Starting by Few
slides on
Spin (missing in the He
part) - see last
year Many electron atoms start at a blue region below (link) Some slides got lost - replaced by reconstructions and last year versions ../2014_09_23/index.html |
Extra on spin Pauli matrices - (up to the hbar/2 ) represent the "spin angular momentum" The same commutation relations as angular momentum ... see also the vector product of the operator L by itself <-----> commutation relations Magnetic moment and angular momentum / spin magnetic moment Addition of two spins Addition of two angular momenta |
00010.png |
: Addition of two spins
of two angular momentuma Under : Singlet and triplet energies - Effective spin - spin interaction |
00020.png |
Singlet and triplet energies - Effective spin - spin interaction since there is different energy for two values of "total spin" - S=0 and S=1 we can try to write the energy as function of the SCALAR PRODUCT - i.e the ANGLE between the 2 electron spins It thus becomes proportianal to the relative orientations of the spins .... in this case parallel or anti-parallel |
zz_effective_spin_spin_interaction.png |
The exchange interaction - leads to effective spin - spin alignment ( minus sign ) |
zz_z_effective_spin_spin_ferromagnetic.png |
The above
comments: FERROMAGNETISM; Theories - Heisenberg Ferromagnet
model Thus understanding exchange interaction / effective spin spin in He ===> Nature of Ferromagnetism Also: spin - spin alignment - effective spin - spin -- SEE HUND'S RULE in the foollowing part |
Many Electron Atoms - Part 1 |
Filling of the
shells, Build - up - "Aufbau - Prnciple Hund's Rule - spins want to be parallel ==> effective spin-spin interaction; cf. Helium triplet (orthohelium) Historically, Hund's rules were very important. For us they are just an example of the "effecive spin interaction - the Helium triplet states, i.e. the Pauli principle - and thus antisymmetry of the space part |
00041_Hunds_Rule.png |
Filling of the
shells, Build - up - "Aufbau - Prnciple - Pauli |
00042_Aufbau__building-up.png |
Number of states in n-shell n l m quantum numbers n l m |
00043_Number_of_states_in_a_shell_N_.png But the Noble gases are not Z=2, 10, 28, 60; rather Z= 2, 10, 18, 36, 54, .... |
Experimental Ionization Potentials ( minus times the Binding energies ) Closed shells - PEAK - i.e. large DIP in Binding energy WHY - see the sketch in the lower part Closed shells are NOT closed n - shells --- except for Z=2 and Z=10 Next should be Z=28 |
00046_Ionization_Energies_and_Binding_E.png |
above -
schematic drawing: Closed shells -
PEAK - i.e. large DIP in Binding energy WHY - - 1/2 Z2 / n2 - --- gets smaller and smaller with Z until n filled - JUMP up to Z2 / (n+1) 2 Towards the SELF-CONSISTEN FIELD THEORY Electron cloud - improve the Helium - effective charge by much more flexible "cloud of negative charge" What is the interaction of an electron with such a "cloud" ? interaction of an electron with a "cloud" of charge, the charge density, and the charge distribution from the probability - trying to find which potential energy should be used to describe one independent electron in the atom (Hartree 1926- 1930s) Here WE HAVE LOST ORIGINAL - THIS IS A RECONSTRUCTION |
00050_two_charges_dq1_dq2.png |
The density (rho) coming from the orbitals, but the orbitals are found solving Schrödinger equation with the potential resulting from the density (rho) |
00060_Interaction_with_the_CLOUD.png |
Electron density from probability density ... from wavefunctions ( orbitals) --> cloud Orbitals from the potential < ---- with the CLOUD ITERATION |
00070_Plug_the_W_into_Schroedinger_Eq.png |
00078_Iteration_selfconsistent_field.png |
00083_Iteration__Converge-and-stop.png |
The above point concludes the introduction of the SELFCONSISTENT FIELD MODEL ---- COPIED FROM 2014 Configurations and energies Closed shells do not follow the n2 rule 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 3d 4s 4p 4d 4f 5s 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 4s 3d 4p 5s 4d 4f |
xcf_0040_Configuration_orbitals.png |
The explanation of this behaviour - in terms of the self-consitent field - NEXT LECTURE |