1. How to work with continuous systems - fields - in Quantum Mechanics - Vibrating systems 2. Normal modes of harmonic systems Normal modes of coupled vibrations 3. Normal modes - total energy is a sum of energies in normal modes - independent oscillators 4. Quantum mechanics of a Harmonic Oscillator - Algebraic Method 5. "Quanta" - creation and anihilation operators |
Review of the last work: the Quantu mechanics of time developement in one slide |
sc_0100_resume_of_time-dependent_QM.png |
Continuous systems --> Discretization, Mesh of points |
sc_0200.png |
Topic in classical mechanics: Small vibrations (i.e. LINEAR SYSTEMS) Normal modes or Eigenmodes In the following - Linear algebra; From one particle to a system - coordinates placed in a column vector scalar product matrix product of transverse (row vector) with the column vector in question "coupling terms" - nondiagonal terms in a matix (for generality - we allow that also the "mass matrix" can be present - usually that will be diagonal) Finding the eigenmodes - means than finding the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the problem - as outlined below |
sc_0210_General_coupled_oscillations.png |
We ( from Goldstein's classicalt book ) even get all new "masses" equal to one and the original total energy is then written as a sum of independent terms (no matrix, no coupling) These resulting independent oscillations we call normal modes - or eigenmodes |
sc_0220_NORMAL_MODES_coupled_oscillations.png |
Examples - vibrations of a "string" or "rope" realized as "discretized" into balls on strings the dynamic variables are then the displacements un of each "ball" - kinetic energy straightforward; the deformation energy of each string is 1/2 k ( un - un )2 where k s the string constant - see later how it relates to frequency omega ( this comes in the section on a single Harmonic oscillater later) In 1 dimension - only longitudinal displacements - but we plot them in the y-direction Also - relation between the shown sum over eigenmodes and Fourier expansion For large systems the normal modes will be of sine / cosine form |
sc_0300_rope_as_string_of_balls.png |
The eigenvalues (eigenfrequencies) and eigenvectors (eigenmodes) can be visualized by a simple matlab code The coefficients of expansion are shown as y at the position of n*a The diagonalized matrix is shown below for the case N=10 |
sc_0400Matlab_eigenvalues_matrix.png |
More about the vibrating (longitudinally) strings |
sc_0500_waves_in_1-dimension.png |
ANOTHER MODE from the above matlab code ... |
sc_0700_Matlab.png sc_0700_Matlab.png |
Algebraic method for an harmonic oscillator the variable is not x but q - and the tricks are to transform q and p to dimensionless Q and P - with hbar omega as the energy scale factor Remember omega is 2 pi times frequency f ( and note that we rewrite the "spring constant" k in terms of omega and mass ) So the commutator for dimensionless Q and P is also dimensionless see operators a and a+ - just clever linear combinations of Q and P |
sc_0800_Algebraic_Harmonic_Oscillator.png |
Commutator of a and a+ |
sc_0900_Harmonic_Oscillator_transf.png |
Towards the Number operator N = a+ a and further commutators |
sc_1000_Harmonic_Oscillator.png |
Commutator of N = a+ a a+ and a |
sc_1100_H.O._Number_Operator.png |
sc_1200_H.O._Number_Operator.png |
And the states of Harmonic oscillator are described as eigenstates of N and connected by the ladder operators ..... a+ is a creation (of an energy quantum) and a is a anihilation (of an energy quantum) OPERATOR operating on the (simultaneous) eigenstates of N = a+ a and H (because H is N times const1 + const2) |
sc_1300_creation-annihilation.png |
Summary and spectrum |
sc_1400_creation-annihilation.png |
The above story in the notes (mostly) Highlighted the commutators |
sc_1500_Number_operator_print.png |
The above story in the notes (mostly) - with numbers instead of a |
sc_1600_creation_anihilaton_print.png |
There is also one more aspect of the method: we get the expression for the ground state with the help of a first order equation only And all the other states by repeated application of derivative and multiplication A simple way to generate the Hermite polynomials! |
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Next time: 1. closing this Harmonic oscillator part; 2. How to apply all of this to the Light - atom interaction (particle in El-Mag field etc) |