Resource page made for the textbook Structural Geology (Cambridge, 2nd ed).
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Errata (2nd edition):

•Page 32, Fig. 2.7 caption: Subscript error (l0).
•Page 45, Fig. 2.24 a and q on graph should be greek letters alpha and theta
•Page 53, Fig. 2.35: Swap "Thickened" and "Thinned".
•Page 64, 1st column, 7th line from bottom: Rs should have subscript s.
•Page 64, 2nd column, 3rd line from bottom: For higher-strain cases, where Rs>Ri ...
•Page 85, 1st column, 3rd line from bottom: sigma_h should have capital H
•Page 98, eq. 5.18. Matrices should be added (+, not -)
•Page 106, eq. 6.15. replace sigmay with sigmax at the end of the formula.
•Page 138, 4th line of section 7.5: Replace "We have already looked at" with "One such type of structure are"
•Page 142 Eq. 7.18: Fix subscript sigma31 in second matrix .
•Page 157 1st column 2nd line from bottom: "stress", not "stess"
•Page 159, caption to Fig 8.9: Replace "Appalachian" with "Alleghanian".
•Page 162 Fig 8.14 caption, 4th-5th line: Replace "maximum spacing" with "maximum frequency"
•Page 181 Fig 9.6 caption, second line: Replace "dextral" with "sinistral"
•Page 210 eq. 9.1: Rise "n", it's the exponent
•Page 210 3rd line below eq. 9.1: correct to: "slope n=1."
•Page 243, last colun, 4th line: replace "sigma_d" with an "e" with a dot above it, as seein in eq. 11.1
•Page 257, right column: "Bending", not "Bendng".
•Page 294, Fig 13.19: Horizontal axis should ne "Y/Z", not "X/Y"
•Page 346 First line: Change "Fig. 16.29" to "Fig. 16.21"
•Page 391, eq 18.1: D should be superscript
•Page 464: A and e in eq A.3 should be bold
•Page 465, eq. A.8: Square brackets not printed correctly in lower part + remove small paranthesis at end of denominator(after gamma).
•Page 465 eq. A.9: Last k should be k_y, not just k
•Page 466, eq. A.27: denominator should have ln (k_x/k_y) , not ln (k_x-k_y).
•Page 470, section B.3, 3rd line: should reference Figure B.6 not B.5

pdf-file of errors, 2nd printing will be added if necessary


Cambridge University Press