TBLR/Bergen 29th and 30th Nov. 2012
On Jacques Rancire
Mandatory reading:
Book to buy:
Jacques Rancire, The Politics of Aesthetics.
The Distribution of the Sensible, transl. and intr. Gabriel Rockhill, afterw. Slavoj Žižek, London:
Continuum, 2004. (116 pp.)
book must be purchased or lent. Available (for sale) at Studia University
Bookstore at Parkveien (shelves for Comparative Literature), and at Norli
Bookstore, Galleriet. TBLR/Bergen has placed a sufficiently large order of the book
at Studia.
article is available for downloading and printing by clicking here. Ready for downloading.
article is available for downloading and printing by clicking here. Ready for downloading.
article is available for downloading and printing by clicking here. Ready for downloading.
The article is available for
downloading and printing by clicking here. Ready for downloading.
article is available for downloading and printing by clicking here. Ready for downloading.
article is available for downloading and printing by clicking here. Ready for downloading.
Jacques Rancire, Mute Speech. Literature, Critical Theory,
and Politics, transl. James Swenson, New York: Columbia University Press,
the following
From One Literature to Another (pp. 29-37): Ready for downloading;
Chapter 1: From
Representation to Expression (pp. 41-51): Ready for downloading;
Chapter 2: From the Book of Stone to
the Book of Life (pp. 52-61): Ready for downloading;
Chapter 3: The
Book of Life and the Expression of Society (pp. 62-70): Ready for downloading.
further reading:
article is available for downloading and printing by clicking here. Ready for downloading.
J. M. Bernstein, Movies as
the Great Democratic Art Form of the Modern World (Notes on Rancire), Jacques Rancire
and the Contemporary Scene: The Philosophy of Radical Equality, eds. Jean-Philippe
Deranty and Alison Ross, London: Continuum, 2012, pp. 15-42.
Oliver Davis, Jacques Rancire,
Cambridge: Polity, 2010, chs. 4
& 5.
Peter Hallward, Staging Equality: Rancire's Theatrocracy and the
Limits of Anarchic Equality, Jacques Rancire: History, Politics, Aesthetics, eds.
Gabriel Rockhill and Philip Watts, Durham: Duke University Press, 2009,
Atle Kittang, Litteratur og politikk. Ei
tilnrming til Jacques Rancires teoriar [Literature and Politics. An Approach
to the Theories of Jacques Rancire], Syn og Segn 0407, Oslo: pp. 36-43.
Atle Kittang, Diktekunstens relasjonar. Estetikk. Kultur.
Politikk [The Art of Literature and Its Relations. Aesthetics. Culture.
Politics], Oslo: Gyldendal, 2009.
Suhail Malik and Andrea Phillips, The Wrong of Contemporary Art: Aesthetics
and Political Indeterminacy, Reading Rancire, eds. Paul Bowman and
Richard Stamp, London: Continuum, 2011, pp.110-128.
Rancire, Jacques, The Sociologist King and Afterword to the
English-Language edition (2002), The Philosopher and His Poor, transl. John
Drury, Corinne Oster and Andrew Parker, ed. and intr. by Andrew Parker, Durham:
Duke University Press, 2003, pp. 165-202, and pp. 219-227.
Rancire, Jacques, Re-visions: Remarks of the Love of Cinema. An interview by Oliver Davis, Journal of Visual Culture 10, 3 (2011), pp.
Rancire, Jacques, Aisthesis: Scnes du rgime esthtique de lart, Paris: Galile,
2011; in particular Prlude, pp. 9-17 [currently
only available in French].
James Swenson, Style indirect libre, Jacques Rancire:
History, Politics, Aesthetics, eds. Gabriel Rockhill and Philip Watts,
Durham: Duke University Press, 2009, pp. 258-272.