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Helium - 28.08.2014

1. Evaluation of repulsion; Perturbation Theory; Multipole expansion
2. Pauli principle and Spin   -  Parahelium, Orthohelium

1. Evaluation of repulsion; Perturbation Theory; Multipole expansion

We start by mentioning the Fine structure constant - supplements atomic units;
It does express the "weakness" of electro(magnetic) interactions

Then we start looking at the numerical values from the last lecture - starting the perturbation theory
At the bottom of the frame - the spreadsheet of the numbers (this is expanded below)


Independent electrons with neglected repulsion      give 4*13.6*2 = 108.8 eV for the total binding of the
two electrons.

Further we shall look how the repulsion can be evaluated



Spreadsheet, includes the above reported repulsion contribution     5/8*27.2*Z eV
The variational method will be discussed in the next lectures



Perturbation theory

from astronomy, applied mathematics  - see also   
in particular (as sketched below)
(Note that the word "perturbation" is somewhat special; outside of mathematical sciences
"perturbed"    means     "thrown into a state of agitated confusion"     or     "worried or upset by something"



The energy correction (1. order)
is the same number as the EXPECTATION VALUE of the perturbation term
In 2-electron system (He and related IONS) this expectation value is a 6-dimensional integral

Here we sketch the evaluation, below we go shortly through the details


How to evaluate the EXPECTATION VALUE of the perturbation term - the electron-electron repulsion
In 2-electron system (He and related IONS) this expectation value is a 6-dimensional integral



General  method - valid for any pair of "orbitals"  (the electronic states are often called orbitals)
Multipole expansion, spherical harmonics.
An integral over any spherical harmonics (except of 00 ) over the sphere surface (4 pi) is allways ZERO
This follows from orthonormalization, for example



So this reduces to a double radial integration, and the radial 1s functions have a simple form.
The integrals of powers with exponentials are rather easily evaluated



Here we reproduce overview of the steps - dividing the integral into 2 terms according to what   r<   and   r> 
mean in different integration regions



The result has already been used above.
Note that the same approach can be used for ANY PAIR OF HYDROGEN-like ORBITALS



2. Pauli principle and Spin - Parahelium and Orthohelium



     Spectra of PARA and ORTHOHELIUM


Spectra of PARA and ORTHOHELIUM -detail


Exclusion principle - justified by the "identical particle exchange independence"
Currently most known as exchange symmetry












Next part: functions for two spins; origin of spin; singlet og triplet spin states

to index              2014.08.26 Previous Lecture Note             LECTURE NOTE   2014.08.28           2014.09.02 next lecture note