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Many Electron Atoms Part 4

               Details of the Hartree-Fock equations derivation
               Non-local nature of the exchange potential
               Meaning of the orbital energies

We started by the
Overview of Hartree - Fock equation derivation - clipped and glued into the first slide (0000_Hartree-Fock-Preview.png) :
   1. the functional - expectation value of total energy - single particle and pair contributions
   2. Lagrange multipliers - including the normaliztion condition of the orbitals (N various orbitals )
   3. "Variation" must be zero, for arbitrary variations of each orbital
            ==>  each remaining integrand (in Dirac notation, remove the  <  and the variation ) must be zero
                    ==>    N independent equations
   4.  ... for illustration - we gave the results "for Hartree", i.e. when only direct term present
   5.  The Hartree-Fock equations are derived  -  with the direct (Hartree) term and a sort of exchange term

In the following, we look at various steps in the derivation

First, we revisit the variational "derivation" of Schrödinger equation
   ( i.e. revisit the requirements and operations which from a stationary value condition for a certain functional
           lead to Schrödinger equation )
This is written in Dirac notation and below in coordinate form

Further we look at comparison of "at minimum differential is equal to zero" with "variation  is equal to zero"

Finally, we discuss the case when the functional contains two integrations, as in our many-electron
energy expression ( the pair interaction operators)

Note that all this is needed in the procedure outlined in the first slide (0000_Hartree-Fock-Preview.png   )



Just above,  we discuss the case when the functional contains two integrations, as in our many-electron
energy expression ( the pair interaction operators; the single particle terms are easier)

Note that all this is needed in the procedure outlined in the first slide (0000_Hartree-Fock-Preview.png   )

the pair interaction operators are looked at once more in more detail
    (the single particle terms are much easier)


Overview of Hartree - Fock equation derivation - once more, this time with stress on the original
summation over orbitals     ( note the differences from the first slide 0000_Hartree-Fock-Preview.png   )
Thu summations - over alpha - are made visible by blue-background )


When the compact Dirac notation is written out in terms of integrals

Direct term potential  (Hartree)    vs  Exchange potential



When the compact Dirac notation is written out in terms of integrals
Direct term potential  (Hartree)    vs     Exchange potential    (original snapshot, without notes)



The exchange potential   is  a  NON-LOCAL OPERATOR
     In order to understand non-local operators, we must understand when a potential is a local operator ....
     Relation of Dirac notation and  the  "wavefunction"  -  as a projection of a state vector on the position eigenstate
     Delta-function scalar products etc....


continue ....
     In order to understand non-local operators, we must understand when a potential is a local operator ....
     Relation of Dirac notation and  the  "wavefunction"  -  as a projection of a state vector on the position eigenstate
     Delta-function scalar products etc....

non-local potentials     ....     velocity-dependent potentials  - see further



non-local potentials     ....     velocity-dependent potentials 
    ( mainly discussed in more complex systems, nuclear models etc .... )

... we can understand some features  by analogy with Green's function

For the atomic physics case:    The most important is the practical feature:
       The differential Schrödinger equation                    is replaced by  a system of
       integro-differential equations      Hartree - Fock 

Integro - differential equations   -  approximative methods   -  see next part below



Integro - differential equations   -  approximative methods 

The non-locality is simulated by various "corrections" 



Density Functional Theory      became a more popular  device for introducing the
SCF   ( Self -Consistent - Fields )

The non-locality - exchange - is built - in (simulated) in the Density Functional Theory
excahange energy term of the functional   ( and not derived as here )
seethe section
( i.e. the section  3 Approximations (exchange-correlation functionals)  of the above article)

How to understand the "ORBITAL ENERGIES"


...    The last expression    -   the expectation value of total energy of the N electrons -
     is the starting point of the variational procedure which gave us the Hartree-Fock equations  


How to understand the "ORBITAL ENERGIES"   ... continued
We consider all the N Hartree-Fock equations for the N orbitals;
For each of then we form the orbital's expectation value of the equation   -  and we get a  relation
for the value of the "orbital energy"  (  epsilon - index - alpha )

OK, we call thisof the orbital alpha

Then we make a sum of  the orbital energies

we obtain an expression which is nearly the same
as the above expression for the total energy of N electrons
but differs by the details of the summation .....   over ordered pairs vs. just pairs


What is the difference between the two summations?

The resulting observation is:

The sum over all occupied orbitals energies  gives the total energy of the system PLUS an extra term
which is equal to the total of pair interactions

or as written in the slide:
the total energy of the system is equal to the sum over all occupied orbitals energies MINUS the interaction
of the pairs

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