Researcher Training School
Image Sound Space (TBLR) –
Interpretation, and the Exchange of Theories and Ideas
TBLR Bergen Branch – and TBLR
National and International levels
FALL 2012 – SPRING 2013
Site continuously being
Check back for latest.
Last revised: January 23rd 2013
Check back for other announcements
On Rancire: Programme, Abstracts, Curriculum,
PhD-Papers, Participants – see left margin below <--
Also see TBLRs national website at the University of
Bergen (same info) <--
from 2007 till today 2012,
locally, nationally, and
internationally – see the overviews bottom left <--
About TBLR and TBLR/Bergen,
scroll to bottom of the webpage. <--
Check out the programme at <--
Copenhagen Doctoral School in Cultural Studies, Literature
and the Arts
As No. 3 in the Nomadikon Lecture Series prof. Joanna Zylinska will present her lecture Taking Responsibility for Life: Bioethics and
Bioart at 10:15 on Friday 25
January 2013 at Seminar Room 548, Lauritz
Meltzers Hus, UiB (Fosswinckelsgate 6). Everybody from the TBLR are
cordially welcome. Lecture Abstract: Bioart, a genre of art in which artists use biomaterial such as live
tissue, blood, genes, bacteria or viruses as their canvas, opens up an
interesting set of possibilities. These possibilities are not just visual but
also material, and hence ontological: they concern the very nature of
existence in time, and of what we understand by seemingly self-evident
concepts such as duration, emergence, reproduction and being alive. In works
such as those by Tissue Culture & Art Project, Stelarc or Eduardo Kac
life is being re-created, pushed to the limit, remoulded, remediated, cut and
spliced back again. Bioartists can thus be said to take arts creative
imperative to a different level, echoing what the philosopher Henri Bergson
termed creative evolution—a form of lifes unfolding which does not
proceed in straight vertical lines according to a pre-designed formula. In
this way, bioartistic experiments not only undermine the metaphysical
understanding of life but also challenge the traditional humanist value-based
ethics, whereby this nebulous entity called human life is posited in
advance as a value, something to be protected at all cost. In posing this
challenge, bioartists do not just perform life differently but also enact a
different ethics
of life, taking responsibility for various life forms: humans, animals,
organs, cells, bacteria. The protection of lifes unfolding constitutes the
first condition of this ethics. Critical reflection on the emergence of these
different life forms, and on the relations between them, forms its core
injunction. Joanna
Zylinska is Professor of New Media and Communications at Goldsmiths,
University of London. Her most recent book is Life After New Media: Mediation as a Vital
Process (with Sarah Kember, MIT Press). – See Joanna
Zylinskas homepage. – Sea
also presentation at Nomadikons homepages. |
COURSE, BERGEN, Fall 2012: On Jacques Rancire 29th-30th Nov.,
2012 Venue: Seminar room 217 at HF-bygget (Sydnesplass 7) |
Announcing local TBLR/Bergen researcher-training course for
PhD-students in aesthetic disciplines at the University of Bergen and affiliated institutions Thursday 29th-Friday 30th November 2012. Enlistments to and (use both addresses), no later than 25. Oct. 2012. Topic focus: On Jacques Rancire – his
thoughts aesthetic-political relevance to literary, art historical, theatre,
visual culture and film studies, and his thoughts current actuality A two-days special-focus PhD-course combined with sessions with
presentations and discussions of pre-submitted PhD-student papers/thesis
chapters. Course description: Even
though Jacques
Rancire (b. 1940) has been active since he contributed to Reading Capital
in 1965 as part of the group of philosophers working with Louis Althusser, it
is only during the last decade that he has become a household name to the
English-speaking academic world. The last few years, in particular, has seen
a torrent of new translations of his works being published, coinciding with a
large number of scholars from a variety of different fields –
philosophy, art history, visual culture, theatre studies, comparative
literature, queer theory, and political science, just to name a few –
starting to incorporate his concepts into their own work. At the moment,
Rancires ideas seem to be everywhere. For
this reason and due to suggestions from our TBLR/B PhD-students, the TBLR/B
are happy to offer a seminar on Rancires work on aesthetics. To claim that
this is one of the areas where his work has been most keenly received is
somewhat of an understatement; what his attempt to show the fundamental
connection between the aesthetic and the political has amounted to, in the
words of philosopher Keith Ansell Pearson, is no less than a revitalization
of the term aesthetics. But how are we to understand this revitalization,
and what are its consequences? How should we go about gauging the strengths,
but also possible limitations of Rancires aesthetic philosophy? What sort
of questions can his work open up for? What can be gained by applying his
concepts to our own research, and what are potential pitfalls of doing so?
