Autumn 2016 2016_08_25 Introduction part 1 Quantum Mechanics, Hydrogen atom, Spectra, Laplace operator Links to older files 2016_08_31 Introduction part 2 Hydrogen atom, Spectra, wavefunctions, visualization 2016_09_01 Helium start with Introduction part 3 Hydrogen atom, Spectra, wavefunctions, visualization Helium atom - The model; Parahelium, orthohelium; Pauli principle 2016_09_07 Helium part 2 Helium atom - Parahelium, orthohelium; Pauli principle Electron Spin; Two spins; Singlets and Triplets; Started Approximations 2016_09_08 Helium part 3 Mainly ground state - two 1s electrons: APPROXIMATIONS Independent hydrogen-like; repulsion included; Variational Method 2016_09_14 Helium part 4 Correlations - Hylleraas variational method, Exchange interaction Doubly excited states 2016_09_15 Many Electron Atoms part 1 Many electron atoms - experimental facts and "Laws" Periodic systems - failure of the hydrogen-like filled shells Interaction with a charged cloud - SELFCONSISTENT FIELD 2016_09_21 Many Electron Atoms part 2 Many electron atoms - expectation value of energy Many electron atoms - variational 2016_09_22 Many Electron Atoms part 3 Many electron atoms - variational - more details Meaning of the notation - connection with Hartree method Nonlocal nature of the exchange potential 2016_09_28 and 2016_09_29 External Lecture and Colloquium DFT and work with Two-electron atoms 2016_10_06 Physical Optics 1. Introduction - Maxwell's Equations 2016_10_12 Physical Optics 2. More on Maxwell's Equations, so called Gaussian units 2016_10_13 Physical Optics 3. Reflection and refraction - boundary conditions - part 1 2016_10_19 Physical Optics 4. Reflection and refraction -part 2 - Polarization - Brewster 2016_10_20 Physical Optics 5. Diffraction - Circular and rectangular Aperture 2016_10_26 Light and Atoms Part 1 Time Developement in Quantum Mechanics 2016_10_27 Light and Atoms Part 2 Time Developement - Fermi Golden Rule - Transitions Exponential Decay - Natural Line Width SO CALLED Time - Energy Uncertainety Density of states - in Fermi Golden Rule 2016_11_02 Light and Atoms Part 3 Continuous systems --> Coupled Vibrations --> Normal modes / Eigenmodes Algebraic Method for an Harmonic Oscillator - Creation and Anihilation 2016_11_03 Light and Atoms Part 4 The atom + field system; The interaction Applying the golden Rule Approximations - The dipole Approximation etc 2016_11_09 Light and Atoms Part 5 Sponntaneous Emission rate - details Stimulated emission - and simple introduction to lasers 2016_11_10 Additional Topics and Discussions e.g. Diagonalization of Hamiltonians - and Golden Rule Modifying presentations |
Autumn 2015 MySpace UiB PHYS261 - password protected, UiB File storage at MySpace UiB PHYS261 - password protected, UiB 2015_08_20 Introduction part 1 Quantum Mechanics, Hydrogen atom - Eigenstates, Spectra 2015_08_26 Introduction part 2 More on Quantum Description of Hydrogen atom; Visualizations of Wavefunctions 2015_08_27 Atomic Units and Helium part 1 Atomic Units - Length - Bohr radius; Energy - Coulomb energy; ( Time - using hbar ) Starting the Helium and 2-electron atomic systems 2015_09_02 Helium part 2 Helium and 2-electron atomic systems - Electron Repulsion; Perturbation theory 2015_09_16 Helium part 3 Variational Method - Excited States Electron Spin 2015_09_17 Helium part 4 Spin and magnetic Moment Exchange symmetry - Orthohelium, Parahelium Doubly Excited States; Configuration mixing 2015_10_07 Many Electron Atoms - part 1 Exchange interaction as effective spin - spin interaction (He addition) Selfconsistent Field - from interaction with the electrons in the cloud The periodic table of elements 2015_10_08 Many Electron Atoms - part 2 The periodic table - Electron shells - why 4s below 3d etc Expectation value of total energy - Towards variational approach to selfconsistent field 2015_10_14 Many Electron Atoms - part 3 Variational derivation of Selfconsistent field Based on the Expectation value of total energy 2015_10_15 Many Electron Atoms - part 4 Last part - Sum of Orbital energies is not the total energy Other features of many-electron systems; Computational project (to be extended) 2015_11_18 Light-Atom Interaction - part 1 Introduction - Time developement of quantum systems Two potential wells examples - probability oscillations and decay Time Dependent Schrödinger Equation - Perturbation Theory - Fermi Golden Rule 2015_11_19 Light-Atom Interaction - part 2 Exponential Decay, Line Width, Eigenmodes of Vibrations 2015_11_25 Light-Atom Interaction - part 3 Quantization of Elmag Fields, Particle in Elmag Field, Atom-Field Interaction 2015_11_26 Light-Atom Interaction - part 4 Evaluation of transition rate for light emission by excited atom Stimulated emission (spontaneous emission); Laser Short review of Molecular Phenomena Formal ectures ended 2015_11_26 The Computational Project 2015 (not continued) |
Autumn 2014 MySpace UiB PHYS261 - password protected, UiB File storage at MySpace UiB PHYS261 - password protected, UiB 2014_08_19 Introduction, Presentation and Hydrogen atom - Quantum Mechanics 2014_08_21 Hydrogen atom - Eigenstates, Spectra 2014_08_26 Hydrogen Spectra, NIST - STARTING Helium and 2 electron atoms see also: 2014_08_28 Helium and 2 electron atoms: Repulsion evaluation; Spin and Pauli Multipole expansion; Exchange Symmetry 2014_09_02 Helium and 2 electron atoms: Spin and Pauli Matrices Parahelium and Orthohelium. Exchange Interaction; Ferromagnetism 2014_09_18 Helium and 2 electron atoms: Variational Method Configuration mixing, Doubly excited states. Conclusion 2014_09_23 Many electron atoms: Part 1 Pauli Principle; Self-consistent field 2014_09_25 Many electron atoms: Part 2 Expectation value of total energy - how to evaluate for N particles Slater determinants; Product functions; 2014_10_14 Many electron atoms: Part 3 Expectation value of total energy - how to evaluate for Slater Determinant - Summary Variational Methods - For Schrödinger Equation; Hartree Fock 2014_10_16 Many electron atoms: Part 4 Variational Methods - For Schrödinger Equation - deriving Hartree Fock Orbital energies - their sum vs. the total energy 2014_10_21 Light-Atom Interaction Part 1 Time developement in Quantum systems - Probability density changes 2014_11_04 Light-Atom Interaction Part 2 Fermi Golden Rule; Natural Line Width Normal modes of oscillating systems - towards photons 2014_11_06 Light-Atom Interaction Part 3 Quantization of Fields, Charge in El-Mag. Fields Photons/Energy Quanta; Lifetimes of excited states |
Autumn 2012
UiB dot Learn (closed, password required) - autumn 2012 File storage: (autumn 2012, closed, password required) 21.08.2012/ First Lecture Introduction to the course topics 23.08.2012/ Quantum mechanics 04.09.2012/ Hydrogen-like atoms 23.08.2012/ Quantum mechanics 06.09.2012/ Helium - 2-electron atoms - part 1, start from Hydrogen-like atoms 18.09.2012/ Helium - 2-electron atoms - part 2, Antisymmetry, Pauli, Electrons, Spin Approximations - Independent Electrons - Repulsion evaluation 20.09.2012/ Helium - 2-electron and spin, Pauli matrices, ortho and parahelium Exchange interaction 25.09.2012/ Helium - Variational Method Theorem about minimum expectation value; Doubly Excited States 09.10.2012/ Many-Electron Atoms - part 1: Hartree Self-Consistent Field - SCF Origins of the Periodic Table (shells do not follow n) 11.10.2012/ Many-Electron Atoms - part 2: Evaluation of total energy e  > Variational method; with constraint; Schrödinger eq. 23.10.2012/ Many-Electron Atoms - part 3 - Hartree-Fock; Exchange; Non-local Interaction 25.10.2012/ Many-Electron Atoms - part 4 - Configurations, Conclusion Contains the Herman-Skillman Computational Exercise Description (this link was forgotten; corrected 25.09.2014) 06.11.2012/ Light - Atom Interaction - part 1 - Quantum Mechanics of Time Developement 08.11.2012/ Light - Atom Interaction - part 2 Extended Systems, Eigenmodes, Oscillation Algebraic Method for Harmonic oscillators, Creation/Annihilation Operators 13.11.2012/ Light - Atom Interaction - part 3 Combining all the parts - up to stimulated emission of radiation |
Autumn 2011
