue, time: Scandic Neptun, 4. okt. 2012, kl 10.00–16.00

PŒmelding snarest til Kirsten Bang (FOF):



Programmet for Startdagen bestŒr av innlegg ved fakultetsdirekt¿r, prodekana for forskning, fakultetets forskningskonsulenter som orienterer om forskerutdanningsl¿pet med fokus pŒ startperioden og oppl¾ringsdelen, og av SVT (Rasmus Slaattelid) som presenterer den obligatoriske vitenskapsteoretiske komponenten (VITHF900) i oppl¾ringsdelen. God tid til sp¿rsmŒl.


Videre presenterer PhD-studentenes fagpolitiske og faglig-sosiale sammenslutning STIP-HF seg.


Det blir ogsŒ paneldebatt bl.a. med fokus pŒ veiledning og progresjon. I panelet sitter to stipendiater og to veiledere hhv. involverte i forskerutdanningen (Roger Strand fra SVT; og Lars S¾tre fra LLE og fra Forskerskolen for estetiske fag, TBLR).


Asvlutningsvis gis god anledning til oppsummeringer og sp¿rsmŒl. – Om kvelden: (frivillig) middag.


Arrangementet er for alle interesserte innenfor HF, og er kommet i stand som et samarbeid mellom (prim¾rt) STIP-HF, FOF, HF og ¿vrige deltakere. Stipendiater fra alle fagomrŒder er velkomne.


Fullstendig utlysning:

Klikk her.





TROMS¯, H-2012.


Utlysning av Konferanse i kunstvitenskap ved Universitetet i Troms¿,

Troms¿, 21.-23. nov. 2012

Call for papers

PŒmelding snarest til og,

senest innen 15. okt. 2012.


ÒS‡mi Art: Perspectives on the Indigenous and the ContemporaryÓ

N¾rmere praktiske opplysninger om program og lokal venue ved henvendelse.



I dagene 21.-23. november 2012 arrangerer Kunstvitenskap ved Universitetet i Troms¿ en konferanse i forbindelse med S‡mi Art Research Project. Under overskriften

ÒS‡mi Art: Perspectives on the Indigenous and the ContemporaryÓ

vil konferansen ber¿re en rekke utfordringer hva angŒr metode, teori, historiografi og estetikk som ogsŒ har betydning for forskere som ikke arbeider med samisk kunst.


Keynote speakers: James Elkins, Dylan Miner og Greg Hill.


Man kan delta pŒ seminaret bŒde med og uten eget bidrag. Se vedlagte

Call for papers for n¾rmere opplysninger.


St¿tte: For PhD-studenter fra andre steder enn Troms¿, fortrinnsvis for dem som ¿nsker Œ bidra med eget paper, vil det v¾re mulig Œ s¿ke om noe st¿tte til reise og opphold. – Kontakt Monica Grini, PhD-stipendiat, Teorifagbygget, Hus 4, Universitetet i Troms¿, 9037 Troms¿. – Tel: 77644567 / 93458925.


Fullstendig utlysning:

Klikk her.








TBLR/Bergen: GJENNOMF¯RTE KURS 2007-Õ08-Õ09-Õ10-Õ11-Õ12

(program og pensumtekster ligger hele tiden tilgjengelig):

--> Poststructuralism (Re)Visited, PhD-forskerutdanningskurs ved UiB 18.-19. juni 2012 (med Catherine Belsey og Colin Davis, begge UK)

--> Nasjonalt PhD-forskerutdanningskurs ved Centre Franco-NorvŽgienne en Sciences Sociales et Humaines (ÓMateriality and HistoricityÓ), i Paris i dagene 25., 26. og 27. januar 2012

--> H¿stsem. 2011: ÓTenkning og Skrift: Om forskning, kunnskapsutvikling, utforming og avhandlingssprŒk i PhD-prosjektarbeidetÓ (med Anders Johansen og ¯yvind VŒgnes), Bergen 8.-9. des. 2011

--> Nasjonalt PhD-forskerutdanningskurs ved Humboldt-UniversitŠt zu Berlin (ÓAesthetic Memory – Remembrance, Trauma, Place, Space, and Boundaries), i Berlin i dagene 27.-28.-29. januar 2011

--> Forskningskonferanse om ÓNarrative EthicsÓ (19.-20. nov. 2010, ved Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi/Oslo; courtesy of  prof. Jakob Lothe og forskningsnettverket ÓNordic Network of Narrative StudiesÓ)

