FRISP Workshop 2004

18th International Workshop
of the Forum for Research into Ice Shelf Processes
held at AWI's Biological Institute Helgoland, Germany,
on 5th - 7th October 2004


Workshop summary

The 18th International FRISP Workshop was held at AWI's Biological Institute, the former Bundesanstalt Helgoland (BAH), on Germany's only open ocean island Helgoland on 5th - 7th of October 2004. In total 20 participants from New Zealand, China, Germany, Norway, the United States, and the United Kingdom came together. The meeting was hosted by Hartmut Hellmer, Henner Sandhäger and Michael Schodlok from AWI.

FRISP continues its circumpolar broader focus, and the Ross, Amery, Fimbul, Brunt, Filchner-Ronne, Larsen and George VI isceshelves were adressed, as well as floating ice bergs. Field campains covered a range from Paleo studies using sediment cores, via current meter morings at the ice front, to ice cores taken through the ice shelves. Numerical modelling studies presented covered ice shelf flow, ice berg drift, frazil ice formation, ice shelf melting and fresh water input to the Southern Ocean. The last talk was as an "Autosub under ice" report from the recent cruise to cruise to Kangerdlugssuaq, East Greenland, showing good progress in water sampling teqniques for the autosub. So FRISP had an Arctic presentations this year as well, but it is now likely that the first horizontal measurements below an ice shelf will be taken in Antarctica.

Adrian Jenkins will continue as chairman, and Lars H. Smedsrud as editor of the reports printed by the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research (BCCR). University of Bergen host the FRISP web pages ( The participants found the pages and online reports useful in addition to the printed reports, and it was decided to use CRYOLIST as the FRISP e-mail list.

The next meeting will be hosted by the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research (BCCR) in Bergen.

FRISP Report 16 (2005) will contain papers based on the given talks at the meeting.
As individual papers become available, PDF's are linked to in the meeting schedule below.

Workshop participants

Last name First name Institution E-mail
Hellmer Hartmut Alfred-Wegener-Institut
Schodlok Michael Alfred-Wegener-Institut
Walker Ryan New York University
Thoma Malte WWU Münster
Sandhäger Henner Alfred-Wegener-Institut
Jansen Daniela AWI
Kleiner Thomas Inst. for Geophys. Uni Muenster
Mohrholz Chris-Oliver Inst. for Geophysics, Uni. Muenster
Holland Paul University College London
Makinson Keith British Antarctic Survey
Stephen Roberts BAS
Dodd Paul University of East Anglia
Zhaoqian Dong Polar Research Institute of China
Zengdi Pan Polar Research Institute of China
Darelius Elin Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research
Copland Luke University of Canterbury
Jenkins Adrian British Antarctic Survey
Mignot Juliette PIK
Abrahamsen Povl BAS
Smedsrud Lars H. University of Bergen

S. Roberts: Early holocene retreat of the George VI IceShelf, Antarctic Peninsula: the effect of global climate change

D. Zhaoqian: Chinese Amery Ice Shelf Programme

H. Sandhäger: Model investigations of Larsen B Ice Shelf dynamics prior to the breakup

C.O. Mohrholz: Numerical Modelling of Riiser-Larsen and Brunt Ice Shelves (Poster)

L. Copland: Monitoring the dynamics and stability of the McMurdo Ice Shelf, Antarctica

D. Jansen: Evolution of tabular iceberg A-38B, observation and simulation

M. Schodlok: On iceberg behaviour: observations, model results and satellite data

H. Hellmer: On the problem of parameterizing ice shelf - ocean interaction in climate models

A. Jenkins: Influence of tidal forcing on modelled circulation and melting beneath Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf

M. Thoma: The role of Eastern Weddell Ice Shelves for water mass formation in the southern Weddell Sea

M. Molis: "Bundesanstalt Helgoland": an introduction to history and recent research

O. Goemann: A tour through the institute and visit to the aquarium

L. Smedsrud: Ocean processes below Fimbulisen - modelling results

R. Walker: Two-dimensional thermohaline circulation under an evolving ice shelf

P. Holland: Precipitation of frazil from Ice Shelf Water plumes

K. Makinson: Seasonal stratification and tidal current profiles along Ronne Ice Front

P. Dodd:Collection of water samples under ice using Autosub: preliminary results from JCR Cruise to Kangerdlugssuaq, East Greenland.

The programme

5 October, 2004

09:45 Departure from Bremerhaven
14:00 Gathering and general information at the conference place
15:00 S. Roberts: Early holocene retreat of the George VI Ice Shelf, Antarctic Peninsula: the effect of global climate change

15:35 D. Zhaoqian: Chinese Amery Ice Shelf Programme

16:10 H. Sandhäger: Model investigations of Larsen B Ice Shelf dynamics prior to the breakup

17:00 C.-O. Mohrholz: Numerical Modelling of Riiser-Larsen and Brunt Ice Shelves (Poster)

17:10 L. Copland: Monitoring the dynamics and stability of the McMurdo Ice Shelf, Antarctica

6 October, 2004

09:00 D. Jansen: Evolution of tabular iceberg A-38B, observation and simulation

09:35 M. Schodlok: On iceberg behaviour: observations, model results and satellite data

10:10 H. Hellmer: On the problem of parameterizing ice shelf - ocean interaction in climate models

11:00 A. Jenkins: Influence of tidal forcing on modelled circulation and melting beneath Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf

11:35 M. Thoma: The role of Eastern Weddell Ice Shelves for water mass formation in the southern Weddell Sea

14:00 M. Molis: "Bundesanstalt Helgoland": an introduction to history and recent research

14:30 O. Goemann: A tour through the institute and visit to the aquarium

15:30 L. Smedsrud: Ocean processes below Fimbulisen - modelling results

16:05 R. Walker: Two-dimensional thermohaline circulation under an evolving ice shelf

17:00 P. Holland: Precipitation of frazil from Ice Shelf Water plumes

17:35 K. Makinson: Seasonal stratification and tidal current profiles along Ronne Ice Front

18:10 P. Dodd: Collection of water samples under ice using Autosub: preliminary results from JCR Cruise to Kangerdlugssuaq, East Greenland.

7 October, 2004

09:00 General discussion
12:00 End of the Workshop
15:30 Departure from Helgoland