Nasjonal forskerskole

Tekst Bilde Lyd Rom (TBLR) – Fortolkning og teoriutveksling

TBLR Avd. Bergen – TBLR Nasjonalt nivŒ

English version


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Nasjonalt forskerutdanningskurs

for stipendiater og veiledere i estetiske fag i Paris

(Centre Franco-NorvŽgien en Sciences Sociales et Humaines)

25., 26. og 27. januar 2012



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Nasjonalt forskerutdanningskurs

for stipendiater og veiledere i estetiske fag


ˆ Evalueringer





TBLR/Norwegian National Researcher Training School:

Norwegian national researcher training course in Paris


Materiality and Historicity


Centre Franco-NorvŽgien en Sciences Sociales et Humaines, FMSH, Paris

January 25-27, 2012


For complete course description, programme, info on lecturers, organizational details, practical info, and enlistments procedures, deadlines and application form – go directly to the courseÕs special webpage: Materiality and Historicity.


This interdisciplinary doctoral course aims at exploring the ways in which social and humanist sciences use and analyze empirical material and theorize about different aspects of materiality.


Plenary lectures and discussions; Group work on submitted PhD-papers and curricular texts.


Keynote guest lecturers: Prof. Arnfinn B¿-Rygg (Oslo), Prof. StŽphane van Damme (Paris), Prof. Wolfgang Ernst (Berlin), Prof. Rolf Inge God¿y (Oslo), and Prof. Karin Sanders (Berkeley).


The course is open to PhD-candidates from the Norwegian national researcher training school TBLR – Text, Image, Sound, Space (University of Bergen, University of Stavanger, University of Agder, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, and University of Troms¿).


Venue: The house ÒLe FranceÓ, Centre Franco-NorvŽgien en Sciences Sociales et Humaines, (Centre HŽbergŽ ˆ FMSH – Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme), 190, Avenue de France, 75013 Paris.


Course description

Materiality and Historicity


The course is organized by the Norwegian national researcher training school TBLR – Text, Image, Sound, Space (University of Bergen, University of Stavanger, University of Agder, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, and University of Troms¿).


This interdisciplinary doctoral course aims at exploring the ways in which social and humanist sciences use and analyze empirical material and theorize about different aspects of materiality. Within this relatively broad framework, more specific focus will be placed on the following four topics:


-- Constructing collective memory through exposing and interpreting findings from the past, such as archaeological items, excavation sites, museums, exhibitions, archives.

-- The materiality of art: What art works are made of, how they are embedded in material environments, and how they reflect their own materiality.

-- The significance of the body in the production, performance and experience of art.

-- Metaperspectives: Aesthetical and philosophical reflections on art and cultureÕs material premises, forms and meanings.


Programme: The programme will consist of plenary lectures and dicussion (45 minutes + 30 minutes of discussion), and group work on PhD-papers and curricular texts. Keynote lecture titles: tba.


Participation: PhD-students from the TBLR member universities only are invited (Bergen, Stavanger, Agder, Trondheim, Troms¿). In addition, the course will be open to 2-3 PhD-students from the University of Oslo. Estimated number of PhD-candidates: 20.


Papers: The PhD-students are encouraged to submit papers (in English or Norwegian, max. length 15 pp), to be discussed in groups (30 minutes each). When submitting your paper (whether in English or in Norwegian), include an abstract in English of max. half a page.


Accommodation, meals, travel: The TBLR/Norwegian national researcher training schol will cover hotel accommodation and meals. Info on hotel tba. Travel costs must be covered by the course participants, who also handle their own travel arrangements and tickets.


Curriculum / Reading materials: Will be published on the website (tba). So will the submitted PhD-student papers. Papers will be removed from the webpage immediately after the course has been terminated. All materials should be read beforehand.


ECTS: Participation without a paper: 2 ECTS (ÔstudiepoengÕ); participation with a paper: 5 ECTS.


Organizer: Norwegian National Researcher Training School ÒText Image Sound Space (ÔTBLRÕ)Ó, Agder branch, Kristiansand.


Financial support: NFU-H, Centre Franco-NorvŽgien en Sciences Sociales et Humaines, and the TBLR member universities (UiB, NTNU, UiA, UiS, UiT).


Application deadline: December 1, 2011

Deadline for submitting papers: January 6, 2012


Please, submit application form and paper to: