Light and atoms - Part 1 Quantum mechanics of time developement |
Stationary states - eigenstates of H vs superpositions of states An eigenstate of H - eigenvalue of Energy - stationary probability distribution - NO CHANGE |
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We discuss first a very simple problem - two identical potential wells for one electron The state in one well is known - what happens when 2 wells are present First generally about superposition of 2 eigenstates - the original simple sum will be modified by the additional phase |
![]() In the above: TASK consider phi1 to be an 1s-state and phi2 an 2p0-state - opposite parity. Their superposition will be a density concentration on the positive z-half. As the phase changes with time, it can become also simply (-1). What would happen? Make a sketch of the situation - for simplicity you can draw a similar 1-dimensional problem. |
The 2-well animation spread out in time |
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Well known result illustrated by animation (copied from last year)
We know that eigenstates of the whole H = H0 + V1 + V2 form a sort of split doublet (if the wells are moderately separated) More details are below Physics: the "electron" is placed in a state at t=0 confined to ONE WELL ONLY (1 well eigenstate) The probability is seen to be OSCILLATING between the two wells This is seen from the EIGENSTATES of the whole problem Note that we discuss two "sets" of state, the phi - eigenstates of simplified system, and the psi eigenstates of the whole system |
The probability flows back and forth in this simple case. There are many realization of this 2-state time developement, usually described by the following matrix | a b | | b* c | Here we model it by two wells ( b is then a probability amplitude of transfer from one well to the other ) |
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We assume here that the approximation of states being linear combinations is sufficiently precise ( we should remember that the actual solutions must be somewhat different; if the wells are "further from each other", this approximation is better. However, this is a detail not important for the understanding of the mechanism ) Note that there are two set of states as indicated - this will be discussed several times below |
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In 2-state ( 2 well ) case we get the 2 eigenstates (which are stationary - but delocalized - probability to be "both places" ) One possible description is in terms of the two eigenstates Now considering the "asymetric case" - where the other well has a "quasi-continuum" of eigenstates There will also be "splitting", there will be N+1 eigenstates The "amplitude" of the "left" state in each of the eigenstates will be roughly such that its square follows the Lorentz profile - this will be also discussed later see next lecture here In this asymmetric case, the probability simply "flows away" - if N is large enough - exponential decay in the continuum limit |
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Solving TDSE - Time Dependent Schrödinger Equation - by expansion in eigenstates ODE ordinary diff. equation This can be done exactly ( as exactly as the expansion is) - by solving the below shown system of couple ODE or it is used as a basis for so called Time dependent perturbation theory Below - Solving TDSE using expansion with time-dependent expansion coefficients |
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continuation - Solving TDSE using expansion with time-dependent expansion coefficients | ||
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Solving TDSE using expansion with time-dependent expansion coefficients Time dependent perturbation theory in simple terms it is an assumption that the initial state basicaly continues to be close to 100% while the amplitudes of the "final states" remain very very small forever Here, eventually, it will be used for finding not the probabilities, but rate of change of the probability In some other applications, the actual probability is estimated (atomic and molecular collision theory etc) |
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NEXT: Fermi Golden rule The natural line width Density of states for photons |