--> Seminar om ÓLiterature, Ethics and AestheticsÓ (18. nov. 2010, pŒ Lysebu/Oslo; courtesy of prof. Jakob Lothe og PhD-programmet, UiO)

--> Emnefokus: Deleuze – Med Deleuze i litteratur-, kunst- og kulturfagene (med prof. Stian Gr¿gaard) (TBLR/B-forsk.utd.kurs 22.-23. okt. 2010)

--> The Cultures of Food, Eating and Cooking (26-31/7-2010, London; Courtesy of Frederik Tygstrup and European Summer School in Cultural Studies

(ESSCS 2010; Copenhagen Doctoral School in Cultural Studies, Amsterdam School of Cultural Analysis,

International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (Giessen), London Consortium, and the Univ. of Oslo)

--> Politics, Religion and Violence (15-24/7-2010, Tilburg/Nederland; Courtesy of Tilburg Philosophy Summer School and Simon Critchley)

--> Paper/Avh.kapittel-seminar 21/6-2010 [avlyst pga mangl. pŒmeldinger]

--> Persepsjon og bilder (14-16/6-2010, Solstrand; samarbeid forskerskolene Kultur og Samfunn/B og TBLR/B)

--> ÓMedia, Aesthetics, PoliticsÓ (New York City/Manhattan 19th–21st May 2010, Courtesy of the PhD-programme, NTNU)

--> ÓThe (fading)/(future) Memory of FilmÓ – Third Nomadikon Meeting (12th April 2010, Courtesy of Nomadikon, Infomedia, UiB)

--> Between the Aesthetical and the Political (Nasjonalt kurs, Bergen, jan. 2010)

--> Concepts; Meaning, Interpretation, Intention (med Toril Moi) (nov. 2009)

--> Estetisk kulturanalyse (courtesy of UiO and NTNU) (nov. 2009)

--> In-Between: Affect as an Interdisciplinary Medium (med Mieke Bal) (juni 2009)

--> Pluralizing Visual Culture (courtesy of ÕNomadikonÕ) (febr. 2009)

--> Det estetiske i kunst- og kulturforskningen (nov. 2008)

--> Det historiske i kunst- og kulturforskningen (okt. 2008)

--> Litteratur - Globalisering - Fortelling (mars/apr. 2008)

--> Den estetiske hendelsen (Nasjonalt kurs, nov. 2007)


TBLR/Nasjonalt, Internasjonalt og Lokalt: GJENNOMF¯RTE KURS 2007-Õ09-Õ10-Õ11-Õ12:

--> Nasjonalt PhD-forskerutdanningskurs ved Centre Franco-NorvŽgienne en Sciences Sociales et Humaines (ÓMateriality and HistoricityÓ), i Paris i dagene 25., 26. og 27. januar 2012

--> H¿stsem. 2011: ÓTenkning og Skrift: Om forskning, kunnskapsutvikling, utforming og avhandlingssprŒk i PhD-prosjektarbeidetÓ (med Anders Johansen og ¯yvind VŒgnes), Bergen 8.-9. des. 2011

--> H¯STsemesteret 2011: PhD-kandidat-kurser, courtesy of vŒre nettverkssamarbeidspartnere, om:

Stipendier i Paris;

ÓControversial Images in Media CultureÓ (Bergen);

ÓHollow Land: Landscape, Memory, PoliticsÓ (Bergen);

ÓFine Art and Cultural Memory in SebaldÕs Prose NarrativesÓ (Bergen);

ÓPhilology and Literary StudiesÓ (Roma);

Ó1700-tallsstudierÓ (Troms¿)

ÓSakprosaÓ: Arbeidsseminar, 16 sept-18 okt 2011

ÓKunnskapens sprŒkÓ (konferanse), 27-28 okt 2011

ÓBildekunst mellom historie, estetikk og praksisÓ, PhD-kurs, UiT, 17-18 Nov 2011

ÓThe 5th Nomadikon Conference: ÓImage = GestureÓ, UiB, 9-12 Nov 2011

--> VRsemesteret/Sommeren 2011: Phd-kandidat-kurser, courtesy of vŒre nettverkssamarbeidspartnere, om:

ÓGenreÓ (Paris);

ÓBody ImagesÓ (Paris);

ÓModernity, Critique and HumanismÓ (CSU, Los Angeles);