Topics available for Atomic Physics Part (broad) Topics available for Physical Optics Part (broad) 25.08.2011/ Whiteboard record and notes/links Quantum mechanics, Atomic units, hydrogen-like atoms 30.08.2011/ Whiteboard record and notes/links Starting Two electron atoms with a short review of Hydrogen-like spectra, Separation of variables etc. 01.09.2011/ Whiteboard record and notes/links Two electron atoms independent electron approximations. Ground state. Repulsion between electrons 06.09.2011/ Whiteboard record and notes/links Two electron atoms - Variational Method. Electron spin - two electron systems 08.09.2011/ Whiteboard record and notes/links Two electron atoms - Two Electrons spin - exchange symmetry Exchange interaction, ferromagnetism; Doubly Excited states, Correlations Configuration mixing 13.09.2011/ Whiteboard record and notes/links Many electron atoms. Hylleraas variational function for helium. Slater determinant - 2 electrons Ionization energies as function of Z 15.09.2011/ Whiteboard record and notes/links Many electron atoms. Periodic table (Hartree potential model) Many electron atoms. Lithium as example DFT - density functional theory commented 20.09.2011/ Whiteboard record and notes/links Many electron atoms. Expectation value of energy - as basis for variational derivation Schrödinger equation and variational derivation Hartree - Fock equations 22.09.2011/ Whiteboard record and notes Many electron atoms. Orbital energies Starting OPTICS part 27.09.2011/ Two lectures notes and computing exercise Maxwell equations, electromagnetic waves, circular polarization 11.10.2011 Reflection and refraction 13.10.2011 Snapshots from the texts and notes Reflection and refraction - detailed derivation of reflectance and transmittance 18.10.2011 Snapshots from the texts and notes Diffraction - - background and links; Bessel functions 20.10.2011 Snapshots from the texts and notes Diffraction - and Green's Function Method; Sources 25.10.2011 Snapshots from the lecture and notes Diffraction - Comparison of apertures and edges 27.10.2011 Snapshots from the lecture and notes Atomic part - Light-Atom interaction Time dependent quantum mechanics 01.11.2011 Atomic part - Light-Atom interaction Exponential decay - line width harmonic oscillator - creation and annihilation operators 03.11.2011 Atomic part - Light-Atom interaction eigenmodes for extended systems atom-light interaction evaluation of decay rate; matrix element reduction; fine structure constant 08.11.2011 Atomic part - Light-Atom interaction Energy conservation - energy is conserved, but initial state but initial state is not an eigenstate Fundamental physics of lasers 10.11.2011 Molecules; Atomic Phenomena Relativity in atomic physics Spectra |
Autumn 2010
Studentportal PHYS261 [ HERE ] Studentportal PHYS261 - File Storage [ HERE ] Topics available for Atomic Physics Part (broad) Topics available for Physical Optics Part (broad) 24.08.2010/ Whiteboard record Quantum Mechanics in 1 hour Elliptic motion - Kepler problem 26.08.2010/ Whiteboard record matlab sources (now for hydro and ylms) Picture-file - work with hydro and ylms 16.09.2010/ Helium - 2 electrons; Identical Particles; Whiteboard record of the lecture View also last course - 2008/2008_09_02.pdf Lecture note in PDF (second part) Comment - the uncomfortable and misleading electromagnetic units - look for the history of QWERTY keyboard. Why do we have QWERTY? And why 4 pi epsilon ? 21.09.2010 Helium - spin - perturbations Whiteboard record of the lecture - edited version 23.09.2010 Helium - perturbations -variation; Doubly excited states Whiteboard record of the lecture - edited version, with links 28.09.2010 Helium - final part - Hylleraas; Many electron atoms; Hartree Whiteboard record of the lecture with comments - edited 12.10.2010 14.10.2010 Many electron atoms; Periodic table; Hartree-Fock method; Code for Herman-Skillman included in the notes - download and use Whiteboard record of the lecture and links to the SCF course - edited 19.10.2010 19.10.2010 Many electron atoms; Hartree-Fock; Configuration Interaction; DFT - Density Functional Theory discussed Edited version version with notes and links (21.10.2010) 21.10.2010 Light - Atom Interaction Time-dependent quantum physics Slightly Edited version version with notes and links - not finished 02.11.2010 Light - Atom Interaction Time-dependent pert. thoey, Fermi Golden Rule, Line width Slightly Edited version version with notes and links 04.11.2010 Light - Atom Interaction Quantizing Eigenmodes of extended systems, Density of States Slightly Edited version - to be extended later Interesting short relations Constants - atomic units Wavelengths - relations |
