Resource page made for the textbook Structural Geology (Cambridge). |
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•Page 3, Fig 1.2 has an error in the stratigraphic key: "Tertiary" should be "Triassic".
•Page 22, Fig. 2.1 has an error in the upper left part: the coordinate (1,0) should be (1.4,0).
•Page 23, Fig. 2.2e coordinate (1,3) should be (3,1).
•Page 39: Eq. 2.23: Add dot to S, as in eq. 2.22.
•Page 42: left column, 10th line; "may" -> "many"
•Page 56: add "d" to "combine" in the emphasized statement (just after the 1st paragraph of Section 3.3).
•Page 59: Remove the "prime" after the Greek letter f (vertical axis) in the upper right figure.
•Page 71: "... the angle between the stress vector and THE NORMAL TO the surface in question"
•Page 75, first line: Replace "identity matrix" with "zero matrix"
•Page 75, caption to Fig. 4.6: 2nd sentence should read: "Theta is the angle between the largest stress and the NORMAL TO a given plane.
•Page 82, last line of first paragraph: "σ3 will try to orient itself PERPENDICULAR to the weak structure."
•Page 111, left column: "Since laboratory strain rates must be considerably HIGHER than natural strain rates"
•Page 111, right column: Change 2nd sentence to: "Because of the increasing solubility of many silicates with increasing pressure, the effect is pressure dependent."
•Page 114 Fig 6.17:" 4" and "3" have been switched in the figure (within the main figure, not in the lower explanaiton).
•Page 124 Fig 7.6: Mode IV should not show any sliding displacement.

•Page 136, Fig. 7.26: Replace σ1 with σ3 (both in the caption and on the figure itself).
•Page 140, Equation 7.17: The first minus sign should be a plus sign (...=C+...)
•Page 158, line 12: Change "less than 30% matrix" to "less than 70% matrix"
•Page 179, Fig 8.45: "t" missing in "Fault surface".
•Page 194, right column, 5th line: replace the second letter "l" in this line with number 1 (...where: k=1/sigma1-sigma3)...)
•Page 224, Fig 11.9: I think I want to change the field of isoclinal folds to 10–0°, and accordingly tight to 70–10°.
•Page 228, 6th line after Equation 11.2: Change "-amplitude" to "-wavelength".
•Page 231, 6th and 3rd last lines of the page: Add "Figure" in front of 19.5a) and 19.21.
•Page 233: Change "contraction" and "extension" 3 lines before section "Kinking and chevron folding"
•Page 240, bulleted points no. 6 and 7: Replace "higher-order" with "lower-order".
•Page 250, 4th line: Change (X) to (Z).
•Page 289, Fig 15.4: Rename "Dilational shear zones" "Dilational simple shear zones".
•Page 290, Reference to "Figure 15.5a" five lines above Equation 15.5 should be "Figure 15.7a".
•Page 307, 1st column, end of 4th line: "plastic–brittle", not "plastic–ductile".
•Page 315 bottom of 1st column: Change to: “The horses typically have an S- (or Z-) shaped geometry…”
•Page 317, Fig. 16.9 caption: “… toward the right …” (not left).
•Page 318, Fig 16.14: Change "Insubrick line" to "Insubric line" (in the figure itself).
•Page 319, left column, line 20: accumulate -> accumulates
•Page 326, Fig 16.26: change "beta=20°" to "beta=45°" in lower right-hand side of brown field in cross-section
•Page 339, Fig. 17.8g: Reverse the arrow showing younging direction (faults get younger to the left).
•Page 347, caption to Fig 17.18: West African -> west African
•Page 350, end of first paragraph: as described in the previous chapter. -> as described earlier in this chapter.
•Page 440, definition of "Overlap zone": in the second line, replace "overlapping folds" with "overlapping faults".
•Page 418, first line after (A.6): Now we want to find the eigenvectors -> Now we want to find the eigenvalues
•Page 447 top: Change to "Strain ellipsoid: The ellipsoid ..." and 3rd line: "three principal axes" (not two).


Cambridge University Press