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Many electron atoms - part 2

Many electron atoms - part 2

Slater determinant - review - see last time - permutations  -  sum over product functions of the same  sequence of coordinates
but with permutation of orbitals  (could be vice versa, but this is easier to use in our context - and consistent with Dirac notation )



 .... more about determinants



Expectation value of energy  - first we look at a single product of orbitals
We easily establish that  - because there is only one product of orbitals, one term
- but sum over coordinates and sum over pairs of coordinates -
 - and to each coordinate belongs one orbital -

   that sum over coordinates   ( for  Hs - single particle operators)   -->  sum over orbitals
   sum over PAIRS of coordinates         -->  sum over  all pairs of orbitals

   first the   Hs - single particle:



  ... and here   sum over PAIRS of coordinates         -->    sum over  all pairs of orbitals
      note that if (1,5) appears, there is no additional  (5,1)  - that is the same pair!   the same for orbitals  (a,c) and (c,a)



  Above: for a single term product function - the expectation value of energy:
                        The sum over coordinates becomes sum over orbitals (single particle)
                        The sum over coordinate pairs becomes sum over pairs of orbitals (pair operators)
  Now turning to Slater determinant    - which is a sum of N! products. Thus there are always (N!)2  terms (from "left and right" - double sum)
  On the case of normalization check we see that the double sum reduces to a single one, because the terms where the two permutations
  are not the same are zero, as indicated. There are thus only N! nonzero terms, and the normaliztion holds (due to the square root factor)



Above: the overlaps, which needed to be identical to be non-zero - all N orbitals the same in each integral - this true for
all N! terms  - can this apply also to the single particle terms.

See above how it was for a single product - there was a sum over some k of the the Hs ( rk ) and it yielded N different
orbitals. It must be same here, but only one thing unclear yet: will also here - for each k - i.e. Hs ( rk ) - the (N!)2  reduce
to the N! only non - zero - yes - see the last frame at the bottom of this frame:
                 the non-diagonals of Hs ( rk )   are non-zero, but since all the others in the overlaps must be paiwise the same ....



  So from the above discussion, the Slater behaves just as the single product for the single-electron operators.
  Thus the sum over coordinates becomes sum over orbitals (single particle)
  Now the pair operators;
  again, the argument about the same orbitals remains valid, but now there is a double coordinate integral present
  the N-2 orbitals in the overlaps must again remain pairwise the same
                                                                    ( as the one more N-1 orbitals in the single particle case )
       but there is a difference - the "exchange term" appears for each permutation - but only once
            - see the discussion towards the end of this slide



     There were N! permutations, thus there are N! equal terms in the summation over the pairs just above.

     So that for Slater determinants
                            The sum over coordinate pairs becomes sum over pairs of orbitals (pair operators) each term in the sum
                            consists of a direct term and an exchange term



    The sum over coordinates becomes sum over orbitals (single particle)
    The sum over coordinate pairs becomes sum over pairs of orbitals (pair operators)
                  each term in the sum over pairs
                            consists of a direct term and an exchange term

Below: firstthere is a  sketch of the tasks sometimes used in introductory mechanics - or statics
            the shape of a beam under deformation due to a force of weight or similar

           In such problems the virtual works were introduced
           This became a starting point of variational approaches in classical mechanics

           c.f the Euler-Lagrange equation - and the calculus of variations


    Another background general history - minimum of a "landscape" function
    But minimum on a given curve given by g(x,y) =0

    Lagrange multiplier



    If we wanted derive the Schrödinger equation from a "variational approach"  (why? - because it is so succesful in Class. Mech, )



   Applying this to the N-particle energy
                - we can claim  the total energy to be extremal for the real (as we called "selfconsistent orbitals")
               - with additional N  constraints - the normalization of each orbital.

   First we apply it without cosidering the exchange terms



            when the exchange terms are left out  --> the Hartree selfconsistent method follows

 Next time:
            Full Hartree - Fock equations


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