And does his present popularity mean that his ideas are somehow in danger of
being co-opted or emptied of meaning, and, if so, how can we counteract this
process? To
help us discuss such questions, two distinguished scholars, both of which
have published extensively on Rancire, have accepted our invitation to take
part in the two-day seminar course, alongside TBLR/Bs faculty staff and the
PhD-students themselves: Gabriel
Rockhill and Oliver Davis will give keynote lectures: Assist. Professor, PhD Gabriel Rockhill (Villanova University &
Collge International de Philosophie, Paris) is the translator and editor of
Rancires The
Politics of Aesthetics (2004), and has also co-edited the anthology Jacques
Rancire: History, Politics, Aesthetics (2009) with Philip Watts. -->
Gabriel Rockhills lecture
abstract. Dr Oliver Davis (The University of Warwick) is the
author of Jacques
Rancire (2010) and articles such as Rancire and Queer Theory: On
irritable attachment (2009) and The Radical Pedagogies of Franois Bon and
Jacques Rancire (2010). -->
Oliver Davis lecture abstract. Guest
lectures, free and open discussion of the lectures, questions, comments, and
references to the beforehand-read obligatory curriculum – in all of
which everybody is invited to join in – will take place as plenary
sessions during the topic-focus Rancire-day. Time permitting, group work
on allotted curricular texts may also apply, before the groups return with
their findings (orally) for a summing-up discusssion at the plenary session. Venue on both days: University
of Bergens HF-bygget
(street address: Sydnesplass 7); Seminar
room 217 as
plenary venue (one flight up); Seminar
rooms 326 and 401 as group-work venues (two and three flights up). Curriculum / Reading materials: Study materials are free of charge (except prospective books, that
need to be purchased or lent individually). All curricular materials should
be read beforehand, incl. the pre-submitted PhD-papers. For curricular
materials, click Curriculum in left margin. PhD-Papers: While you are welcome to take part both with and without a
pre-submitted paper, yet the PhD-students are encouraged to submit papers (in
English or Norwegian, max. length 15 pp, double spacing), to be discussed in
groups (30 minutes+ each). NB: For the PhD-student papers the topics are free
and need not necessarily be tied in with the courses overall topic focus on
Rancire. Papers at any level of completion are welcomed. If submitting your
paper in Norwegian, then please include an abstract of max. a page in
English. Links to enlisted and submitted papers will be organized on this
webiste, check below. Papers will be removed from the webpage immediately
after the course has been terminated. All materials should be read
beforehand. – Since papers will have been read beforehand, each
PhD-student participating with a paper first presents his/her work orally for
5-8 minutes (for example by contextualizing it); then the other PhD-students,
the TBLR/Bergens staff faculty, other supervisors who wold like to take
part, as well as the (circulating) keynote guests will join in, discussing
each paper in a constructively critical manner. In the case of many papers,
we will subdivide into groups; in the case of a number of papers that can be
handled within one group, we will go for plenary paper sessions. PhD-paper: Gunnerd PhD-paper: Vaage PhD-paper: Heermann PhD-paper: Jul-Larsen PhD-paper: Gullestad PhD-paper: Bale Amundsen Working language: Whenever there are non-Scandinavian speakers present at the various
sessions, working language at the PhD-course will be English. Whenever only
Scandinavian speakers are assembled, Norwegian/Scandinavian may apply. ECTS / Studiepoeng innenfor
opplringsdelen: Participation without a paper: 2 ECTS (studiepoeng); participation with a
paper: 5
ECTS. – Signed and authorized course diplomas will be bestowed upon
each PhD-student participant on completion of the 2-days course. Immediately
thereafter, a signed and authorized ECTS-report with all data relating to
your completed participation will be shipped to the researcher-training
administrative officer at the academic institution of your affiliation. Venue, accommodation, meals, travel,
etc.: Venue: University of Bergens HF-bygget (on both days:
217 as plenary venue; sem.rooms 326 and 401 as group-work
venues). Luncheon on both course days will be covered by the TBLR/Bergen.
