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Introduction: Quantum Mechanics, Schrödinger, Hydrogen atom. Spectra


This plate is from a discussion - based on some earlier lectures. It turns our attention to general problems,
in contrast to those which can be solved analyticaly.
When general problems are solved - numerically - the differences between the two fields appear in the sketched perspective.

Classical physics - system of ordinary ( and in fact 1. order )  differential equqtions
Quantum physics - allways over the whole space. And as mentioned in the next plate - complex numbers are essential

Also sketched is a qualitative way to Schrödinger equation: from de Broglie's assumptions to Schrödinger's construction.

No energy concept in Newton's time - see e.g.         It is energy in Quantum Mechanics ( or the Hamiltonian )



Born's idea about probability density  <--  from wavefunction is the cornerstone of quantum physics.
Time dependent  Schrödinger equation   vs.  Stationary problems ( time and space variable separation )



Historically - allowed energies - explained the spectra.
Here is a little exercise showing the relation between  ENERGY LEVEL DIAGRAM    and   ENERGY SPECTRUM
      Historically it was wavelength  spectrum - but Planck's work had shown the relation between energy and frequency (ant thus wavelength )
What we have demonstrated below: if you know the spectrum - you still do not know the energy levels
      in the lowest part of this plate is demonstrated that the same spectrum is consistent with both of the LEVEL DIAGRAMS


Above:         the lowest part of the above plate demonstrated that the same spectrum is consistent with both of the LEVEL DIAGRAMS

So why are there only certain allowed energies?
          In one dimensional cases - for wrong energies the solution will "blow up" at infinity (also in 2-dim and 3-dim, but more complicated)

Only for some energies the solutions vanish outside of the attractive region   (  Hurrah when we hit .... )


Above: lower part  - Coulomb problem = Hydrogen atom - like    Note the two forms - two "systems of units"
                                                                                                      ( more about Gauss and SI later .... )

The good and bad solutions - in Schrödinger Toy Program (browser application)



Getting to the good energy and good solution:  - in Schrödinger Toy Program (browser application)


Above:   Playing with Schrödinger's Toy - snapshots. Question: HOW IS THE ENERGY CHANGING from left to right
                                                                                                     DECREASING    or  INCREASING   ?????

Below: Kinetic energy operator  - from momentum operator - gradient - Laplace operator -  SPHERICAL COORDINATES



LAPLACE OPERATOR  - Spherical coordinates   Separation of Variables



Additional snapshot: What also can be done with Schrödinger's Toy - Simple resonances


Next time:    Continue the work with
                                    LAPLACE OPERATOR  - Spherical coordinates   Separation of Variables 
                                    More on hydrogen and experiments (and some historical facts)
                                    Visualization of the "orbitals"

visit the last years' pages (open in new windows or tabs)
                           (See the levels database there, cf below)
                             ( especialy the "Atomic Units part)

  We also mentioned this (see the details in the first link above)
      Level and lines diagrams from
      This diagram requires Java in the browser, at present de-popularized due to possible security problems
       when used on untrusted sites  ( we can trust NIST  -
      The atomic database:

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