ÓCollective Futures – Organizing Critical ExperiencesÓ (London);

ÓContested Spaces – Witness, Memory, AffectÓ (Copenhagen);

ÓSamtidskunstens vidensformer og kunstens interventionerÓ (Sandbjerg Gods, Danmark);

ÓLiterature and Emotions ConferenceÓ (Copenhagen);

ÓAesthetics and PoliticsÓ (Copenhagen);

ÓMemory and/in PracticeÓ (Copenhagen);

ÓEuropean Docotoral Seminar in Culture, Criticism and CreativityÓ (Copenhagen);

ÓFictionilizationÓ (Copenhagen); and

ÓPerformaticity – Urban Performances and the Performative CityÓ (Lisbon)

--> Nasjonalt PhD-forskerutdanningskurs ved Humboldt-UniversitŠt zu Berlin (ÓAesthetic Memory – Remembrance, Trauma, Place, Space, and Boundaries), i Berlin i dagene 27.-28.-29. januar 2011

--> Between the Aesthetical and the Political (Nasjonalt kurs, Bergen, jan. 2010)

--> Objects and Methods in Aesthetic and Cultural Studies:

       Archives, Maps, Translations (TBLR) (Roma, januar 2009)

--> High and Low: The Aesthetics of Style, revisited

       (courtesy of NTNU) (New York, april 2009)

--> Den estetiske hendelsen (Nasjonalt kurs, Bergen, nov. 2007)




se orientering nedenfor - ta utskrifter selv:

--> Orientering og registreringsskjema

--> Stipendiater og prosjekter reg. hos TBLR pr dato

--> Stip. og prosj. Infomedia pr dato

--> E-postadresser stipendiater pr dato

--> E-postadresser veiledere pr dato

--> BOK: Mieke Bal, Guidelines for Writing

a PhD Thesis within ASCA 

--> LISTE: HŒndb¿ker (Toril Moi)



TBLR/Bergens Koordineringsgruppe

Prof. Lars S¾tre (Allm. litt.vit., LLE – Leder)

Prof. Asbj¿rn Gr¿nstad (Infomedia, film, litt., SV)

Prof. Randi Koppen (Engelsk, IF)

F¿rsteaman. Christine Hamm (Nordisk, LLE)

F¿rsteaman. Keld Hyldig (Teatervit., LLE)

F¿rsteaman. Henning Laugerud (Kunsthist., LLE)


Univ.stip. Laura Skinnebach (Bergen Museum, kunsthist.)

Univ. stip. Anders M. Gullestad (Univ. i Bergen - Sekret¾r)



TBLRs nasjonale styre

Prof. Unni LangŒs (Univ. i Agder – Leder)

Prof. Lars S¾tre (Univ. i Bergen)

Prof. Knut Ove Eliassen (NTNU, Trondheim)

Prof. Gunnar Iversen (NTNU, Trondheim)

Prof. Marie-Theres Federhofer (Univ. i Troms¿)

F¿rsteaman. Cato Wittusen (Univ. i Stavanger)

Prof. II (NTNU) Frederik Tygstrup (K¿benhavns Univ. og Copenhagen Doctoral School)

Univ. stip. Anders M. Gullestad (Univ. i Bergen - Sekret¾r)





Nasjonal forskerskole ÓTekst Bilde Lyd Rom (TBLR) – Fortolkning og teoriutvekslingÓ har siden 2004 v¾rt en nasjonal nettverksforskerskole i estetiske fag med UiB, NTNU, UiAgder og UiT¿ som partnere. Universitetet i Stavanger ble medlem h¿sten 2010. Skolen er sŒ vel tverr-estetisk som disiplinorientert i sin virksomhet. TBLR har samtidig egen lokal avdeling og ledelse ved UiB. I Bergen er den HF og deler av Infomedia (SV) sin valgte forskerskole for stipendiater i estetiske fag. Disse er automatisk (kollektivt) medlemmer i TBLR, sŒ sant man ikke reserverer seg. – TBLR/Bergen driver forskerutdanningsvirksomhet i estetiske fag pŒ fakultetsnivŒ (Det humanistiske fakultet (HF), samt for Infomedia ved SV). Virksomheten fordeler seg pŒ emne/fagseminar og avhandlingsseminar. Forskerskolen gir ogsŒ muligheter for Œ arrangere sŒkalte masterclasses lokalt. – Gjennom nettverkskontakter og forskningsvirksomhet har TBLR samarbeid med flere andre forskerskoler, sŒ som Copenhagen Doctoral School in Cultural Studies, Literature and the Arts, Georg Brandes Skolen, Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis (ASCA), og andre. TBLR sine stipendiater/medlemmer har adgang til Œ s¿ke om Œ delta ogsŒ i disse forskerskolenes kurs. Se omtale av dette og mye annet pŒ TBLRs nasjonale nettside. – Ved deltakelse i TBLR sine seminar og kurs, lokalt og nasjonalt, er undervisning og materiell gratis for stipendiatene; det samme gjelder kost og losji pŒ hotell i de tilfellene dŽt er n¿dvendig (f.eks. ved deltakelse i de nasjonale forskerutdanningskursene). HF/UiB og SV/UiB svarer nemlig hvert Œr en medlemsavgift til TBLR som bidrar til Œ dekke dette. Imidlertid mŒ stipendiatene selv betale reisen i disse tilfellene (over den enkelte stipendiats driftsmidler).