Since this is primarily a local TBLR/B course, the bulk of participating
PhD-students are expected to reside in Bergen and will need no extra
accommodation. PhD-students who hold positions at other academic institutions
(such as the university colleges) yet are inscribed into the PhD-programme at
the University of Bergen and also have their supervisors there, may apply to
have accommodation costs 1 night covered. In the case of vacant course places
after the UiB-affiliated PhD-students enlistments, the TBLR/B will consider
opening the course also to other interested PhD-students representing one of
the other member institutions of TBLRs National level other than the UiB (i.e. NTNU,
UiTroms, UiStavanger, and UiAgder). For those who need to travel, each
participating PhD-student is him/herself responsible for the travel costs,
and for booking and purchasing tickets ample time in advance (this goes for
all travelling participants). With the exception of those mentioned above who
are eligible to apply beforehand to have 1 night accommodation covered due to
their affiliation with the UiB, room and board need also to be booked and
covered by those travelling to Bergen (except for the two free luncheons). Application deadline: Thursday 25th October 2012. Apply per e-mail, preferably at your
earliest convenience, to and (use both e-mail addresses when you
enlist). At the same time, briefly state your ongoing projects title, its
status, the title of your TBLR-paper, your discipline, your department
affiliation, and name/e-mail of your supervisor(s) – who are also welcome
to take part. – For new PhD-students: Please fill in the TBLR registration form so that we can include you in our mailing-list and enter you on
TBLRs list (see webpage section, below, right), and send it to Gullestad and
Stre. Deadline for submitting enlisted
papers: No later than Wednesday 14th November 2012, at 12:00, both to and Organizer: Norwegian National Researcher Training School Text Image Sound Space
(TBLR), Bergen Branch. – In the case of any questions, do not
hesitate to contact Gullestad and Stre. Financial support: UiB/Faculty of Humanities, and UiB/Dept. of Information Science and
Media Studies (SV). Welcome! Evaluations: tba,
after event. |
TBLR/National–Norwegian National
Researcher Training School, and TBLR/Bergen–local Bergen branch: PhD Researcher training courses. PhD-RESEARCHER-TRAINING COURSES FALL 2012 / SPRING 2013. See comprehensive list (below left, with links) of already held TBLR PhD-researcher training courses, both locally at UiB, nationally, and internationally. Click on each course link for course layouts as well as for curricular materials (still available). See list with links (below right) to member, membership, projects and supervisor info, to handbooks, and to TBLR Bergens and TBLR Nationals leadership. |
National: Announcing National TBLR-course in Munich, Jan. 2013 (See also direct link to the national courses main
wepage: here) Aesthetic
Concepts and Changing Forms National researcher-training
PhD-course Tutzing and Munich, Germany January 9th–12th
2013 This
interdisciplinary doctoral course addresses the concept of form and its
relevance in todays aesthetic criticism. Our point of departure is the
innovative aspects of contemporary artistic expression, from literature and
music to the fine arts. From this position the course aims to generate a
critical discussion of the form-related models of our aesthetic thought and
discourses. – The course is a combined scholarly topic-focused course
(with invited keynote guest lecturers, curricular reading materials,
discussions of lectures and curriculum), as well as a course leaving ample
time for discussion-sessions of presubmitted PhD-candidates papers. The
course is open to PhD-candidates from the Norwegian researcher-training
school Text,
Image, Sound, Space – TBLR (University of Bergen, University of
Stavanger, University of Agder, Norwegian University of Science and
Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, and University of Troms). Course description and organizaton: Comprehensive programme: Invited keynote guest lecturers,
alongside TBLR/Nationals staff. Brief academic Bios of: Annegret
Heitmann (LMU/BRD), Frederik Tygstrup (CU/DK), Robin van den Akker (Erasmus
Rotterdam/NL), Timotheus Vermeulen (Radboud Nijmegen/NL/BRD), and Birgit Mersmann
(Jacobs Bremen/BRD): Venues etc.: Evangelische
Akademie, Tutzing (am Starnberger See), and (for final course day)
transfer to Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitt, Munich. Travelling details are
given in Course Description. Meals and accommodation will be covered by the
TBLR. Each participating PhD-student is him/herself responsible for the
travel costs, and for booking and purchasing tickets ample time advance. Curriculum / Reading materials: All materials should
be read beforehand. Materials will be announced and published here. PhD-Papers: The PhD-students are
encouraged to submit papers (in English or Norwegian, max. length 15 pp,
double spacing), to be discussed in groups (30 minutes each). If submitting
your paper in Norwegian, then please include an abstract of max. a page in
English. Links to submitted papers will be organized, check here. Papers will be removed from the webpage
immediately after the course has been terminated. All materials should be
read beforehand. PhD-paper: XXXXX PhD-paper: XXXXX PhD-paper: XXXXX PhD-paper: XXXXX etc. List of participants (tba.) ECTS: Participation without a paper: 2 ECTS
(studiepoeng); participation with a paper: 5 ECTS. Application deadline: 1st
November 2012. Apply per e-mail, and use this application form: click here. Deadline for submitting papers: 1st
December 2012. Please, submit applications as
well as PhD-papers per e-mail to: Organizer: Norwegian National
Researcher Training School Text Image Sound Space (TBLR), main organizer
Agder branch, Agder University. Financial support: UiB, NTNU, UiT, UiA,
UiS; NFU-H; in coop. with Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitt, Munich. Welcome! Evaluations: tba, after event. |
Announcing Start-up Day for new PhD-candidates, in Bergen, 4th Oct. 2012 Enlistment at the latest by 17th Sept.
