Exchange Symmetry - as explanation of Pauli Principle - and Aufbau (build-up) principle for more-electron atoms |
To "get" the Pauli principle - physicists postulated the identical particles - indistinguishable particles. Via probability - and independent particles in orbitals Exchanging particles must lead to the same probability (see below) |
0010_Pauli_Principle--Symmetry_Indep_particles.png |
Independent particles - product of probabilities - wavefunction is a
product as indicated (independent events - product of probabilities) above: Missing one statement if indistinguishable P( r1, r2) = P( r2, r1) P( r1,r2) = | Psi ( r1, r2 ) |2 THUS Psi( r1, r2) = Psi ( r2, r1) called Symmetric or Psi( r1, r2) = - Psi ( r2, r1) called Antisymmetric Below: This can be formulated formally defining exchange operator Homework: applying exchange twice - we get identity Eigenvalues of exchange operator can thus be +1 or -1 Below further: Electron Spin ( not really angular momentum - rather magnetic moment ) magnetic moment associated with angular momentum BUT the proportionality constant is TWICE as large for the spin ( Landé factor ) The physical dimension of angular momentum : the same as the Action (classical mechanics), as Planck constant ( hbar ) |
0020_Electron_spin___starts_exchange_operator.png |
Wavefunction for spin Wavefunction for two spins Wavefunction for spin and space Antisymmetric and Symmetric combinations - ANTISYMMETRIC total for two electrons SURPRISE - the straightforward antisymmetry for 2 total (space and spin ) functions is not the "right" answer spins - move independently of space motions of the two - thus product of 2 spin function and 2 space functions |
0030_antisymmetry_surprise_independent_L_S.png |
This is found - and confirmed by experiment - space part nd spin part are "independent" - thus the PRODUCT wavefunctions |
0032_antisymmetry_independent_L_S_TEXT.png |
So what about two spins - 4 possibilities single one antisymmetric - three symmetric combinations This snapshot from the notes |
0033_Two_Spins_products.png |
Product wavefunction of spins and space motions from the lecture SInglet and triplet The ground state must be a SINGLET - because the two electrons must be both in the same lowest possibility of space motion space function symmetric - thus spin antisymmetric - spin SINGLET |
0040_singlet_and_triplet.png |
SO all the excited TRIPLETS are energetically bellow the excited SINGLET - explained below TRIPLETS are ORTHOHELIUM and SINGLETS are PARAHELIUM (it is in spectrum only) But no radiative "lines" from triplets to GROUND STATE (because the spins are arranged differently) |
0041_Repulsion_weaker_in_Triplet.png |
WHY ORTHO and PARA the triplets can not be reached by electromagnetic (single electron processes) only via free states or collisions and re-arrangements then populated statistically there are 3 times as many triplets. Triplet lines more usual - so ORTHO (like in orthodox) Singlet lines three times weaker, thus less usual - PARA (as in paranormal, parapsychology ... ) |
0050_why_ortho_and_para_hypothesis.png |
Electron motion in helium - no analytic solution --> THUS approximations The simplest "method" is toneglect the repulsion - can not be a very good approximation - but we shall improve it later |
0060_Starting_Approximations.png |
independent electron model for Helium - with repulsion included --> Next lecture |