Physical Optics - Part 1 |
Physical Optics - the part of optics connected with the electromagnetic wave nature of light Geometrical Optics, Ray optics - studies of propagation which are not connected with wave nature Examples - polarization, dispersive media, reflection and refraction - how much is reflected? Diffraction, Interference. Wave equations - sound, water waves, mechanical waves The nature of wave motion |
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Electricity and magnetism - thousands years of history - understanding and misunderstandings Example - today's images under Magnetic Field |
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Maxwell's Equations - with speed of light c as a parameter - in so called Gaussian Units In Gaussian set of thought in modern context - the B and H are "the same sort of quantity" - also E and D - and all four have the same physical dimension ( in agreament with logical writing of special relativity ) |
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An important feature - "divergence free field" - the magnetic field strength. A divergence - free field can always be written as a curl of a vector In the same wave as a rotation-free field ( a field where the curl is zero, e.g. the static electric field ) can be written as a GRADIENT of a scalar field ( elecrostatic potential - a scalar ) The vector field generating the B is called - in analogy - a vector potential |
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To the right - Gaussian form of Maxwell equations in vacuum - B = H E = D |
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There are 6 components of B and E ( 3 + 3 - vectors ). But there are only 4 functions needed - 3 components of vector potential and 1 scalar potential - to specify the fields And the physical fields are given by the derivatives of the four functions Thus the four functions are not unique |
The analysis leads to the following picture of electromagnetic wave In empty space Maxwell's equations give the following pattern of electric and magnetic field, propagating with velocity c But there is also a circular polarization |
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Images for circular polarization - left and right polarization |
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Maxwell's Equations - and the systems of units In addition to "permitivity of vacuum" and "permeability of vacuum" of SI there is also the issue of factor 4 pi This is connected with the Gauss theorem - basically it is the surface of unit sphere ( i.e. sphere of radius 1, or the full solid angle ) |
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Jackson's Classical Electrodynamics has a very nice systematic presentation |
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Maxwell's Equations in "Gaussian system" ( of units? - not - rather of physics thinking! ) We must return to the "systems of units" |
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Next time - why are Maxwell's equations an wave equation - see above polarization first apprach to "refraction" |