Some additional comments |
Creation and annihilation - the ladder operators - and the LADDER - the equidistant spectrum of the oscillator |
sc_0300.png |
The integration over directions - the density of states - a large version of the picture |
sc_0600.png |
Back to the "two expansions" - and the simulation of the Golden rule - with stress on the NATURAL LINE WIDTH The "width" appears in the eigenstates of the "total hamiltonian" Here is the lecture sketch togethe with later added snapshots from the presentation |
sc_0700.png |
Playing with matlab - the matrix, the diagonalization |
sc_0750.png |
The eigenvectors and eigenvalues |
sc_0800.png |
The eigenvectors squared - the probability amplitudes - the natural width illustrated |
sc_0900.png |
Older matlab version of the Golden rule program - the matlab diagonalization above - the dots On this picture the state has decayed .... |
zZP1_large_time.png |
Older matlab version of the Golden rule program - the matlab diagonalization above - the dots On this picture the state has NOT YET decayed .... |
zZP2_small_time.png |
Here we look at 12 states only - in the pictures and below in the numerical part of the program |
zZP3_small_N.png |
Here we look at 12 states only - in the numerical part of the program - the picture above is running |
zZP4-term_small_N.png |
Here is one calculation - with long time scale the state has decayed ..... |
zZP5_decayed.png |
But for large times we see so called recurrences - the original state comes back The "quasiperiod" of the recurrences can be found to depend on the energy (frequency) spacing For truly continuous case - delta omega -> 0 i.e. T -> infinity Recurrencies happen in real cavity experiments - when the eigenmode spectrum is similar to this model Sometimes this is called Collapse and Revival See e.g. |
zZP6_decayed_Reccurence.png |
Next: various additional aspects |