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Atomic units and Hydrogenic Atoms

Hydrogen energy levels diagram - drawn for l-values separately. A proper scan from a textbook
can be found in our older notes on this page in ../spectra/
Selection rules. Originate from transition probabilities proportional to < final | d | initial >, and the fact that these
integrals are (most often) zero unless the "rule" is satisfied ( d-dipole, vector, L=1; from it delta L must be one )
Here we discussed the relation of energy level diagram to the "line spectrum", as function of wavelengths

Conservation of angular momentum in classical physics - from one of our texts
RELATED:   KEPLER PROBLEM - toy   (program running in browser)
In the following picture we commented a version of hydrogen level diagram from
especially the various representations of the transition radiation - wavelengths, energy, wavenumber
For discussion of these representations - see older link Wavelengths - relations
Atomic units - Constants - atomic units

Atomic units - Constants - atomic units  - the following is a capture to PNG from the PDF in the link

Atomic units - Constants - atomic units  - the following is a capture to PNG from the PDF in the link

We also discussed shortly the so called Gaussian units, or rather the question of "permittivity of vacuum".
In both parts of these lecture we use the view that "permittivity of vacuum" has no physical reality and is
simply connected to a somewhat unfortunate historical developement. For practical purposes we naturally
use the SI units, as they are defined by physical phenomena. See also ../2004.09.08/
in particular
../2004.09.08/table2.jpg and

There is a useful file from 2006 - "online record" of a lecture by one of the students
the PDF file from there is  2006.08.29.pdf

What we have touched (or should touch) in these 2 lectures:

Hydrogen - like atoms

-  CENTRAL POTENTIAL   ->  Angular momentum conservation
- Classical   -  Quantum Theory Angular momentum  ---  Y_LM  
             Spherical harmonics

Separation of variables -  classical, r, theta, phi

Separation of variables - Conservation of (all components ) of angular momentum vector

Separation of variables - Conservation of LENGTH of angular momentum vector, or L-squared

Radial waves general, hydrogen radial eigenfunctions

Quantum results - Quantum numbers    n, l, m  Spectra, Energy level diagrams

Atomic Units; Virial Theorem  (wikipedia);

Johnson's book - Lectures on Atomic Physics

History of Atoms - Atomic models (Christmas pudding with raisins)
Rutherford; Bohr

Schrödinger equation; Wolfgang Pauli

Hydrogen Atom

Atomic Units; Virial Theorem  (wikipedia);

Rydberg Atom


Electromagnetism - Relations, Units

Physics formulas are stories in miniature
(so is most of math)

Closed trajectories, ONLY Kepler and HO,

(statistics of the trajectories - QM )   (Circular flat potential well - all closed trajectories ???? NO !!! )

Physics and Computers (world wide web is a child of physics)

Fun: Victoria Hart on YouTube (math art)

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