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     Introduction  - part III     

   The Physics of Helium        (starts below)

   More facts about the physics of the simplest of the atoms - hydrogen - and hydrogen-like ions



Hydrogen spectrum  - an exercise - fill in the energies, L-values, N-values


Hydrogen spectrum  - an exercise - energies, L-values, N-values


Hydrogen spectrum  - an exercise - can be continued



Radial functions of hydrogen (-like) atom (ion)



Spherical harmonics L=0  and  L=1


Spherical harmonics L=2


Spherical harmonics L=3


Helium atom - Starting the first Regular Topic

The model of helium atom Coordinate system - Hamiltonian
    What is potential energy ( reminder on classical mechanics )   ( later on: electron indistinguishable = identical )


Helium atom - but also other ions with only 2 electrons remaining
      singly ionized Li, doubly ionized Be, triply ionized B, and finally - 4 times ionized carbon ....   etc up to U 90+



Two spectra of helium atom - parahelium and orthohelium   -  energy scale "interrupted"
    ( some might have believed there are two types of Helium atom - no just two quite different states
                              these two states are the states of the spin - this is a very important feature )



Two spectra of helium atom - parahelium and orthohelium   -  energies correct



               ( later on: electron indistinguishable = identical )
Symmetry requirement - eliminates "unnecessary parts of coordinate space (one possible perspactive)
Rotation of a "stick" with two "identical" ends - only half of the 360 degrees is the dynamical variable
      for the whole circle (one end)  2 pi is the region   -  Q.M. continuity -> periodicity on 2 pi - allows only integer m in exp( i m phi)
      for our stick  - periodicity on pi ( not 2 pi ) - thus only even integer values m allowed in
exp( i m phi)



Historically - Pauli principle first observation
Exchange symmetry used to put Pauli principle into a mathematical structure
   - the necessary symmetry is  - antisymmetry  - minus sign by exchange  - leads to ZERO function for the same "orbital"



The next element is the electron spin

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