2012 Start-up Day for new PhD-candidates in Bergen Venue, time: Scandic Neptun, 4th
Oct. 2012, from 10.00–16.00 Enlistment to Kirsten Bang
(FOF): Description: Introductions will be given by
HFs Faculty Director, Pro-Dean for Research, HFs research consultants, who
will inform about the researcher-training trajectory with a focus on the
start-up period and the PhD-programmes educational part, og by SVT (Rasmus
Slaattelid) who will present the obligatory theory of scholarship/science-
component (VITHF900) within the programmes educational part. Ample time for
questions. Furthermore, the PhD-students poitical and social body
– the STIP-HF – will introduce themselves and their work. There will also be a panel forum addressing among other
things supervising and PhD-progression questions. On the panel will be two
PhD-students and two supervisors / researcher-training engaged faculty (Roger
Strand from SVT; and Lars Stre from LLE and from the Researcher-Training
School for Aesthetic Disciplines, the TBLR – Text Image Sound Space). Ample time for summing up and for questions. – In the
evening: (optional) dinner. Everybody interested within HF are welcome. The programme
has come about as a co-operation bwteen (primarily) the STIP-HF, FOF, HF and
the other participants. PhD-students from all disiplines and areas of study
are welcome. Comprehensive announcement: |
Announcing a Conference in Art Studies at the
University of Troms, Troms, 21.-23. Nov. 2012 Call for papers Enlistment to and, at the latest by 15. Oct. 2012. Smi Art: Perspectives on the Indigenous and the Contemporary Further practical details on
the programme and on the local venue will be available at enlistment. Description: 21.-23. November 2012 Art Studies
at the University of Troms will organize a conference related to the Smi
Art Research Project. Under the caption Smi Art: Perspectives on the
Indigenous and the Contemporary the conference will touch upon a
series of topics and challenges concerning methodology, theory,
historiography and aesthetics, all of which are also of central relevance to
scholars who do not primarily work with Smi art. Keynote speakers: James Elkins, Dylan Miner og Greg Hill. Participants are welcome both with and without a paper. See
attached Call for papers for
further information. Support: PhD-students
from elsewhere than Troms, primarily those who wish to contribute with their
own papers, may apply for some financial support regarding travel expenses
and accommodation. – Contact Monica Grini, PhD-student, Teorifagbygget,
Hus 4, University of Troms, 9037 Troms. – Tel: 77644567 / 93458925. Comprehensive anouncement: |
materials and curriculum always available):
See comprehensive list with links bottom left on the Norwegian-version TBLR-webpage.
TBLR/Nationally, Internationally and Locally
materials and curriculum always available):
See comprehensive list with links bottom left on the Norwegian version TBLR-webpage.
bottom of webpage - print out yourself:
--> Orientering og
--> Stipendiater og
prosjekter reg. hos TBLR pr dato
--> Stip. og prosj.