Autumn 2008Jump to the last weekAtomic Physics Part Physical Optics Part Constants - atomic units Wavelengths - relations Physics Notebook of the lecturer: 20.08.2008 Introduction 2008/2008_08_20.pdf Introduction - and Atomic Units Story 21.08.2008 Atomic Units, Hydrogen atom states, Spherical harmonics: Relation to elliptic and circular orbits 2008/2008_08_21.pdf Lecture note updated molec-pict/ Various pictures; Stark Atom Model, Greek atom models, Plum Pudding spectra/ Spectra of hydrogen and helium Hydrogen Functions (English) Hydrogen Functions (Norwegian, but pictures) 2007/matlab/ Last year - Matlab collection 02.09.2008 Selection Rules and Starting the Helium atom 2008/2008_09_02.pdf Lecture note in PDF 2008/2008_09_02/ HTML slides of the lecture note spectra/ Spectra of hydrogen and helium 04.09.2008 Helium atom, antisymmetry of 2 electron wavefunction, part 1 2008/2008_09_04.pdf Preliminary Lecture note in PDF (now replaced by extended from 09.09.2008) We have taken part in a research seminar; more notes will come 09.09.2008 Helium atom, antisymmetry; continued 2008/2008_09_04.pdf We continued updating Preliminary note from 04.09.2008 The note contains also some parts of notes from last year, sept. 2007; This text might be slightly edited before next lecture (30.09.2008) 18.09.2008 Helium atom, Antisymmetry - Triplet and Singlet - "Exchange Force"; Perturbation Theory; Variational Method In the lecture we have finished the Singlet - Triplet Story We have then continued with repulsion evaluation, Multipole expansion, using He_repulsion_Variation_a.u.2007.pdf Perturbation Theory and Variational method (Ground state) 2008/2008_09_18.pdf Preliminary note; version 18.09.2008 - after the lecture ( odp files in the 2008/ storage ) 07.10.2008 Helium atom, Variational method, overview, Autoionization; Closing Helium 2008/2008_10_07.pdf Modified note (09.10.2008); (with Autoionizing animation sort of - also corrected ....) 2electron_html.htm Two electron atoms (ions) energies (snapshot in the lecture note) 2008/LATEX-work/He_repulsion_Variation_a.u.2008/He_repulsion_Variation_a.u.2008_v1.pdf This long link points inside the directory 2008/LATEX-work/ where we collect all extra (latex based) pdf and their latex sources, as well as figures and their sources (often for the xfig-program) 09.10.2008 Many Electron Atoms; First part. Evaluation of energy for Slater Determinants 2008/2008_10_09.pdf Preliminary note; To be continued; contains many calculations ... The Slater determinant and Lithium evaluation figure are found inside 2008/LATEX-work/ together with other, also older materials. 14.10.2008 Many Electron Atoms 16.10.2008 Many Electron Atoms - Hartree-Fock; Variational; 2008/2008_10_09-16.pdf Lecture notes for all three lectures (will be edited with the final part next week) ManyElectrons-Collection-raw-2007.pdf The latex-based collection of notes on Many-electrons - all collected (Hartree-Fock etc) 21.10.2008 Many Electron Atoms 23.10.2008 Many Electron Atoms - SCF and Configuration Mixing; Density Functional Th. DFT 2008/2008_10_23.pdf Lecture notes for 2 lectures (will be edited together with 2008/2008_10_09-16.pdf Additional links: work with the Herman-Skillman program: 26.09.2007 Herman-Skillman Hartree Fock part 4 The code for windows machines - unzip and try to run ( detailed instructions later tonight) run in cmd.exe (command window ) $ herman2 < in13 $ dir $ hydrad 1 12.7Lots of material about this can be found in SCF-work - Hartree (1995 Stockholm Course) It might be useful to go directly to to Hartree (Herman-Skillman) overview of topics 20.09.2007 Many-electron atoms part 3 2007.09.20.pdf Similar notes last year See also the Dirac Notation paper Dirac.pdf 2008/ File Storage (odp, pdf ) | |
