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PHYS261 23.08.2012 - About Quantum Mechanics

In the lecture we have looked at some basic techniques used in quantum-mechanical work in atomic physics.
We use the computer screen to write as on the blackboard, and the record of these writings are given here.

In addition to that, we shall add some notes, explaining roughly what we have talked about.

The first topic is about what is really the main departure from classical physics. First some few dates
and names, Planck, Einstein ....
Classical Physics = Newton Equations;      But Bohr, DeBroglie, Schrödinger.....
The trajectory x(t) (or in vector form) is studied in Cl. Mech., in Q.M. the wave function.
Trajectories based on everyday experience of motion of bodies, postulated by Galileo, Newton
Wave functions were based on observations and guesses, postulated by DeBroglie, Schrödinger.
We try to sketch why and how
Differential equation in time from Newton; Mentioned Lagrange Equations; Hamiltonian=total energy;
Calculus of variations (we shall meet later); waves - real part of complex solutions
Waves in Q.M. - we need the COMPLEX values, not only real parts

In QM, physical variables get their OPERATORS. In this part we illustrate how this was "guessed" and
later postulated. Originally, operators had "a hat" - as distinct notation. Later the hats have been dropped,
mainly because of printing costs. We talked a bit about wavelengths and wavenumbers.
Schrödinger equation for the atom - Coulomb force and Coulomb potential

Here: Only some total energies can give the Schrödinger equation a "wave" solution.
Thes "waves" must be space limited, as also discussed in the next slide.

Schrödinger equation also contains attached BOUNDARY CONDITIONS
(for whole space with boundaries in infinities, this results in condition of "finite everywhere"
But first we looked at this board at the math of gradient, x,y,z components etc.

Numerical solution for MODEL 1-dim problems. Model: make the Coulomb a regular function,
remove the singularity at r=0.

When starting numerical solutions, at x=0, they will "blow up", become soon infinite
(work with Schrödinger Toy - we shall come back to it. Here are two links:   this is an older browser only - but not Internet Explorer -
with some explanations - recommended to try at this stage   - new version - which works on iPad,
iPhone, Android devices, touch, needs probably demonstration )
Probability density interpretation of the wavefunction (Max Born 1927, the story - footnote giving Nobel Prize)
Here we also mentioned one feature:
Calculation of averages - over time and over space, "scanning" the density of the trajectory visits.
Also this we should come back to later.

More about probability and statistics. Classical physics - Statistical Mechanics, Physical Kinetics, basis
of thermal physics in modern formulations of thermodynamics
Continuity equation, Probability density current in quantum mechanics
This is important in transport, scattering -> PHYS264 in the spring

One of the major features of quantum studies are the EXPECTATION VALUES of operators.
In our applications we shall often calculate the expectation values.
Here we illustrated how they are related to probability densities (below) - and again - the classical ideas.
But first, we mentioned some Math: Linear Algebra, Vector spaces, Vector Spaces of functions

And at the end - Matrix formulations;
Operators - Matrices; Wavefunctions -> vector of components on a BASIS
This is just first mention; THIS WILL BE THE MAIN TECHNICAL TOOL in our work - and we shall discuss it generally once more.

(work with Schrödinger Toy - we shall come back to it. Here are two links:   this is an older browser only - but not Internet Explorer -
with some explanations - recommended to try at this stage   - new version - which works on iPad,
iPhone, Android devices, touch, needs probably demonstration )
If you are interested, here are more links:  and

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