LECTURE NOTE   2013.08.22          to index               2013.08.20 - previous lecture note               2013.09.03 - next lecture note

More on Hydrogen-like atoms  - Stationary States.

The first step is to look at problems which have total energy (Hamiltonian) TIME-INDEPENDENT.
Thenm the time dependence can be separated - assuming solutions as a product
( separation of variables; allways the same trick - leading to a "constant" )

CLASSICAL TURNING POINTS - and their meaning in Quantum Systems

When the classical particle moves towards "the turning point" - i.e. the point when tht total energy "cuts" the
potential energy curve - the kinetic energy at this point is zero, i.e. the velocity goes to zero - and must chnge sign,
i.e. the motion turns the other way - thus "turning point".
Classically, the particle cannot pass the turning point, it can not be beyond it.
In quantum theory, the wave function does not turn. But the secons derivative, proportional to the
kinetic energy operator - becomes zero.
This results in the inflection point for one-dimensional motions (including the radial motion, see later)

In quantum mech


Probability density plots for harmonic oscillator states
(Coherent Glabuer States, Tide-dependent quantum motion;  made using  http://web.ift.uib.no/AMOS/glauber/  )
This shows that the behaviour at classical turning point is allways of the same type - inflection point,
second derivative is equal to zero)


Inflection point at Wikipedia

SEPARATION OF VARIABLES: The potential energy is only function of the radial distance.
Does not depend on angles.
Again assuming solution in the form of a product of functions of the variables to be "separated"


Spherical Harmonics (in many textbooks; for orientation web materials are sufficient)
see also tables at


Radial wavefunctions ( Note also a short comment on how to make polar plots)
MATLAB demonstration of polar plots of "density" for spherical harmonics
and the radial functions:


Most of the information we need is contained in vast ammounts of text on the web
Again for quick overview and orientation:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrogen-like_atom   ( basic facts )
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrogen_atom   (wavefunctions; but not the separation in variables; wikipedians are loosing focus here)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomic_orbital    - visualizations, some details
At citizendum, we get presentation more to our needs:
                                                 (This seems stable)

The spectrum of hydrogen atom (not hydrogen molecule! )
Selection Rules   (tasks in previous years of this course)


Atomic Units - the "everyday", i.e. every atomic unit of time "life in the atomic world"

We need measurement units to describe the happenings on 0.05 nano-meter scale with times
of the arder of 0.1 femto-seconds - what determines these units?
... And the big problem of the SI-electromagnetic philosophy confusing the physically clear
"Gaussian approach" (This is in a confusing way referred to as SI units vs Gaussian units; it
is not a problem of units but of confusion of certain engineers)




( This board is from 2011)


( This board is from 2011)


LECTURE NOTE   2013.08.22          to index               2013.08.20 - previous lecture note               2013.09.03 - next lecture note