Autumn 2007Jump to the last weekPhysics Notebook of the lecturer: 21.08.2007 first lecture - note 2007.08.21.note.html Introduction, history of PHYS261; History of AMOS AMOS: Atomic Molecular and Optical Sciences 23.08.2007 Hydrogen atom and spectra ( 1 hour only) Work with radial wavefunctions, spherical harmonics, hydrogen spectra note: Web-links visited during the lecture matlab sources (now for hydro and ylms) Picture-file - work with hydro and ylms What are polarplots (1 page pdf) 29.08.2007 Revised (30.8) lecture - note 2007.08.29.pdf Helium atom part 1 Latex work on He wavefunctions: He_latex/ About latex on this page - How to install and how to use. 30.08.2007 Lecture - note - revised 04.09.2007 2007.08.30.pdf - Helium atom part 2 The story of triplets and singlets 05.09.2007 Lecture - note - revised 2007.09.05.pdf - Helium atom part 3 Independent electrons; Expectation value (Perturbation Theory) 2 electron atoms energies Hydrogen and helium spectra 06.09.2007 Lecture - note 2007.09.06.pdf - Helium atom part 4 Variational Methods 12.09.2007 Lecture - note 2007.09.12.pdf - Helium atom part 5 Excited States; Autoionizing states 13.09.2007 Many-electron atoms part 1 Lecture - note 2007.09.13-slides.pdf in slides format Lecture - note 2007.09.13.pdf in A4 full page format Hartree method; Ionization potentials of atoms The periodic table - connection with the centrifugal barrier 19.09.2007 Many-electron atoms part 2 Lecture - note - edited 20.09.2007 2007.09.19.pdf ( in slides format from now on ) 20.09.2007 Many-electron atoms part 3 Lecture - note - PRELIMINARY 2007.09.20.pdf ( in slides format from now on ) See also the Dirac Notation paper Dirac.pdf 26.09.2007 Herman-Skillman Hartree Fock part 4 The code for windows machines - unzip and try to run ( detailed instructions later tonight) run in cmd.exe $ herman2 < in13 $ dir $ hydrad 1 12.7Lots of material about this can be found in SCF-work - Hartree (1995 Stockholm Course) It might be useful to go directly to to Hartree (Herman-Skillman) overview of topics Density Functional Theory files 2007: The Density Functional Theory - DFT materials at Studentportalen (login required): DFT talk - slide format Nobel Prize Lecture Now disabled 2007-Temporary link to DFT material USE THE ABOVE (login required) This directory contains 2 files with obvious names; will be removed oct.3rd 2007 Please visit also below 2006 Lecture notes - end September 2006 Above we have added link to Ionization potentials of atoms, with configurations. 27.09.2007 Many-electron atoms part 5 Lecture - note - updated with Grotrians etc (02.10.2007) 2007.09.27.pdf DFT, Spectroscopy, Energy TERMS, next: configuration mixing Read the above papers about DFT (Density Functional Theory) 03.10.2007 Many-electron atoms part 6 Lecture - note - PRELIMINARY 2007.10.03.pdf Configuration mixing "Computational laboratory" - Chaos (to be de-chaotized soon) "Computational laboratory" Helium (2 electron energies) links added above herman3 and hydrad3 replace old versions; MATLAB-friendly 04.10.2007 Light and Atoms part 1 Light-Atom-final.pdf (newer version added below!) Light-Atom-final sources under this link (newer version added below!) 10.10.2007 Light and Atoms part 2 Light-Atom-final.pdf (DO NOT USE in 2007 - newer version added below!) Picturebook about golden rule simulator dgolden.m Matlab golden rule simulator 11.10.2007 Light and Atoms part 3 Updates to 4.10. and 10.10 2007.10.10.odpAbout the lecture structure, about linewidths, Doppler, Lorentz, Gauss.OPEN OFFICE FILE 2007.10.10.pdf The usual PDF - file 2007.10.11.pdf Preliminary note from 11.10.2007 - discussion of normal modes. New version of the Slide file Light-Atom-slide-2007.pdf slightly updated version with additions at the end of (Forget Hermite-teaching ... ) Harm-Osc-Algebraic-slide.pdf AtomLightSlides2007.tar archive of the sources 17.10.2007 Optics part Lecture 1 18.10.2007 Optics part Lecture 2 24.10.2007 Optics part Lecture 3 Slides-format of the lecture (processed by L.K. 2006 in directory or just fetch (the pictures have moved all to the end in processing) Besides, there are 3 texts in A4-format. They are found under the heading (read colored background) Week 02.10.2006 - 08.10.2006 in or at their original position from 2005: SI and Gausian systems of Units: Jackson's Table - relation between SI and Gaussian units (the last part of the page; it starts with polarization pictures.) 