LECTURE NOTE   2013.09.03          to index               2013.08.22 - previous lecture note               2013.09.05 - next lecture note

Helium atom - and 2-electron ions

First some More on Hydrogen-like atoms  - Discussing Spectra; FROM 2012 
What are the selection rules, NOTE the "Homework" - construct line spectrum
(wavelengths) from the "spectrum" as LEVEL DIAGRAM   



LEVEL DIAGRAM    for hydrogen - and the transitions   - Discussing Spectra; FROM 2012 


Helium atom - and 2-electron ions

The system of charged nucleus and 2 electrons - vs the hydrogenic 2 particle system
Classical mechanics - three bodies make a possibly "chaotic system", i.e. system
extremely sensitive to initial conditions.  ( Sci_fi Novel http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rendezvous_with_Rama  )

  Quantum - total energy; 6 coordinates - 2 times x,y,z - Hyperspherical coordinates?
Hyperspherical coordinates  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/N-sphere#Spherical_coordinates

The concept of independent particles - the product wavefunctions
 - How to do Schrödinger for more than 1 particle?

When interaction neglected - independent particles follow - the product wavefunctions

The same written on the lecture note independent- particles    separation neglecting repulsion


From independen particles further - Superposition of "configurations"
                                 ( this will later become configuration mixing )
So the "states" are to large degree products? Experiment, terms, Ground state mainly  1s-1s  or ( 1s ) 2

Pauli exclusion principle postulated in early 1920s
Later justification from "indistinguishable" or "identical" particles
Product wavefunctions essential in understanding

Exchanging states   -  or exchanging coordinate (particles)

Pauli exclusion principle postulated in early 1920s
Later justification from "indistinguishable" or "identical" particles

Probability Pab(1,2)  =  Pba(1,2)  = Pab(2,1)    ( Meaning   Pab( r1, r2)  =  Pbar1, r2)  = Pab( r2, r1 )   )

 (one electron in orbital a, in point r1, and one electron in orbital b, in point  r2    )
Product wavefunctions essential in understanding
Exchanging states   -  or exchanging coordinate (particles)


Pauli exclusion principle postulated in early 1920s
Later justification from "indistinguishable" or "identical" particles
Product wavefunctions essential in understanding
Exchanging states   -  or exchanging coordinate (particles)

Exchange Symmetry - Group theory - Permutations

Slater determinant - for the two electrons  Exchanging states   -  or exchanging coordinate (particles)
i.e. exchanging orbitals   -  or exchanging coordinate (particles) - rows and columns in the determinant

LECTURE NOTE   2013.09.03          to index               2013.08.22 - previous lecture note               2013.09.05 - next lecture note