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Helium - part II: Singlet - Triplet -Parahelium and Orthohelium. Approximations

      Exchange Symmetry - as explanation of Pauli Principle - and Aufbau (build-up) principle for more-electron atoms

To "get" the Pauli principle - physicists postulated the identical particles - indistinguishable particles.
Via probability - and independent particles in orbitals
Exchanging particles must lead to the same probability (see below)



above:       Independent particles - product of probabilities - wavefunction is a product as indicated (independent events - product of probabilities)

above: Missing one statement       if indistinguishable      P( r1, r2)  = P( r2, r1)        P( r1,r2)    =    | Psi ( r1, r2 ) |2
                                                                                                       THUS                   Psi( r1, r2) =     Psi ( r2, r1)          called Symmetric
                                                                                                          or                       Psi( r1, r2) =  -  Psi ( r2, r1)          called Antisymmetric
Below:    This can be formulated formally defining exchange operator
                Homework: applying exchange twice - we get identity
                                   Eigenvalues of  exchange operator       can thus be +1 or -1

Below further: Electron Spin   ( not really angular momentum - rather magnetic moment )
                                               magnetic moment associated with angular momentum
                                               BUT the proportionality constant is TWICE as large for the spin   ( Landé factor )

The physical dimension of angular momentum : the same as the Action (classical mechanics), as Planck constant  ( hbar )


 Wavefunction for spin
 Wavefunction for two spins
 Wavefunction for spin and space
       Antisymmetric   and  Symmetric combinations  -  ANTISYMMETRIC total for two electrons

       SURPRISE   -  the straightforward antisymmetry  for 2 total (space and spin ) functions is not the "right" answer

       spins  -  move independently of space motions of the two -   thus product of   2 spin function and 2 space functions



    This is found - and confirmed by experiment - space part nd spin part are "independent" - thus the PRODUCT wavefunctions



     So what about two spins      -   4 possibilities single one antisymmetric  -  three symmetric combinations
     This snapshot from the notes



   Product wavefunction of spins and space motions      from the lecture
   SInglet and triplet
   The ground state must be a SINGLET - because the two electrons must be both in the same lowest possibility of space motion
                                                                  space function symmetric  -  thus spin antisymmetric   -  spin SINGLET



     SO all the excited TRIPLETS are energetically bellow the excited SINGLET  - explained below
     TRIPLETS are ORTHOHELIUM    and  SINGLETS are  PARAHELIUM   (it is in spectrum only)
     But no radiative "lines" from  triplets to GROUND STATE   (because the spins are arranged differently)



       WHY  ORTHO and PARA               the triplets can not be reached by electromagnetic (single electron processes)
                                                              only via free states or collisions and re-arrangements
                                                              then populated statistically

            there are 3 times as many triplets.  Triplet lines more usual - so ORTHO   (like in orthodox)
                                                                    Singlet lines three times weaker, thus less usual  - PARA  (as in paranormal, parapsychology ... )



   Electron motion in helium - no analytic solution  -->  THUS approximations

   The simplest "method" is toneglect the repulsion - can not be a very good approximation - but we shall improve it later



   independent electron model for Helium  - with repulsion included   --> Next lecture

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