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Light and Atoms Part 4
       1. Overview of the time-development - and harmonic systems

       2. Electromagnetic waves - the field - and quantization   

       3. The model for an atom and the field

       4. Putting it all together - Golden rule evaluation

       5. Approximations

       6. Discussion of the result - Atomic units

   First plate:

   Golden Rule -  recall the 1 level embedded in continuum of the other type levels
   Our system - 2 subsystems
                      the atom
                      the field     (... its collection of eigenmodes)
                                       actually, each eigenmode has its own Harm.Osc.-number state
                      The interaction part  Hint   - still not described     ( denoted also as   HI )


       Some of the features of radiation mode electromagnetic field - no scalar potential; E and B symmetric, Vector "potential" A
       Gauge invariance with respect to modifying vector and scalar potential



     Wave equation for A; we can quantize A - i.e. eigenmodes of the A-waves; The  energy of the field (energy density)



       To set up the quantized field - we need the transformation to the dimensionless analogues of Q and P in the Harm.Osc. part
       Shortcut  -  since we do not have the "displacement" idea in a simple way - but we have

                        two expressions for total energy        - the integral over density   - and the sum over number operators

       The requirement that these two are EQUAL  leads to the complicated pre-factor in the square root (eq. 43 in the snapshot)



    Towards the discovery of the Hint   ( denoted also as   HI )  - the hamiltonian via lagrangian
    A short reminder of what is the Lagrange method; Newton equations, potential energy; this only for conservative forces



        This is to remind us about no scalar potential; but the Lorentz Force is general (this plate reappears modified below)



      ( Here we started by remembering the "current" .... )
      The interaction term is derived from the hamiltonian of a charged particle in electromagnetic field
      which appears as a modification of the kinetic energy term

      Note tht the relation    p = m v  is not valid any more  -   we should return to this point later



       Summary of the model - and the interaction term



        Applying the Golden Rule



   Why is there the "electron" coordinate in the description of the FIELD  
   The field is described in terms of the eigemodes   -  but each eigenmode is present in the the space points
                                                                                   ( see the eigenmodes "displacements" in the vibrating chain example)

    Finally, all the dimensional quantities are collected



        The final expression for the rate - discussion of the angular integration  ( here taken in a very short version
                                                                                                                          we should return to this point)



      Schematics of the matrix element evaluation    ( the field quantities are blue, electron quantities are red )



       So called dipole approximation  -  this leads to a simpler expression
                       also called long wavelength approximation



      Discussion of the final expression for the transition rate  and the associated "lifetime"

      transformed to atomic units      -  the fine structure constant alpha to the third power!!
                                                       -  it scales with Z  - fourth power



  Next time:      Summary;
                         missing steps and clarifications; 
                         STIMULATED EMISSION

to index             2016_11_02 Previous lecture             LECTURE NOTE   2016_11_03           2016_11_09 next lecture note