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Helium and 2-2lectron atoms (ions)

Variational, Configuration Mixing, etc

First one theorem: expectation value of H in any state is always larger than the Ground State energy
This is used in many variational calculations

Make the state depend on a variable ... e.g. z, then H(z) must have a minimum (can not go under E_gs )    



Variational model for our Helium treatment

The perturbation expression with repulsion evaluated to 5/8 Z  (previous lectures)
Assume that while nucleus has charge Z, the electrons can feel (an effective) charge z
(shielding, screening of the nuclear charge by the other electron)




z  = Z - 5/16       i.e.  roughly   z = Z  - 0.3

See the table



Here the variational method is summarized,
and we explore the "missing correlation" energy  (note the about 1.5 eV for all listed Z)

OUTLINE Hyleraas 1929 work - variational method with correlated function - what is correlated ?



 Alternative description of correlations: CONFIGURATION MIXING


Exchange energy
                                                                Alternative explanation of the triplet - singlet energy difference
                                                                THIS WILL BE GENERALIZED to 3 and many particles


How does it go - the      2  times  3  times  2  =  12 terms become just 4 terms !
Look here - we did it at the whiteboard:


Doubly excited states in Helium
The same energy as free electron
Bound only for some time  -  lifetime  -  Decay   Decaying states





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