25.10.2007 Light and Atoms part 4 2007.10.25.pdf Discussion of Density of states Interaction of charged particles with ElMag field Evaluation of matrix elements Expression for the rate/lifetimes Light-Atom-slide-2007.pdf The updated slide-file of the Light-atom lectures (from 11.10.2007 above) 21.11.2007 Exam preparation OPTICS FILES Exercises, Review, Lecture Notes, Review Questions Added 27.11.2007 for exam preparation All Latex - PDF text on Helium (wavefunction, repulsion evaluation, variational method) have been now collected and edited into one file: He_repulsion_Variation_a.u.2007.pdf He_repulsion_Variation_a.u.2007.tex it can be found also in LATEX-work directory with other various LaTeX sources All our 2007 files 2007/ - all our files (raw, sorted by time lists) This directory contains all our things added in 2007 .... Among other things, you can find the odt - OpenOffice sources for the notes there LaTeX and PDF depository LATEX-work directory Various LaTeX sources This depository is continuously updated. There are many things .... LATEX-work.tar Tar-Archive of the directory test file in public files 2006 |
Autumn 2006 Jump to the last week Physics Notebook of the lecturer: Atomic Physics Part Physical Optics Part Constants - atomic units Wavelengths - relations Week 22.08.2006 - 27.08.2006 Edited blackboard snapshots from 23.08.2006 and 24.08.2006 (txt) Comments to the snapshots from 23.08.2006 and 24.08.2006 (html) Comments to the snapshots from 23.08.2006 and 24.08.2006 Schrödingers Toy ONLY BOUND STATES: Schrödingers Toy PHYS262: Lecture: 26.08.2003 Blackboard and "Q.M. in 1 hour Last years edited version of AtomLightBook files, the text on Atom-Light interaction The AtomLight.pdf file - PDF document. THIS WILL BE EDITED. You can contribute (Project possibilities) Mail from the lecturer: letter_1.html Mail discussion - temporary link Week 28.08.2006 - 03.09.2006 Plan: Hydrogen atom, atomic units, classical mechanics Constants - atomic units Blackboard from 29.08.2006 Atomic Units and Hydrogen Atoms Latex note 29.08.2006(with all files) Atomic Units and Hydrogen Atoms ( PDF only) Discussed also: Hydrogen and helium spectra For new lectures: 2 electron atoms energies Hydrogen and helium spectra Blackboard from 31.08.2006 Scaling H-like atoms, exotic atoms, STARTING Helium Week 04.09.2006 - 10.09.2006 Blackboard from 05.09.2006 and 06.09.2006 Angular momentum - spin - 2 particles Antisymmetric wavefunctions (matlab etc) The part on plots of 2 particles in 1 dimension; Blackboard from 07.09.2006 Exchange interaction in helium; triplet/singlet; Evaluation of Coulomb repulsion: Multipole expansion (LaTeX, PDF) Week 11.09.2006 - 17.09.2006 Blackboard from 12.09.20061. Variational method for helium. 2. Excited state description Task for the student work: mainly 2 electron atom energies 2005 versions of the blackboard notes: Variational method: Excited states of helium: Week 18.09.2006 - 24.09.2006 Starting many electron atoms. 2005 versions of the blackboard notes: (Excited states of helium and) Many electron atoms Ionization potentials of atoms Self-consistent fieldPDF and Latex - first part of many-electron atoms Hartree-Fock text added in the above directory 01.12.2006 Blackboard from 19.09.20061. Comments about helium Bind.Energ. 2. Slater determinants 3. Correlations repulsion integral and variational method - from Alexander Sauter with additions by the lecturer Week 25.09.2006 - 01.10.2006 Many electron atoms. Blackboard from 26.09.2006 Qualitative explanation of periodic table; Hartree Fock Blackboard in TeX and PDF 2006.09.26_tex 27.09.2006 -task formulated and pictures Blackboard from 28.09.2006 Hartree Fock, Total energy and sum of orbital energy Spectroscopic TERMS; Correlations Self-consistent field - PDF and Latex - Hartree-Fock text added 01.12.2006 Links to SCF-work - Hartree (1995 Stockholm Course) It might be useful to go directly to to Hartree overview of topics The Hartree-Fock equations By Eva Lindroth in this (3 pages) The Density Functional Theory - DFT materials at Studentportalen (login required): DFT talk Nobel Prize Lecture Week 02.10.2006 - 08.10.2006 Starting work with Optics Topics
