Bergen, 28-29 Nov 2011

The first EarthClim plenary meeting will take place at Hotell Grand Terminus in Bergen (next to the rail way station) on 28-29 November.

Registration is closed, but Andrea will help in case of latecomers, changes, etc.

The meeting starts at 10:00 on Monday 28 Nov and ends at 15:00 on Tuesday 29 Nov.

Outline of module presentations (actual timing will follow shortly)

Module 1 (1h30min + discussion)

  Trond (15 min)       Short overview of NorESM-m and CMIP5 with focus on the atmosphere
  Alf (15 min)         Aerosol validation in NorESM-m and contributions to aerocom
  Mats (15 min)        On NorESM-m and CMIP5 with focus on the oceans + data availability
  Oyvind (15 min)      On prospects for further development of NorESM (re. NCAR plans, computers)
  Jens (15 min)        On NorESM-m and CMIP5 with focus on the sea-ice (possibly on Tuesday)
  Dimitry (15 min)     On melt ponds on sea ice

Module 2 (55 min + discussion)
  Asger/Ivar (10 min)  Intro
  Maria (15 min)       EOF-based analysis of atmospheric flow regimes in NorESM-M
  Asgeir (15 min)      Diagnosing North Atlantic low-pressure system development
  Nils Gunnar (15 min) Poleward heat transport, new findings from the literature

Module 3 (55min + discussion)
  Jon Egill (15 min)   Introduction and plans concerning the aerosol indirect effect
  Gunnar (20 min)      Aerosol direct effect in CAM-Oslo compared to other AeroCom models
  Gunnar (5 min)       Introduction concerning time evolution of the radiative forcing of SLCFs
  Dirk (15 min)        Radiative forcing in coupled aerosol-chemistry simulations with NorESM

Module 4 (1h10min + discussion)
  Christoph/Terje (10 min) Intro
  Asgeir (10 min)      Plans/results (addressing WP.4.1 Feedback quantification and separation)
  Jerry/Caroline (15 min)  Status of the carbon cycle component in NorESM (addressing WP 1.2.4: Biogeochemistry in NorESM, and WP 4.1: Carbon-cycle feedbacks)
  Terje (10 min)       Regional forcing and responses
  Trond (10 min)       Transient climate sensitivity in NorESM simulations  (addressing climate sensitivity)
  Magne (15 min)       First results using the Bayesian statistical method (addressing climate sensitivity)

Time info/constraints

	Monday 28 November		
0930-1000	Fruit
1000-1130       Module 1
1130-1200       Module 3
1200-1300	Lunch
1300-1200       Module 3
1500-1545	Fruit and entertainment
1900		Dinner

	Tuesday 29 November
0900		Start of meeting
1030-1100	Fruit
1230-1330	Lunch
1500		Adjourn

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Honolulu, 5-9 Mar 2012

WCRP Workshop on CMIP5 Model Analysis with abstract deadline 14 Dec 2011. Details and updated information here.

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