View the notes
(handwritten) on Light_Atom-MARKING_2014_11_04.pdf the parts on Dirac delta-function Fermi Golden Rule Constant rate and exponent. decay Line width from exponential decay Density of States Eigenmodes for coupled vibrations. |
This version
here already contains EDITED pages from the above PDF The time-dependent Schrödinger equation - after expansion in eigenstates of a certain H0 - in matrix form This implies dividing H into two parts H = H0 + H' (t) This can be transformed by changing the coefficients (or effectively the basis states) For the new definition - the H0 cancels and the resulting system of equations contains only the matrix elements of H' (t) |
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For the new definition - the H0 cancels and the
resulting system of equations contains only the matrix elements of H' (t) Decoupling of the system of coupled equations: the "perturbation assumption" - that for the approximation the expansion coefficients on the right hand side of the equation are set to 1,0,0,0,0 reduces the matrix effectively just to column vector = column vector which means that this vector equation can be instead written as eqality of each component - separately |
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above: Thus the
copled equtions (matrix form) have been reduced for expression for each
time derivative of the coefficient UNCOUPLED Further, they are of such type - that they can be simply integrated |
Here are the
results from the last lecture (scaled down) WHY INTEGRATE OVER THE ENERGIES? ( over omega) - sum over the state in "the continuum - see below |
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Why integrate
over omega? Here we point back to our 2-well
story |
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Above -
sum over states - replaced by an integral - but
that implies "density" A more detailed treatment of this will come when we consider REALISTIC case of plane waves (for photons) BELOW: Towards the Golden Rule |
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Fermi's Golden rule: It is called Fermi's golden rule, because Enrico Fermi gave famous lectures on quantum mechanics and he called this result a "golden rule" of quantum mechanics. ( the actual first derivation reportedly first appeared in one paper by Wentzel) Note the time square dependence - to make the delta-function application we need one of the powers of time Then the probability of integrated probability of occupation of the final states is proportional with time Instead of it, we take the CHANGE - the RATE of change, i.e. the time derivative to get the final "rule" The rate of change of the probability is then constant with time |
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ABOVE: The "golden rule" thus implies a sharp (delta-function-like in energy) emission spectrum. Further we shall look at how this must be modified ... to account fo the natural line width Next slide: Here we address first time the question - what has our model with two potential wells to do with light emission? Not much. But as we see, what is important is the fact of "quasicontinuum" or simply continuum of energies. So as far as the system in question has this property: 1 special discrete energy state (degenerate - close to) many states with "continuum" energy the derivations will remain valid Here is shown the atom + field system schematically Bottom part - Then we make the first mention of how to approach the natural line width - by including the exponential decay - more detail below |
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Bottom part - Then we make the first mention of how to approach
the natural line width
- by including the exponential decay - more detail below One more illustration of the actual system the atom + field system schematically ( instead of our model with two potential wellswhich we used for introduction) |
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initial state excited atom no photon final state de-excited atom one photon with energy close to hbar omega NEXT Here follows the discussion in detail: How to get from the perturbation derivation - leading to constant decay rate (but implying delta-function-like spectrum) to the realistic case - and natural line width |
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The derivation
of the "Golden Rule" - based on perturbation theory
with "ansatz" that the population of the initial state is kept equql to one. That naturally can not be exactly true, since the probability to remain in this state decreases with constant rate - so the ( absolute value of ) the coefficient must INSTEAD of 1 behave as exponentially decaying (with square root ---> 1/2 of the decay const. ) |
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When this
modification is inserted, the coefficients do not "emulate" the delta
function, instead they get the so called Lorenz shape. NOTE: it is the same simple time integration, but now including the (square root) of exponential decaying population |
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The Lorentz profile NOTE: this ressembles the resonance in damped driven oscillator |
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Starting the
details of the whole system considered Atom interacting with a field (atomic states known already) We need to describe Quantum states of the field Interaction between the field and the atom Electromagnetic field is clearly an "extended system" If the field is to be known, it must be known in every point in space --- imagine that we can "discretize the space" - divide it into small boxes --- Then Maxwell's equations describe how oscillation in (or the general state of) one such "box" is connected to the oscillation in (or the general state of)the neighbouring box(es). So we start by considering a system of harmonic oscillators - which are coupled First model - balls connected by springs |
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The total
energy (classical) - most general form - quadratic
expressions ( x a - x b )2 = x2a + x2b - x a x b - x a x b is exactly of the form V in the above - symmetric matrix V Below we show a series of transformations which leads to re-writing as a sum of independent oscillations ( with unit mass ) |
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formulation of this - quadratic forms |
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A simple
example of the above general result Eigenmodes of a string of balls connected by strings (in 1 dimension; balls would be attached on a wire or confined in a tube, to realize this math) |
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A simple
example of the above general result - more details Eigenmodes of a string of balls connected by strings (in 1 dimension; balls would be attached on a wire or confined in a tube, to realize this math) The "local amplitudes" - i.e. displacements of each ball - are plotted as y-coordinate --- though they are naturally displacements in the "x-direction" - one-dimensional |
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Thus each
coupled system which has "harmonic" properties - i.e. wave-like for
example can be treated as collection of independent oscillators We need to describe further (next lecture) Quantum states of the field Interaction between the field and the atom Electromagnetic field is clearly an "extended system", wave-like; what are the eigenmodes ? And what are the photons? |