Infomedia pr dato
--> E-postadresser stipendiater pr
--> E-postadresser veiledere pr
--> BOK: Mieke Bal, Guidelines for Writing
--> LISTE: Hndbker
(Toril Moi)
Lars Stre (Allm. litt.vit., LLE – Leader)
Asbjrn Grnstad (Infomedia, film, litt., SV)
Randi Koppen (Engelsk, IF)
Christine Hamm (Nordisk, LLE)
Keld Hyldig (Teatervit., LLE)
Henning Laugerud (Kunsthist., LLE)
Laura Skinnebach (Bergen Museum, kunsthist.)
Univ. stip. Anders M. Gullestad (Univ. i Bergen - Sekretr)
Unni Langs (Univ. i Agder – Leader)
Lars Stre (Univ. i Bergen)
Prof. Knut Ove Eliassen (NTNU, Trondheim)
Gunnar Iversen (NTNU, Trondheim)
Marie-Theres Federhofer (Univ. i Troms)
Cato Wittusen (Univ. i Stavanger)
II (NTNU) Frederik Tygstrup (Kbenhavns Univ. and Copenhagen Doctoral School)
Univ. stip. Anders M. Gullestad (Univ. i Bergen - Sekretr)
The Norwegian researcher training school Text Image Sound Space
(TBLR) – Analysis, Interpretation, and the Exchange of Theories and
Ideas was founded in 2004 as a joint venture between the aesthetic disciplines
at UofBergen, NTNU/Trondheim, UofAgder/Kristiansand, and UofTroms. The
University of Stavanger became a member in 2010. At present, UofBergen has the
national leadership, as well as its own local branch. In Bergen, it is the
researcher-training school of choice for those PhD-candidates working on
aesthetics at the Faculty of Humanities and partly for those at Infomedia (at
the Faculty of Social Sciences). Unless they abstain, all of these are
automatically enrolled into and invited to take part in the TBLR.
Our work includes seminars about dissertation-writing and about
different scholarly research topics, foci and themes of high relevance to those
working within the fields of aesthetics. It is both a disciplinary and an
inter-aesthetic, inter-disciplinary aesthetic research school. Local master
classes are also held. The TBLR collaborates with several other international
researcher-training schools through a wide and active networking, such as the Copenhagen Doctoral School in Cultural Studies, Literature
and the Arts, Georg Brandes
Skolen, Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis (ASCA), and others.
The members of the TBLR have the opportunity of applying to participate at
courses arranged by these. Further information can be found on the home page of
the national branch of the TBLR, as well as on this webpage. Participation at
our seminars, locally as well as nationally and internationally, is free of
charge. This includes both course materials, food, and lodging, where
necessary. The candidates only have to pay for their own transportation and
PhD-students from the UofBergen, from the affiliated member
universities of the TBLR, as well as from other interested parties, please
contact Sectretary
or Director to
enroll in our seminars and courses or if you have any questions and/or
suggestions, for example regarding scholarly research topics relevant to you as
well as possible keynote-speakers. This is to ensure that we are always up to
date on the candidates and their projects, and that we have correct e-mail
addresses to them and to their supervisors. It will also better enable us to
plan ahead for coming courses, seminars and semesters, both locally and for the
national courses. NB: We also cordially invite and encourage the
Phd-candidates supervisors to take part at our arrangements, along with their
PhD-candidates as well as with the members of the scholarly staff and the
faculty leadership of the TBLR (appointed by the Faculty of Humanities in
Bergen and at the other member universities). These are selected from both
experienced and more recently assigned PhD-superviors locally and nationally,
as well as inter-aesthetically and discipline-wise. Only by meeting and
discussing with each other, PhD-students locally and nationally, and
PhD-supervisors locally and nationally, can we enrich and – in
collaboration, by learning from and teaching to each other – consolidate
and further raise the standards of PhD-disseration work as well as the
supervising that goes along with it in any area, field, discipline and
inter-disciplinary. Our working atmosphere is relatively informal, openminded
and friendly, it is one of mutual respect, safety and trust as well as one of
constructive and productive criticism and debate.
Please, also register with the TBLR actively yourself per e-mail
to, by returning the filled-out Registration Form that you find together with a
deeper orientation about the workings of the TBLR, HERE. There are also other sections that you
will find by clicking on the heading-links on this webpage, such as a list of
PhD-candidates, projects, names and e-mail adresses of PhD-candidates and their
supervisors, the list of the scholarly TBLR leadership both nationally and
locally in Bergen, as well as a list of Mieke Bals ecellent Guidelines
with just as excellent examples, and Toril Mois extensive suggestions as to
good handbooks.