See also the physics notebook of the lecturer: for some more Optics history links. This week slides: optics - week1 PDF Extra blackboard comments 03.10.2006 Gaussian units; E B asymmetry in roles k_x_E = B Preparing the vector picture for the test Extra blackboard comments 05.10.2006 Up to Group velocity GroupVelocity files (LaTeX and PDF (Group velocity derivation) Week 09.10.2006 - 15.10.2006 Second week of Optics Topics This week slides: optics - week2 PDF Slides for optics: optics - PDF How do the engineers learn it: Lectures at Intel Our local copy (password required) Studentportalen - Intel files The most relevant powerpoint of the above for this week: ELMAG-Lect11-IMPORTANT.ppt Used in the lecture - modified Intel Lectures (password required) PDF-file - our version - short Refraction-from-Intel.pdf Powerpoint - our version - short Refraction-from-Intel.ppt PDF-file: 12-pages-Stamnes-Refraction.pdf Prof. Stamnes Full text on this topics Drawing to Huygens Principle Drawn in Xfig, exported to EPS and PDF -------- Installing latex on your computer - software and latex ideas -------- Week 16.10.2006 - 22.10.2006 Third week of Optics Topics This week slides: Continues last week optics - week2 PDF Slides for optics: optics - PDF Physical Optics Notes Installing latex on your computer - software and latex ideas Week 23.10.2006 - 29.10.2006 Fourth week of Optics Topics Read and cut and paste on DIFFRACTION DiffractionNotes.html DIFFRACTION note directory with a powerpoint file (for the exam work) Diffraction (see the above) and Diffraction and Imaging in the notes Slides for optics: optics - PDF Week 30.10.2006 - 05.11.2006 Fifth week of Optics Topics Last weak's Read and cut and paste on DIFFRACTION Slides for optics: optics - PDF Our attempts to view Circular Fresnel in matlab Matlab exercise for Fresnel (will be gradually updated; now the original only) Exercises with solutions: Here are the exercises: PDF-file Exercises.pdf and here are solutions included: PDF-file Examples_solutions_phys263.pdf (all by Prof. J.J. Stamnes) Week 6.11.2006 - 12.11.2006 Sixth week of Optics Topics Review of extra files - HTML Atom-Light Interaction Last years edited version of the text on Atom-Light interaction AtomLight.pdf file - PDF document. THIS WILL BE EDITED. GoldenRule.pdf AtomLight_slides.pdf GoldenRuleSlides.pdf AtomLightBook files, the text on Atom-Light interaction PHYS261-molecules.html EXAM TALKS WORK DIFFRACTION note directory with a powerpoint file (for the exam work) Physics Notebook of the lecturer: contains new links on Optics parts. Atom-Light interaction interaction.pdf is a new colored slide showing evaluation of the matrix elements. AtomLightBook directory contains a new version of the slides in PDF with links (hypertext links in PDF). PRELIMINARY FILES shown thursday 30.11.2006 shown-30.11.2006/ The files shown up to today. It contains 6 files, one is my PDF-file with links. The text which is not black is a link ..... OTHERWISE 3 powerpoints and 2 PDFs. Self-consistent field - PDF and Latex - Hartree-Fock text added 01.12.2006 THE PRESENTATIONS - EXAM SLIDES This is a color marker |
Autumn 2005Earlier years are found below
Atomic Physics Notes 24.08.2005 Lecture given on paper: Qualitative introduction to Q.M. From Newton, Euler method to Quantum Mechanics to atomic units 2005.08.24.pdf 07.09.2005 Some snapshots of the blackboard - Atomic units 2005.09.07.pdf From Atomic Units, the sizes, Energies, Times; To starting points on Helium. Para and Ortho Hydrogen atom wavefunctions(not yet covered here): (1) From the book; (2) MATLAB program Tasks: Learn the atomic units; Derivations; This is a most important tool The page with atomic units discussion (print): const98.pdf Its LaTeX source const98.tex.txt 08.09.2005 Some snapshots of the blackboard, spectra of H and He Two electrons; SPIN; Repulsion energy minimized for Triplets; Exchange Force; 2005.09.07.pdf Tasks: Prepare your own story about the exchange force and the triplet lowering 14.09.2005: No lecture due to train problems; moved to 15.09 15.09.2005 Snapshots of the blackboard, Helium atom: Independent electrons approximation; energy expectation values; Repulsion evaluated Evaluation of Coulomb repulsion: Multipole expansion (added october 21st) 12.10.2005 Snapshots of the blackboard, Variational Method. Started by reminder of how do we study atoms. Calculus of variations. MathWorld reference. The variational result derived. Tables of electron energies in H- to He-like