Konsolidering: Ved slutten av vŒrsemesteret 2008 holdt TBLR/Bergen et orienteringsm¿te for stipendiatene i estetiske fag, hvor en del skriftlig materiale ble utdelt: Det ble orientert om TBLRs virke (fra 2008 sterkere lokal forankring og flere lokale aktiviteter enn tidligere, samt ett nasjonalt forskerutdanningskurs i Œret pŒ omgang mellom TBLR sine fire medlemsuniversiteter; det nasjonale kurset (vanligvis ultimo januar) avrunder foregŒende arbeidsŒrs lokale aktiviteter). Samtidig startet TBLR/Bergen en kartlegging av UiB-stipendiatene i estetiske fag (ett ark Œ fylle ut og Œ returnere), for i stikkords form Œ fŒ et samlet overblikk over PhD-prosjektene, problemstillinger, materiale og perspektiver. Videre for Œ fŒ oppdatert hvor langt den enkelte stipendiat er kommet i oppl¾ringsdelen, for Œ fŒ sikret gyldige e-postadresser til stipendiatene, samt ogsŒ for Œ fŒ oversikt over veilederne og deres e-postadresser: Dette bidraget til Œ bygge et styrket forskerutdanningsmilj¿ har alt sammen som mŒl for ¿yet Œ fŒ et overordnet bilde av hvilke behov og ¿nsker rekrutteringsforskningen og den enkelte stipendiat i estetiske fag mŒtte ha i den studiepoenggivende kurs/oppl¾ringsdelen i PhD-programmet, med tanke pŒ bŒde lokale fagseminar, avhandlingsseminar, og annet. – Ved begynnelsen av h¿stsemesteret 2008 sendte TBLR/Bergen den samme orienteringen inkl. registreringsskjemaet ut igjen pŒ nytt til alle stipendiatene i estetiske fag (nŒ ogsŒ omfattende de nyansatte stipendiatene). – Registreringen er Œpen og er blitt fortsatt ogsŒ gjennom 2009 og videre i 2010, 2011 og 2012. De som fremdeles har behov for tilgang til dette materialet (inkl. registreringsskjemaet), kan laste det ned fra denne linken: Klikk. Her finnes ogsŒ ytterligere detaljer og opplysninger om TBLR som den enkelte kan ha nytte av.


NB: De som ennŒ ikke har returnert registreringsskjemaet til TBLR/Bergen, og spesielt nye stipendiater i estetiske fag, anmodes om Œ gj¿re dette omgŒende til forskerskolens leder Den oversikten som skjemaene gir, letter arbeidet med planleggingen av de kommende semestrenes TBLR-seminarer for stipendiatene i estetiske fag i Bergen, sŒ vel som planleggingen av det Œrlige nasjonale TBLR-kurset (hvor de fire medlemsuniversitetene samarbeider om programsammensetningen, og har sideblikk til hverandres lokale kurs gjennom semestrene). – PŒ basis av det materialet som er kommet inn, og etter faglige overveielser i TBLR/Bergens Koordineringsgruppe (som er oppnevnt av HF-fakultetet), startet TBLR/Bergen h¿stsemesteret 2008 opp studiepoenggivende forskerutdanningsseminarer for stipendiatene. Tilbudet ble bygget videre ut i vŒrsemesteret 09, og er blitt fortsatt gjennom H2009, V2010, H2010, V2011, H2011, V2012 og nŒ H2012.