Most focus in
Mechanics courses is on the origin of discrete
energy levels - and thus the stationary states. Schrödinger equation is introduced usually in time dependent form, even with possibility of time-dependent total energy (hamiltonian operator explicitely time dependent) but then all this is quickly limited to time-independent hamiltonians which can then lead to stationary states. Mathematically - this is shown by the possibility of sepeartion of time and space coordinates. Next step is then often the postulate that "only eigenstates are possible outcomes of measurement", and only in more advanced or complete courses we see some treatment of time-dependent perturbation theory Fermi Golden Rule - for decay rate of excited systems Ramsey or Rabi oscillations In this part of our course we thus first visit some simple systems, look at the time-dependent Schrödinger equation, derive "Fermi Golden Rule" - for decay rate of excited systems, but concentrate specially on the natural line widths. In many texts (even in scientific literature) the existence of natural line widths is ascribed to "energy-time Heisenberg uncertainety relation. We shall see how seriously we should take such statements. We shall start by a simple treatment of a general time-dependent total hamiltonian in a form often used to introduce time-dependent perturbation theory BUT THEN QUICKLY TURN to time-independent case and further to a two-state problem - TWO identical potential wells "competing" to keep bound one particle (think it to be an electron) ----- This story starts about in the middle of the plate: Instead - --- for 2 levels H = H0 + V1 + V2 |
0000_TDSE_and_time-dep-time-indep_H.png |
In the lower
part of the above plate we start to consider an alternative expansion
for a model system of 2 wells This continues in the description below. We know that eigenstates of the whole H = H0 + V1 + V2 form a sort of split doublet (if the wells are moderately separated) More details are below Physics: the "electron" is placed in a state at t=0 confined to ONE WELL ONLY (1 well eigenstate) The probability is seen to be OSCILLATING between the two wells This is seen from the EIGENSTATES of the whole problem |
0002_time_pict.png |
(occupation probability) oscillations can be seen e.g. in DOUBLE QUANTUM DOTS experiments ( performed in the last decades ) or indirectly in many atomic and molecular physics experiments |
0004_time_pict.png |
Here the text
in the notes is supplemented by handwritten references to the above
defintions |
0006_time_pict.png |
Thus in the
above discussion it has been demonstrated that For a system which can be "localized" in two different regions by neglecting a certain interaction - and by neglecting the interaction, we can isolate two "states" (here left or right well) - the system has two energetically close eigenstates ( + and - ) these eigenstates are approximately given as sum (+) or difference of the "non-interacting" states - when such systems is prepared in (or forced into) one of the isolated states (left or right well) its probability to be detected in the "left" or "right" region will oscillate with time as shown For this to be true, the two isolated states must have the same energy! (energy degenaracy) .... then the interaction has removed the degeneracy, leads to two total eigenstates split by a small energy difference and to the oscillation of the probability (this comes out without the necessity of obtaining any explicit solutions of time-dependent Schrödinger equation - the knowledge of the energy splitting determines the oscillations |
In the next
slide this is summarized for the model of one "electron" in 2 equal
wells Further down is discussed a similar model - but one of the wells is much larger - that means there are many many levels energetically close (nearly degenerate) with the single level in the "left" well .... Many states in two potential wells .... this means there will be many states in the "large well" - plotted are only those which have "a non-vanishing amplitude" of the single isolated left-well state with a reasonable model for the "diagonalization" results - we obtain a (nearly) exponential decay of the probability that the left well state remains populated SO: for two states only - oscillations (probability comes back, oscillates) for many states the probability can not "find way back" - we get the decay of the single state BOTH CAN BE UNDERSTOOD IN TEMS OF EIGENSTATES of the total system |
0007_time_pict-narrow-broad-well.png |
why has the "large" well many
states ( energy is proportional to typical "k" which is given by 1/a - "a" the size ) Next slide: Top - summary of above Lower part: the matrix form of the model: the energies are equidistant, the interaction is constant we solve the time-dependent Schrödinger - in matrix form - for this model further down |
0010_Time_developement_Superposition_and_the_Simulator.png |
Above: the matrix form of the model: the energies are equidistant, the interaction is constant but only 1 row/column When the matrix is diagonalized - the projection of eigenstates on the isolated state (left single line) are the circles the lines show the projection of the time dependent solution on the quasicontinuum states with that energy picture from Matlab Golden Rule simulator we solve the time-dependent Schrödinger - in matrix form - for this model further down Golden Rule simulator ( in matlab or in the browser - javascript ) |
0032_TDSE_decay_model_elements.png |
Golden Rule
simulator Matlab version
for small time |
0061_TDSE_approach_MATLAB.png |
Golden Rule
simulator Matlab version
- as the time goes |
0062_TDSE_approach_MATLAB.png |
Golden Rule
simulator Matlab version
- as the time goes and becaomes "
infinite " |
0063_TDSE_approach_MATLAB.png |
Golden Rule
simulator browser version Browser program - Fermi Golden Rule SImulator 40 states in quasicontinuum |
1001_webpage.png |
Golden Rule
simulator browser version Browser program - Fermi Golden Rule SImulator 1 states in each region (not really a quasicontinuum ... ) but the program runs. Exercise: try N=2 N=4 N=6 ....... |
1002_webpage_2_levels.png |
Towards the Golden Rule results |
0035_TDSE_approach.png |
start |
0036_TDSE_approach.png |
0037_TDSE_approach-no_timedep.png |
outline of the
solutions - with the assumption that the
original situation does not
change much |
0038_TDSE_approach.png |
In the
perturbation approach, the occupation probability of the initial
state remains 1 ( close to one ) |
0039_TDSE_approach-DECOUPLE_EQU.png |
How does the decoupling of equations
happen? see above ( the occupation probability of
the initial state remains 1 ( close to one ) ) Time independent uncoupled and the unknown c is known -> 1 |
0040_TDSE_approach.png |
independent uncoupled and the unknown c is
known -> 1
simple integration for each coefficient |
0041_TDSE_decoupled_solved.png |
The function F
above (bottom left corner) We shall SUM OVER THE FINAL STATES to find out how much probabilty "runs away" We shall do it for large times - how then does the F (above) appear as function of omega (energy) ? Next lecture - approching the delta - function |
0045_TDSE_decoupled_Integral_Delt_function.png |
Next lecture:
Does the delta in energy really mean energy conservation? NATURAL LINE-WIDTH VS ENERGY CONSERVATION Other systems, not only "electrons in wells"; PHOTON FIELD What are the quantum states of force fields? |