Carbon (Evaluated and experimental binding energies, methods compared) 13.10.2005 Snapshots of the blackboard, Excited states in helium General method for N-electron methods; Lithium N=3 To be added: How is this done in the textbook Similar treatment from 2004 19.10.2005 Self-consistent Field Method - Hartree; Hartree and Hartree Evaluation of Coulomb repulsion: Multipole expansion Selfconsistent field notes Selfconsistent field - blackboard 20.10.2005 Self consistent with exchange: Hartree-Fock Method; Non-local potential Variational derivation; Lagrange Multipliers (see the illustration, blackboard) Selfconsistent field Course; Based on the Herman-Skillman program. FORTRAN, GNUPLOT etc. Hartree-Fock Introduction VariationalHartreeFock Variational derivation of Hartree-Fock equations - blackboard (Lagrange Multipliers) 26.10.2005 Snapshots of the blackboard, Energies / Single and Total (1/2); Configuration Mixing. 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 4s 3d 4p 5s ....; Starting Quantization of ElMag field, Atom and Light Interaction From older notes on this subject: Time dependent Quantum Mechanics - oscillations and decays Light Atom booklet and 2 well material - documents here 16.11.2005 Snapshots of the blackboard, The outline of Light-Atom Interaction Theory including the spontaneous/stimulated emission; Photons 23.11.2005 Snapshots of the blackboard, Light-Atom Interaction Theory Laser Principle 24.11.2005 Snapshots of the blackboard, Molecules, Atomic Effects, Dirac (Last year Notes) | |
Autumn 2004EXAM TOPICS PDF-file: Review and Exam Questions (Stamnes, 5 pages) PDF-file: Exam Topics (06.12.2004) ATOMIC PART (Kocbach, 2 pages, phys261-exam-2004.pdf) Plain text-file: Exam Topics (06.12.2004) ATOMIC PART (Kocbach, phys261-exam-2004.txt) Optics topics PDF files of part 1 and Summary (1. version) (Stamnes) PDF-file: optics examples with solutions, friday 3.12.2004Atomic and Molecular Physics Topics 2004.09.02 - Atomic units - atomic world 2004.09.08 Scanned notes - Tables from Jackson (Stamnes) 2004.09.15 Blackboard shots; Helium atom 2004 2004.09.22 Blackboard shots; Helium atom part 2 2004.09.23 Blackboard shots; Helium atom part 3 and Electron energies in H- to He-like Carbon 2004.09.29 Blackboard shots; N-electron atoms part 1 2004.09.30 Blackboard shots; N-electron atoms part 2 2004.10.06 Blackboard shots; up to DFT... Work with selfconsistent field This is a whole course on the use of an older self-consistent field program 2004.10.07 Blackboard shots; Molecular Physics Pictures of molecular states 2004.10.27 Blackboard shots; Last part Molecular Physics Starting Transitions - Light-Atom Interactions 2004.10.28 Blackboard shots; Light-Atom Interactions Time dependent Quantum Mechanics - oscillations and decays Light Atom booklet and 2 well material - documents here Fermi Golden Rule Simulator The story and explanations Fermi Golden Rule Simulator golden5.m (save as golden5.m and run in Matlab) 2004.11.04 Short blackboard shots; Light-Atom Interactions More detailed Normal Modes, Time QM, Microwave oven model-picture, particle in elmag field; Eigenmodes of balls on strings (from PHYS208) normodes.m (save as normodes.m and run in Matlab) An article in Physics World about the mentioned Casimir effect Another short explanation of the mentioned Casimir effect 2004.11.10 Short blackboard shots; Light-Atom Interactions - nearly last part 2004.11.11 Short blackboard shots; Light-Atom Interactions - End Here a review of all the parts was given; Last page of the booklet booklet we have also been through the unlinked pages. To prevent search robots to get there the address is given as a story. The www is replaced by atom, ladi is without any tilda, and then there is nazila, the author. There are some usefule pages, but not *final*. 2004.11.17 Short blackboard shots; Effects, Structures Spectra. Dirac equation 2004.11.18 Blackboard shots; Effects, Structures Spectra. Exotic and Hollow Atoms Spherical Bessel Functions in Maple, L=0,1,2,..5...9 First version of printout of all blackboards: phys261_ver_17.11.04.pdf (5.5 MBytes) | |
Autumn 2003
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Link to the to NOTES and CURRICULUM of FYS287 (fall
2002 and earlier) |