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Light -Atom Interaction - Part 1: Quantum Time Developement

Most focus in Quantum Mechanics courses is on the origin of discrete energy levels - and thus the stationary states.
Schrödinger equation is introduced usually in time dependent form, even with possibility of time-dependent total
energy (hamiltonian operator explicitely time dependent)
but then all this is quickly limited to time-independent hamiltonians which can then lead to stationary states.
Mathematically - this is shown by the possibility of sepeartion of time and space coordinates.

Next step is then often the postulate that "only eigenstates are possible outcomes of measurement", and only in
more advanced or complete courses we see some treatment of
         -   time-dependent perturbation theory
         -   Fermi Golden Rule  -  for decay rate of excited systems
         -   Ramsey or Rabi oscillations

In this part of our course we thus first visit some simple systems, look at the time-dependent Schrödinger equation,
derive "Fermi Golden Rule"  -  for decay rate of excited systems, but concentrate specially on the natural line widths.
(this and next lecture)

In many texts (even in scientific literature) the existence of natural line widths is ascribed to
"time-energy Heisenberg uncertainety relation",
and the Dirac delta function in the "Fermi Golden Rule" as a "proof" of energy conservation.

We shall see how seriously you should take such statements and those textbooks (hint: not much).

We shall start by time developement in a two-state problem - (well known from some courses)
TWO identical potential wells              "competing" to keep bound one particle                (think it to be an electron)
                                            Instead of the pictures hamiltonian -  for 2 levels   H = H0 + V1  + V2      

Then we continue by a simple treatment of  a general time-dependent total hamiltonian
in a form often used to introduce time-dependent perturbation theory.

WARNING     since the captured text is from different parts   - the notation is not always consistent

          one of the   confused  notations:    sometimes    H = H0 + H'       and sometimes     H = H0 + H1
                                                                                   thus       H'        and    H1    denote both   "the extra"  coupling energy term   
         another problem is the  notation for the "initial state", sometimes index   a,    sometimes   0   or even  

         In all cases the meaning should be clear from the context

Two identical potential wells - for simplicity assume that only the chosen potential can "keep" only one bound state.
When these are brought together, i.e. for example one electron bound in two closely placed attracting potential wells,
this system gets two close lying energy eigenstates.

If we drop electron (prepare the system) in one well, we shall get probability density oscillating with time



Well known result illustrated by animation

This animation shows
time developement of

We know that eigenstates of the whole                       H = H0 + V1  + V2           form a sort of split doublet (if the wells are moderately separated)
More details are below
Physics:   the "electron" is placed in a state at                   t=0                  confined to    ONE WELL ONLY         (1 well eigenstate)

The probability   is seen to be    OSCILLATING    between the two wells    
                                                                               This is seen from the EIGENSTATES of the whole problem
Note that we discuss two "sets" of state, the phi - eigenstates of simplified system, and the psi eigenstates of the whole



Here we discuss in several rounds the following:
We can expand any state i the particular domain of wavefunctions according to many different basis sets

For us is this of interest:
                             1.  Eigenstates of a simplified system
                              2. Eigenstates of a "full" system          (see the formal definitions below)   here
                                                                                                                                or with an illustration here

The matrix S we mention in the next plate is actually the matrix of eigenstates - see the matlab demo below



The mathematics and an explanation of the animation



In next two plates we illustrate the psi and phi, and their mutual transformations;
Then we show how we can obtain the      time developement in two ways   
        1. solve the Schrödinger equation - time dependent using expansion in the phi-set
        2. use the fact that the solutions of the "total problem" have "independent" time-dependent solution (the exponential energy-phase)
                       and expand each of the psi   in terms of phi   -  where one of the phi-set is the initial condition
                                                                                                   (electron in the left well; see next plate; here general formulae)



The yellow-plate below is a copy of the above one - but with added psi and phi of the TWO WELL PROBLEM (white spots)



Now we turn to different two wells:                                     (upper part:  already discussed oscillating probability)

     - in the lower part:    shown are the many eigenstates    -  quasicontinuum
     - and the result - for really many states, quasicontinuum, we will observe a decay of the original density



                     Animations; the two well illustration
              two equal wells    oscillations                                                     two wells  -  one well with quasicontinuum - decaying population

              Below:    The same slide as the above  - but this is the original  - with notes   from the lecture        



Two wells:                       one with many eigenstates    -  quasicontinuum

          and the result - for really many states, quasicontinuum, we will observe a decay of the initial probability density
         another illustration of the important aspect of "two sets of eigenstates" - those of  H0 and those of H = H0 + H'  (or H = H0 + H1  ) 



Reminder - how do find the eigenstates; expansion in eigenstates of "simpler" system



               Two wells:                       one with many eigenstates    -  quasicontinuum
               Energies in a matrix version of the model



  Snapshots from
  This webpage is a javascript program solving the TDSE (each new parameter set takes a few secs)
                                              (   try the N=2, N=4, .... N=20 clicks )



The Fermi golden rule simulator illustrated



    Finding eigenvalues in matlab   - a very small matrix of the above H  ( N=8) type



The above examples should have shown the situation when the system is "forced" to start from a state which is an eigenstate
of a "simplified system (e.g. only one well - or better two completely isolated levels without penetration possibility)

            BUT NOT an EIGENSTATE of the total system - Then we can have a decay

In the next part we recorded the solution of time dependent Schrödinger equation using an APPROXIMATION

                                                                                                Time dependent perturbation theory



Time - dependent Schrödinger equation    - expansion in phi - before applying    Time dependent perturbation theory



   Time dependent perturbation theory



    Time dependent perturbation theory    
                         assumptions:   The change is small, the original expansion coefficient remains close to one ( = 1 ) 



   Time dependent perturbation theory           Eliminating the time exponential phase factor
                                                                           only "the coupling" hamiltonian remains



   Time dependent perturbation theory            Decoupling of the coupled equations - see above



   Time dependent perturbation theory           the decoupled equations are easily solved


   Time dependent perturbation theory  - rearranging the "probability expression" - as function of omega times time



   Time dependent perturbation theory              the rearranged "probability"  will look like a delta function of omega for large t
                                                                               see below



   Time dependent perturbation theory              the rearranged "probability"  as a  function of  x = omega t



   Time dependent perturbation theory              the rearranged "probability"  looks like a delta function of omega for large t



   Time dependent perturbation theory           summing the probabilities over "all the relevant final states - integral in continuum limit


   Time dependent perturbation theory           summing the probabilities over "all the relevant final states - integral in continuum limit


   Time dependent perturbation theory           summing the probabilities over "all the relevant final states - integral in continuum limit
    Fermi Golden rule



     Fermi Golden rule:   constant rate of probability change  from Perturbation theory   (note that the delta function disappears)

                                            The density of states appeared when we replaced the summation by an integral
                                                                                       This is always so:     summation ---> integral     allways needs "density of states"
                                                                                                                           ( see also density of states in the NEXT LECTURE )
  NEXT LECTURE:     Exponential decay from constant rate. Natural line width   and further details of the electromagnetic field

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