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Additional discussions

     Some additional comments

     Creation and annihilation - the ladder operators  -  and the LADDER  - the equidistant spectrum of the oscillator



       The integration over directions -  the density of states   -  a large version of the picture



      Back to the  "two expansions" - and the simulation of the Golden rule - with stress on the NATURAL LINE WIDTH
      The "width" appears in the eigenstates of the "total hamiltonian"

      Here is the lecture sketch togethe with later added snapshots from the presentation



    Playing with matlab - the matrix, the diagonalization



     The eigenvectors  and eigenvalues



     The eigenvectors squared - the probability amplitudes - the natural width illustrated



     Older matlab version of the Golden rule program - the matlab diagonalization above - the dots
     On this picture the state has decayed ....



     Older matlab version of the Golden rule program - the matlab diagonalization above - the dots
     On this picture the state has NOT YET decayed ....



     Here we look at 12 states only - in the pictures and below in the numerical part of the program



     Here we look at 12 states only - in the numerical part of the program - the picture above is running



       Here is one calculation - with long time scale     the state has decayed .....



      But for large times we see so called recurrences - the original state comes back

      The "quasiperiod" of the recurrences can be found to depend on the energy (frequency) spacing
      For truly continuous case  - delta omega -> 0     i.e.  T -> infinity

      Recurrencies happen in real cavity experiments - when the eigenmode spectrum is similar to this model
      Sometimes this is called Collapse and  Revival
      See e.g.



      Next:   various additional aspects

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