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Working with 1-electron or Hydrogen-like ions    

Hydrogen Atom

Separation of variables: See below

Working with spectra  - extracted spectrum for hydrogen from the reference

      and extended it

You can use these images for the exercises
- it is fun and helps understanding

Here is our illustration of the selection rules - how the transitions or "jumps" are allowed

Helium system

Two-electron systems  -  coordinates and interactions

Here is the version from our notes

hamilton operator

In this part we started to look at electron-electron repulsion

Independent Electrons - Separation of variables - Two independent equations

separation of variables  - general

independent electrons - this is an approximation to 2-electron wavefunction
and we can start looking into the

contains a very nice illustration in the section
(which is actually taken from
Each of the images also contains documentation including a matlab code (click on the image
it brings you to e.g.

Next Time:

1. Evaluation of repulsion - in independent electron model
2. Electron spin - symmetry and antisymmetry

2011_08_25 previous lecture note                            2011.09.01 next lecture note